CIP 53. - 高中/中学文凭和证书课程 High school/secondary diploma and certificate programs

53. - 高中/中学文凭和证书课程 High school/secondary diploma and certificate programs

该系列包括定义高中/中学毕业规定要求的教学计划。它还包括学院/大学预科课程。 This series comprises instructional programs that define the prescribed requirements for high school/secondary school graduation. It also includes college/university preparatory programs.

53.01 - 高中/中学文凭课程 High school/secondary diploma programs

该子系列包括教学程序类 53.0101 至 53.0199。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 53.0101 to 53.0199.

53.0101 - 普通/普通高中/中学文凭课程 Regular/general high school/secondary diploma programs

该教学计划类别包括定义规定的最低要求的任何计划,由适当的司法管辖区指定,以完成和毕业代表 12 学年学龄学生的无差异普通中学计划。 This instructional program class comprises any program that defines the prescribed minimum requirements, specified by the appropriate jurisdiction, for completion of and graduation from an undifferentiated regular secondary school program representing 12 academic years of schooling intended for school-age students.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 普通高中文凭 general high school diploma

  • 普通中学文凭 general secondary school diploma

  • 高中毕业文凭 high school diploma

  • 普通高中文凭 regular high school diploma

  • 普通中学文凭 regular secondary school diploma

  • 中学文凭 secondary school diploma

53.0102 - 学院/大学预科课程 College/university preparatory programs

该教学计划类包括任何定义规定要求的计划,由适当的司法管辖区规定,学术主题旨在满足典型的学院和大学入学要求。这些课程可以在不同的教育水平上教授。它还包括不会获得文凭或证书的学院/大学预科课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that defines the prescribed requirements, specified by the appropriate jurisdiction, for academic subject matter designed to meet typical college and university entrance requirements. These programs can be taught at various educational levels. It also includes college/university preparatory programs that do not lead to a diploma or certificate.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 大学预备课程 college preparatory program

  • 大学预科课程 university preparatory program

53.0103 - 职业高中和中学商业/职业工业/职业文凭课程 Vocational high school and secondary business/vocational-industrial/occupational diploma programs

该教学计划类包括任何定义规定要求的计划,由适当的司法管辖区规定,职业计划中的高中/中学毕业 - 连同其他所需的主题,并为个人准备特定职业或直接进入劳动力市场. This instructional program class comprises any program that defines the prescribed requirements, specified by the appropriate jurisdiction, for high school/secondary school graduation in a vocational program - together with other required subject matter, and that prepares individuals for specific occupations or direct labour market entry.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 高中商业文凭 high school business diploma

  • 高中工业文凭 high school industrial diploma

  • 高中职业文凭 high school occupational diploma

  • 中学商业文凭 secondary school business diploma

  • 中学工业文凭 secondary school industrial diploma

  • 中学职业文凭 secondary school occupational diploma

  • 职业高中毕业证 vocational high school diploma

  • 职业中专文凭 vocational secondary school diploma

53.0104 - 荣誉/摄政高中/中学文凭课程 Honours/regents high school/secondary diploma programs

该教学计划类别包括定义规定要求的任何计划,由适当的司法管辖区规定,以达到规定的杰出学业成绩水平的学术或职业计划的高中/中学毕业,或通过满足超出最低要求的特殊要求。 This instructional program class comprises any program that defines the prescribed requirements, specified by the appropriate jurisdiction, for high school/secondary school graduation in an academic or vocational program at a prescribed level of outstanding scholastic performance, or via meeting special requirements beyond the minimum.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 荣誉高中文凭 honours high school diploma

  • 荣誉中学文凭 honours secondary school diploma

  • 国际文凭 (IB) international baccalaureate (IB)

  • 摄政高中文凭 regents high school diploma

  • 摄政中学文凭 regents secondary school diploma

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 国际文凭教学(13.1212) International Baccalaureate teaching(13.1212)

53.0105 - 成人高中/中学文凭课程 Adult high school/secondary diploma programs

该教学计划类别包括任何规定规定要求的计划,由适当的司法管辖区规定,以完成和毕业为普通中学计划以外的成人学习者提供的学术主题的中学计划。这不包括导致完成高中同等证书或文凭的成人补偿教育计划。 This instructional program class comprises any program that defines the prescribed requirements, specified by the appropriate jurisdiction, for the completion of and graduation from a secondary school program of academic subject matter offered for adult learners outside of the regular secondary school program. This does not include adult compensatory education programs resulting in completion of a high school equivalency certificate or diploma.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 成人高中文凭 adult high school diploma

  • 成人中学文凭 adult secondary school diploma

53.0199 - 高中/中学文凭课程,其他 High school/secondary diploma programs, other

该教学课程类别包括上面未列出的与高中/中学文凭课程相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to High school/secondary diploma programs.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 其他高中/中学文凭课程 other high school/secondary diploma programs

53.02 - 高中/中学证书课程 High school/secondary certificate programs

该子系列包括教学程序类 53.0201 至 53.0299。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 53.0201 to 53.0299.

53.0201 - 高中同等学历/GED 证书课程 High school equivalency/GED certificate programs

该教学计划类别包括任何计划,这些计划定义了满足适当管辖区指定的最低高中/中学完成要求的要求,适用于未完成中学的成人学习者。包括参加指定的学习课程并在普通教育发展考试 (GED) 或省级考试中取得规定的及格分数。这些证书代表法律认可的等同于中学毕业。 This instructional program class comprises any program that defines the requirements for meeting the minimum high school/secondary completion requirements, specified by the appropriate jurisdiction, for adult learners who did not complete secondary school. Includes undertaking a specified program of studies and obtaining a prescribed passing score on the General Educational Development test (GED) or provincial examinations. These certificates represent the legally recognized equivalent of secondary school graduation.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 成人基础教育(相当于高中) adult basic education (high school equivalency)

  • GED证书 GED certificate

  • GED文凭 GED diploma

  • 普通教育发展测试 (GED) General Educational Development test (GED)

  • 一般同等文凭 general equivalency diploma

  • 高中同等学历 high school equivalency

  • 高中同等学历证书 high school equivalency certificate

  • 高中 GED 测试 high school GED test

  • 中学同等学历 secondary school equivalency

  • 中学 GED 测试 secondary school GED test

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 成人基础教育(高中同等学历除外)(不计学分)(32.0101) adult basic education (except high school equivalency) (not for credit)(32.0101)

  • GED 考试准备(不计学分)(32.0202) GED exam preparation (not for credit)(32.0202)

53.0202 - 高中能力证书课程 High school certificate of competence programs

此教学课程类别包括定义满足各种中学学习特定性能标准的内容要求的任何课程,这些课程并不代表相应司法管辖区规定的中学毕业。包括通过强制性学术成就测试和完成其他特定学科能力要求等要求。这些奖励可以授予部分完成中学或在某些科目上达到指定的高度集中和/或表现,并且可以单独授予或与高中/中学文凭一起授予。 This instructional program class comprises any program that defines the content requirements for meeting specified performance standards in various secondary school studies that does not represent completion of and graduation from secondary school, as prescribed by the appropriate jurisdiction. Includes such requirements as passing a mandated academic achievement test and completing other specified requirements for subject-matter competence. These awards may be given for partial completion of secondary school or for achieving a specified high level of concentration and/or performance in certain subjects, and may be awarded independently or in conjunction with a high school/secondary diploma.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 高中能力证书 high school certificate of competence

53.0203 - IEP 完成课程证书 Certificate of IEP completion programs

该教学计划类别包括定义满足特定目标要求的任何计划,这些目标与由当地学校系统在适当管辖权下建立的个人教育计划有关。这些课程包括具体内容因学生而异的课程,可能等于也可能不等于普通高中/中学课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that defines the requirements for meeting specified goals pertaining to an Individual Educational Program established by a local school system under the authority of the appropriate jurisdiction. These programs include courses for which the specific content varies by student and may or may not equal a regular high school/secondary school program.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 高中 IEP 证书 high school IEP certificate

  • 高中个别教育课程证书 high school individual educational program certificate

  • 中学 IEP 证书 secondary school IEP certificate

  • 中学个别教育课程证书 secondary school individual educational program certificate

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 个性化研究(24.0101) individualized studies(24.0101)

53.0299 - 高中/中学证书课程,其他 High school/secondary certificate programs, other

此教学课程类别包括上面未列出的与高中/中学证书课程相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to High school/secondary certificate programs.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 其他高中/中学证书课程 other high school/secondary certificate programs