22.-法律专业和研究 Legal professions and studies
该系列包括指导个人为法律职业、相关支持职业和专业法律研究做准备的教学计划,并侧重于非专业计划中法律问题的研究。 This series comprises instructional programs that prepare individuals for the legal profession, for related support professions and professional legal research, and focus on the study of legal issues in non-professional programs.
22.00 - 非专业法律研究 Non-professional legal studies
该子系列包括教学课程类别 22.0000 至 22.0099。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 22.0000 to 22.0099.
22.0000 - 法律研究 Legal studies
该教学课程包括任何从社会科学和人文学科的角度关注法律和法律问题的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on law and legal issues from the perspective of the social sciences and humanities.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
法学硕士 (JM) Juris Master (JM)
法律研究 legal studies
法律研究,文学学士 legal studies, Bachelor of Arts
法律研究,证书 legal studies, certificate
法律研究,大专文凭 legal studies, college diploma
法律研究,文学硕士 legal studies, Master of Arts
法律研究硕士 Master of Legal Studies
排除项 Exclusion(s)
律师(22.0101) lawyer(22.0101)
22.0001 - 预法律研究 Pre-law studies
该教学计划课程包括任何为个人在学士后水平的法律专业学习做准备的计划。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals for the professional study of law at the post-baccalaureate level.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
预法 prelaw
预科课程 prelaw program
预科研究 prelaw studies
22.0099 - 非专业法律研究,其他 Non-professional legal studies, other
此教学课程类别包括以上未列出的与非专业法律研究相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Non-professional legal studies.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
其他非专业法律研究 other non-professional legal studies
22.01 - 法律(LLB、JD、BCL) Law (LLB, JD, BCL)
该子系列包括教学程序类 22.0101。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 22.0101.
22.0101 - 法律(LLB、JD、BCL) Law (LLB, JD, BCL)
该教学课程包括任何为个人独立从事普通法或民法专业实践、成为魁北克公证人、参加律师资格考试和高级法学研究做准备的课程。这些课程包括法律体系的理论和实践课程,包括民法和刑法的法定、行政和司法组成部分。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of common or civil law, for becoming a Quebec notary, for taking bar examinations, and for advanced research in jurisprudence. These programs include courses in the theory and practice of the legal system, including the statutory, administrative, and judicial components of civil and criminal law.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
法学学士 (LLB) Bachelor of Law (LLB)
酒吧入学课程 bar admission course
民法(研究生水平除外) civil law (except graduate level)
普通法(研究生水平除外) common law (except graduate level)
刑法(研究生水平除外) criminal law (except graduate level)
法学博士 (JD) Juris Doctor (JD)
法律(研究生水平除外) law (except graduate level)
法律 (LLB) law (LLB)
律师 lawyer
公证人(魁北克)”) notary (Quebec)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
商业法(研究生水平)(22.0205) business law (graduate level)(22.0205)
教会法(39.0802) canon law(39.0802)
环境法(研究生水平)(22.0207) environmental law (graduate level)(22.0207)
信息技术法(研究生水平)(22.0212) information and technology law (graduate level)(22.0212)
国际商法(研究生水平)(22.0210) international business law (graduate level)(22.0210)
国际法(研究生水平)(22.0209) international law (graduate level)(22.0209)
国际公共政策(44.0504) international public policy(44.0504)
法律助理 (22.0302) law clerk(22.0302)
法律研究(22.0000) legal studies(22.0000)
公证人(22.9999) notary public(22.9999)
塔木德法 (38.0207) Talmudic law(38.0207)
22.02 - 法律研究和高级专业研究(法学学士/法学博士后) Legal research and advanced professional studies (post-LLB/JD)
该子系列包括教学课程类别 22.0201 至 22.0299。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 22.0201 to 22.0299.
22.0201 - 高级法律研究/研究,一般(LLM、MCL、MLI、MSL、LLD、JSD/SJD) Advanced legal research/studies, general (LLM, MCL, MLI, MSL, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括一个或多个法律研究或高级实践领域中的任何综合或未区分的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any integrated or undifferentiated program in one or more of the legal research or advanced practice fields.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
高级法律研究,一般(研究生水平) advanced legal studies, general (graduate level)
法学博士 Doctor of Juridical Science
法学博士 Doctor of Law
法学博士 (LLD) Doctor of Laws (LLD)
法学博士 Doctor of the Science of Laws
豆科医师 (LLD) Legum Doctor (LLD)
豆科大师 (LLM) Legum Magister (LLM)
法学硕士 Master of Law
法学硕士 (LLM) Master of Laws (LLM)
Scientiae Juridicae Doctor (JSD/SJD)“) Scientiae Juridicae Doctor (JSD/SJD)”)
22.0202 - 外国律师项目(LLM、MCL) Programs for foreign lawyers (LLM, MCL)
该教学课程包括任何让在加拿大和美国境外接受教育的律师了解加拿大或美国法律和判例的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares lawyers educated outside Canada and the United States to understand Canadian or U.S. law and jurisprudence.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
外国律师实习计划(研究生水平) foreign lawyer trainee program (graduate level)
外国律师课程(研究生水平)“) programs for foreign lawyers (graduate level)”)
22.0203 - 美国/美国法律/法律研究/法理学(LLM、MCJ、LLD、JSD/SJD) American/US law/legal studies/jurisprudence (LLM, MCJ, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对美国法律体系、宪法和法理学的任何高级专业研究。这些课程包括法律史、法律社会学、法哲学、宪法、法律程序和相关主题的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the U.S. legal system, Constitution law, and jurisprudence. These programs include courses in legal history, legal sociology, philosophy of law, Constitutional law, legal procedure, and related topics.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
美国司法研究(研究生水平) American justice studies (graduate level)
美国法律和判例研究(研究生水平) American law and jurisprudence studies (graduate level)
美国法律(研究生水平)“) US law (graduate level)”)
22.0204 - 加拿大法律/法律研究/法理学(LLM、MCJ、LLD、JSD/SJD) Canadian law/legal studies/jurisprudence (LLM, MCJ, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对加拿大法律制度、宪法和法理学的任何高级专业研究。这些课程包括法律史、法律社会学、法哲学、宪法、联邦法律、法律程序和相关主题的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the Canadian legal system, Constitution law, and jurisprudence. These programs include courses in legal history, legal sociology, philosophy of law, Constitutional law, Commonwealth law, legal procedure, and related topics.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
加拿大法理学(研究生水平) Canadian jurisprudence (graduate level)
加拿大法律(研究生水平) Canadian law (graduate level)
加拿大法律研究(研究生水平) Canadian legal studies (graduate level)
宪法(研究生水平)”) constitutional law (graduate level)")
22.0205 - 银行、公司、金融和证券法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Banking, corporate, finance and securities law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对与企业和金融服务行业监管相关的法律和流程的任何高级专业研究。这些课程包括公司法、反垄断法、证券法律法规、谈判、公司注册、合伙企业、信托和相关主题的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law and process related to the regulation of businesses and the financial services industry. These programs include courses in corporate law, antitrust law, securities laws and regulations, negotiation, incorporation, partnerships, trusts, and related topics.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
银行法(研究生水平) banking law (graduate level)
商法(研究生水平) business law (graduate level)
商业法(研究生水平) commerce law (graduate level)
商法(研究生水平) commercial law (graduate level)
公司法(研究生水平) corporate law (graduate level)
公司法(研究生水平) corporation law (graduate level)
金融法(研究生水平) financial law (graduate level)
监管法(研究生水平) regulatory law (graduate level)
证券法(研究生水平)”) securities law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
商法(研究生水平除外)(22.0101) business law (except graduate level)(22.0101)
财务(52.0801) finances(52.0801)
国际商法(研究生水平)(22.0210) international business law (graduate level)(22.0210)
投资和证券(52.0807) investments and securities(52.0807)
房地产(52.1501) real estate(52.1501)
监管事务(51.0720) regulatory affairs(51.0720)
22.0206 - 比较法(LLM、MCL、LLD、JSD/SJD) Comparative law (LLM, MCL, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括从比较角度对法律体系和哲学进行的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of legal systems and philosophies in comparative perspective.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
比较法(研究生水平)“) comparative law (graduate level)”)
22.0207 - 能源、环境和自然资源法(LLM、MS、MSc、LLD、JSD/SJD) Energy, environment and natural resources law (LLM, MS, MSc, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对能源行业、环境保护、自然资源和土地利用以及相关主题的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations governing the energy industry, environmental protection, natural resources and land use, and related topics.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
能源法(研究生水平) energy law (graduate level)
环境法(研究生水平) environmental law (graduate level)
自然资源法(研究生水平)”) natural resources law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
环境法(研究生水平除外)(22.0101) environmental law (except graduate level)(22.0101)
自然资源执法(03.0208) natural resources law enforcement(03.0208)
22.0208 - 卫生法(LLM、MJ、LLD、JSD/SJD) Health law (LLM, MJ, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响医疗保健行业、卫生专业、医疗服务和保险行业以及患者的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies and regulations affecting the health care industry, health professions, health services and insurance industries, and patients.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
卫生法(研究生水平) health law (graduate level)
医疗合规法(研究生水平)”) healthcare compliance law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
合规法(研究生水平)(22.0216) compliance law (graduate level)(22.0216)
医疗保健管理 (51.0701) health care administration(51.0701)
医院管理(51.0702) hospital administration(51.0702)
22.0209 - 国际法和法律研究(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) International law and legal studies (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响国家间关系的法律、国际组织的行为以及私人公民和组织的国际活动的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law affecting relations between nations, the behaviour of international organizations, and the international activities of private citizens and organizations.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
国际人权法(研究生水平) international human rights law (graduate level)
国际法(研究生水平) international law (graduate level)
国际法律研究(研究生水平)”) international legal studies (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
国际业务(52.1101) international business(52.1101)
国际商法(研究生水平)(22.0210) international business law (graduate level)(22.0210)
国际法(研究生水平除外)(22.0101) international law (except graduate level)(22.0101)
国际公共政策(44.0504) international public policy(44.0504)
国际关系(45.0901) international relations(45.0901)
22.0210 - 国际商业、贸易和税法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) International business, trade and tax law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对管辖跨国商业和商业惯例的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究,包括与国际金融交易相关的专门税法。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations governing transnational business and commercial practices, including the specialized tax law related to international financial transactions.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
国际商法(研究生水平) international business law (graduate level)
国际税法(研究生水平) international tax law (graduate level)
国际贸易法(研究生水平)“) international trade law (graduate level)”)
排除项 Exclusion(s)
商业法(研究生水平)(22.0205) commerce law (graduate level)(22.0205)
国际业务(52.1101) international business(52.1101)
国际法(研究生水平除外)(22.0101) international law (except graduate level)(22.0101)
国际法(研究生水平)(22.0209) international law (graduate level)(22.0209)
国际公共政策(44.0504) international public policy(44.0504)
税法(研究生水平)(22.0211) tax law (graduate level)(22.0211)
22.0211 - 税法/税收(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Tax law/taxation (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括加拿大或美国司法管辖区影响个人和公司的税法和税收程序的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of tax law and taxation procedures in Canadian or U.S. jurisdictions affecting individuals and corporations.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
税法(研究生水平)”) tax law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
商业法(研究生水平)(22.0205) business law (graduate level)(22.0205)
国际税法(研究生水平)(22.0210) international tax law (graduate level)(22.0210)
税法(研究生水平除外)(22.0101) tax law (except graduate level)(22.0101)
税收(52.1601) taxation(52.1601)
22.0212 - 知识产权法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Intellectual property law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括与版权、专利、商标、商业秘密和相关问题相关的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。这些课程包括专利法、版权法、商标法、知识产权许可和诉讼以及艺术和娱乐法、通信法、信息技术法、体育法以及化学和生物技术专利法等应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations related to copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and related issues. These programs include courses in patent law, copyright law, trademark law, intellectual property licensing and litigation, and applications such as art and entertainment law, communications law, information technology law, sports law, and chemical and biotech patent law.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
信息技术法(研究生水平) information and technology law (graduate level)
创新法(研究生水平) innovation law (graduate level)
知识产权法(研究生水平) intellectual property law (graduate level)
技术法(研究生水平)”) technology law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
电影法(研究生水平)(22.0215) film law (graduate level)(22.0215)
信息和技术法(研究生水平除外)(22.0101) information and technology law (except graduate level)(22.0101)
专利法(研究生水平)(22.0213) patent law (graduate level)(22.0213)
22.0213 - 专利法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Patent law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响专利的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting patents.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
专利法(研究生水平) patent law (graduate level)
专利申请(研究生水平)”) patent prosecution (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
知识产权法(研究生)(22.0212) intellectual property law (graduate level)(22.0212)
专利代理人(22.9999) patent agent(22.9999)
22.0214 - 农业法(JM/MJ、LLM、MA、ML、MSL/MLS、LLD、JSD/SJD、博士) Agriculture law (JM/MJ, LLM, MA, ML, MSL/MLS, LLD, JSD/SJD, PhD)
该教学课程包括食品和农业领域的律师和非法律专业人士对法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations for lawyers and non-legal professionals in food and agriculture.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
农业和食品法(研究生水平) agricultural and food law (graduate level)
农业法(研究生水平) agricultural law (graduate level)
农业和食品法(研究生水平) agriculture and food law (graduate level)
农业法(研究生水平) agriculture law (graduate level)
全球食品法(研究生水平) global food law (graduate level)
国际食品法(研究生水平)”) international food law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
食品药品法(研究生)(22.0299) food and drug law (graduate level)(22.0299)
22.0215 - 艺术和娱乐法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Arts and entertainment law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响体育、时尚、娱乐、艺术和媒体行业的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting the sports, fashion, entertainment, arts, and media industries.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
艺术与娱乐法(研究生水平) arts and entertainment law (graduate level)
娱乐法(研究生水平) entertainment law (graduate level)
时尚法(研究生水平) fashion law (graduate level)
电影法(研究生水平) film law (graduate level)
博彩法律法规(研究生水平) gaming law and regulation (graduate level)
体育法(研究生水平)”) sports law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
知识产权法(研究生)(22.0212) intellectual property law (graduate level)(22.0212)
22.0216 - 合规法(JM/MJ、LLM、ML、MSL/MLS、LLD、JSD/SJD、博士) Compliance law (JM/MJ, LLM, ML, MSL/MLS, LLD, JSD/SJD, PhD)
该教学课程包括法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究,适用于合规、道德、内部监督、监管事务和相关领域的律师和非法律专业人士。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations for lawyers and non-legal professionals in compliance, ethics, internal monitoring, regulatory affairs, and related areas.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
合规法(研究生水平) compliance law (graduate level)
公司合规法(研究生水平) corporate compliance law (graduate level)
企业风险管理与合规法(研究生水平)”) enterprise risk management and compliance law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
医疗合规法(研究生水平)(22.0208) healthcare compliance law (graduate level)(22.0208)
薪资合规从业者(52.1099) payroll compliance practitioner(52.1099)
22.0217 - 刑法和程序(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Criminal law and procedure (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响刑法和审判程序的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting criminal law and trial procedures.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
美国刑法(研究生水平) American criminal law (graduate level)
加拿大刑法(研究生水平) Canadian criminal law (graduate level)
刑法(研究生水平) criminal law (graduate level)
刑法与程序(研究生水平) criminal law and procedure (graduate level)
美国刑法(研究生水平)“) US criminal law (graduate level)”)
排除项 Exclusion(s)
刑法(研究生水平除外)(22.0101) criminal law (except graduate level)(22.0101)
22.0218 - 创业法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Entrepreneurship law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响创业和创新的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting entrepreneurship and innovation.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
创业法(研究生水平)”) entrepreneurship law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
商业法(研究生水平)(22.0205) business law (graduate level)(22.0205)
22.0219 - 家庭/儿童/长者法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Family/child/elder law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响整个生命周期家庭关系的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting domestic relations across the lifespan.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
儿童法(研究生水平) child law (graduate level)
老年法(研究生水平) elder law (graduate level)
家庭法(研究生水平)”) family law (graduate level)")
22.0220 - 人力资源法/劳动和雇佣法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Human resources law/labour and employment law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响人力资源的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting human resources.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
员工福利法(研究生水平) employee benefits law (graduate level)
人力资源法(研究生水平) human resources law (graduate level)
劳动就业法(研究生水平) labour and employment law (graduate level)
劳动法(研究生水平)“) labour law (graduate level)”)
22.0221 - 保险法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Insurance law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响保险的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting insurance.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
保险法(研究生水平)“) insurance law (graduate level)”)
22.0222 - 房地产和土地开发法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Real estate and land development law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响房地产和土地开发的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting real estate and land development.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
土地开发法(研究生水平) land development law (graduate level)
房地产和土地开发法(研究生水平) real estate and land development law (graduate level)
房地产和财产法(研究生水平) real estate and property law (graduate level)
房地产法(研究生水平)”) real estate law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
产权转让(22.0399) conveyancing(22.0399)
物权法(研究生水平)(22.0299) property law (graduate level)(22.0299)
房地产(52.1501) real estate(52.1501)
房地产开发(04.1001) real estate development(04.1001)
22.0223 - 运输法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Transportation law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
该教学课程包括对影响陆地、海洋、空中和太空运输的法律、政策和法规的任何高级专业研究。 This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting land, sea, air, and space transportation.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
海事法(研究生水平) Admiralty law (graduate level)
航空法(研究生水平) aviation law (graduate level)
物流运输法(研究生水平) logistics and transportation law (graduate level)
海事法(研究生水平) marine affairs law (graduate level)
海事法(研究生水平) maritime law (graduate level)
海洋和海岸法(研究生水平) ocean and coastal law (graduate level)
空间运输法(研究生水平) space transportation law (graduate level)
运输法(研究生水平)”) transportation law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
报关行(52.0209) customs broker(52.0209)
海事执法(43.0122) maritime law enforcement(43.0122)
空间法(研究生水平)(22.0299) space law (graduate level)(22.0299)
22.0224 - 部落/土著法(LLM、LLD、JSD/SJD) Tribal/Indigenous law (LLM, LLD, JSD/SJD)
This instructional program class comprises any advanced, professional study of the law, policies, and regulations affecting US federal Indian law or federal Canadian Aboriginal Law, US tribal law and policy or Canadian Indigenous Law and policy, and Indigenous peoples’ human rights.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
原住民祖先权利 Aboriginal ancestral rights
原住民土地权 Aboriginal land rights
原住民称号 Aboriginal title
原住民条约权利 Aboriginal treaty rights
加拿大土著法(研究生水平) Canadian Indigenous Law (graduate level)
加拿大部落法(研究生水平) Canadian Tribal Law (graduate level)
土著狩猎和捕鱼权 Indigenous hunting and fishing rights
Indigenous law (graduate level) -
原住民权利 Indigenous peoples rights
部落法(研究生水平)”) tribal law (graduate level)")
22.0299 - 法律研究和高级专业研究,其他(法学学士/法学博士后) Legal research and advanced professional studies, other (post-LLB/JD)
该教学课程包括上面未列出的任何与法律研究和高级专业研究(法学学士/法学博士后)相关的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Legal research and advanced professional studies (post-LLB/JD).
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
民法(研究生水平) civil law (graduate level)
普通法(研究生水平) common law (graduate level)
食品药品法(研究生水平) food and drug law (graduate level)
立法起草(研究生水平) legislative drafting (graduate level)
市政法(研究生水平) municipal law (graduate level)
公证法(研究生水平) notarial law (graduate level)
其他法律研究和高级专业研究 other legal research and advanced professional studies
物权法(研究生水平) property law (graduate level)
空间和电信法(研究生水平) space and telecommunications law (graduate level)
空间法(研究生水平)”) space law (graduate level)")
排除项 Exclusion(s)
公证人(魁北克)(22.0101) notary (Quebec)(22.0101)
22.03 - 法律支持服务 Legal support services
该子系列包括教学课程类别 22.0301 至 22.0399。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 22.0301 to 22.0399.
22.0301 - 法律行政助理/秘书 Legal administrative assistant/secretary
该教学课程包括任何培养个人担任法律办公室经理、特别助理和法律秘书的课程。这些课程包括办公室管理、秘书科学、美国或加拿大法律原则、法律术语和文件、法律研究、合法软件应用、律师事务所程序、记录保存、计费、适用政策和法规以及专业标准和道德规范等课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to serve as legal office managers, special assistants, and legal secretaries. These programs include courses in office management, secretarial science, principles of U.S. or Canadian law, legal terminology and documentation, legal research, legal software applications, law office procedures, record keeping, billing, applicable policies and regulations, and professional standards and ethics.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
法律行政 legal administration
法律行政助理 legal administrative assistant
法定行政秘书 legal administrative secretary
法律办公室行政 legal office administration
法律办公程序 legal office procedures
法定秘书 legal secretarial
法定秘书 legal secretary
法律速记 legal stenography
排除项 Exclusion(s)
法庭速记(22.0303) court stenography(22.0303)
行政助理(52.0402) executive assistant(52.0402)
22.0302 - 法律助理/律师助理 Legal assistant/paralegal
该教学计划课程包括任何准备个人在律师或法庭的监督下执行研究、起草、调查、记录保存和相关行政职能的计划。这些课程包括法律研究、起草法律文件、评估、辩护、法院程序和法律专业化课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to perform research, drafting, investigatory, record keeping and related administrative functions under the supervision of a lawyer or court. These programs include courses in legal research, drafting legal documents, appraising, pleading, courthouse procedures, and legal specializations.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
法律助理 law clerk
法律助理 legal assistant
法律技术员 legal technician
律师助理 paralegal
律师助理 paralegal assistant
律师助理研究 paralegal studies
paralegalism -
排除项 Exclusion(s)
产权转让(22.0399) conveyancing(22.0399)
律师(22.0101) lawyer(22.0101)
公证人(22.9999) notary public(22.9999)
22.0303 - 法庭报告和字幕/法庭记者 Court reporting and captioning/court reporter
该教学计划类包括任何准备个人通过印刷或电子方法记录和转录检查、证词、司法命令和指示、法律意见和其他正式程序的计划。这些课程包括法律术语、法律转录、速记、逐字记录、设备操作和程序、适用法规以及专业标准和道德规范等课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to record and transcribe examinations, testimony, judicial orders and instructions, legal opinions, and other formal proceedings via print or electronic methods. These programs include courses in legal terminology, legal transcription, shorthand, verbatim recording, equipment operation and procedures, applicable regulations, and professional standards and ethics.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
法庭记者 court reporter
法庭报告 court reporting
法庭报告和字幕 court reporting and captioning
法庭速记员 court stenographer
法庭速记 court stenography
排除项 Exclusion(s)
隐藏式字幕(10.0204) closed captioning(10.0204)
编辑法庭记者笔录(22.0305) editing court reporter transcripts(22.0305)
新闻学(09.0401) journalism(09.0401)
法定秘书(22.0301) legal secretary(22.0301)
范围学家(22.0305) scopist(22.0305)
速记员打字员(52.0408) stenographer-typist(52.0408)
22.0304 - 法庭口译员 Court interpreter
该教学计划类包括任何准备个人为法律程序中涉及的各方提供两种或多种语言之间的准确翻译和口译的计划。这些课程包括法庭标准和程序、法庭口译、法律术语、交替传译、同声传译和视译等课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to provide accurate translation and interpretation between two or more languages for parties involved in a legal proceeding. These programs include courses in courtroom standards and procedures, court interpreting, legal terminology, consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation, and sight translation.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
法庭口译员 court interpreter
法庭口译 courtroom interpreting
法律口译和笔译 legal interpretation and translation
排除项 Exclusion(s)
手语翻译(16.1603) sign language interpretation(16.1603)
translation and interpretation(16.0103)
22.0305 - 范围学家 Scopist
该教学计划类包括任何准备个人对法庭记者笔录进行编辑和文字处理以确保笔录准确性的计划。这些课程包括法律术语、法律转录、机器速记和计算机辅助转录软件方面的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to perform editing and word processing on a court reporter transcript to ensure the accuracy of the transcripts. These programs include courses in legal terminology, legal transcription, machine shorthand, and computer-aided transcription software.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
编辑出庭记录员笔录 editing court reporter transcripts
范围学家 scopist
排除项 Exclusion(s)
法庭记者(22.0303) court reporter(22.0303)
22.0399 - 法律支持服务,其他 Legal support services, other
此教学计划类别包括上面未列出的与法律支持服务相关的任何计划。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Legal support services.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
行政法庭代理人 administrative tribunal agent
法警 bailiff
运输文员 conveyance clerk
产权转让 conveyancing
法院和法庭代理人 court and tribunal agent
法院支持服务 court support services
移民顾问 immigration consultant
移民从业者 immigration practitioner
法律支持服务 legal support services
警长 sheriff
排除项 Exclusion(s)
房地产(52.1501) real estate(52.1501)
22.99 - 法律专业和研究,其他 Legal professions and studies, other
该子系列包括教学程序类 22.9999。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 22.9999.
22.9999 - 法律专业和研究,其他 Legal professions and studies, other
该教学课程包括上面未列出的与法律专业和研究相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Legal professions and studies.
说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)
法律哲学 legal philosophy
公证人 notary public
其他法律专业和研究 other legal professions and studies
专利代理人 patent agent
商标代理 trademark agent
排除项 Exclusion(s)
church law(39.0802)
- 伦理(38.0103) ethics(38.0103)
- 犹太法(38.0207) Jewish law(38.0207)
- 公证人(魁北克)(22.0101) notary (Quebec)(22.0101)