CIP 16. - 土著和外国语言、文学和语言学 Indigenous and foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics

16. - 土著和外国语言、文学和语言学 Indigenous and foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics

该系列包括专注于土著和外国语言和文学、语言学的人文和科学研究以及提供专业口译和笔译服务的教学计划。 This series comprises instructional programs that focus on Indigenous and foreign languages and literatures, the humanistic and scientific study of linguistics, and the provision of professional interpretation and translation services.

16.01 - 语言学、比较和相关语言研究和服务 Linguistic, comparative and related language studies and services

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.0101 至 16.0199。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.0101 to 16.0199.

16.0101 - 土著和外国语言文学,一般 Indigenous and foreign languages and literatures, general

该教学计划课程包括任何专注于一种或多种现代土著或外语的通用计划,这些语言不特定于所学语言的名称;在其他方面没有区别;或者向学生介绍基础/初级水平的语言学习。 This instructional program class comprises any general program that focuses on one or more modern Indigenous or foreign language(s) that is not specific as to the name of the language(s) studied; that is otherwise undifferentiated; or that introduces students to language studies at the basic/elementary level.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

applied language studies

  • 外语 foreign languages

  • 外国语言文学 foreign languages and literature

  • 外国文学 foreign literature

  • 语言研究 language studies

  • 语言 languages

  • 语言和文学 languages and literature

  • 现代语言 modern languages

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 英国文学(23.1401) English literature(23.1401)

  • 法语普通文学(55.1401) French general literature(55.1401)

  • 跨文化研究(30.2301) intercultural studies(30.2301)

  • 母语为第二语言(16.1799) Native as a second language(16.1799)

  • 外语教学(13.1306) teaching foreign languages(13.1306)

16.0102 - 语言学 Linguistics

该教学课程包括任何从人文和/或科学角度关注语言、语言发展以及语言和语言群体之间关系的课程。这些课程包括心理语言学、行为语言学、语言习得、社会语言学、数学和计算语言学、语法理论和理论语言学、哲学语言学、语言学和历史语言学、比较语言学、语音学、音位学、方言学、语义学、功能语法等学科的课程和语言学、语言类型学、词典编纂、词法和句法、正字法、文体学、结构主义、修辞学和人工智能应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on language, language development, and relationships among languages and language groups from a humanistic and/or scientific perspective. These programs include courses in subjects such as psycholinguistics, behavioural linguistics, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, mathematical and computational linguistics, grammatical theory and theoretical linguistics, philosophical linguistics, philology and historical linguistics, comparative linguistics, phonetics, phonemics, dialectology, semantics, functional grammar and linguistics, language typology, lexicography, morphology and syntax, orthography, stylistics, structuralism, rhetoric, and applications to artificial intelligence.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 语言学 linguistics

  • 语言学 philology

  • 符号学 semiology

  • 符号学 semiotics

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 应用语言学(16.0105) applied linguistics(16.0105)

  • 计算语言学(30.4801) computational linguistics(30.4801)

  • 英语语言、文学和语言学(23.0101) English language, literature and linguistics(23.0101)

  • 法语语言、文学和语言学(55.0101) French language, literature and linguistics(55.0101)

  • 数学语言学(30.4801) mathematical linguistics(30.4801)

  • 心理语言学(42.2701) psycholinguistics(42.2701)

  • 科学计算(30.3001) scientific computing(30.3001)

16.0103 - 语言口译和笔译 Language interpretation and translation

该教学课程包括任何使个人成为专业的文件和数据文件口译员和/或笔译员的课程,无论是从英语或法语到另一种或多种语言,反之亦然。这些课程包括一种或多种语言的强化课程,以及单语和多语口译、单向或双向口译、同声传译、一般翻译和文学翻译、商务翻译、技术翻译等科目的课程语言技能的具体应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to be professional interpreters and/or translators of documents and data files, either from English or French into another language or languages or vice versa. These programs include courses of an intensive nature in one or more languages plus courses in subjects such as single and multiple-language interpretation, one- or two-way interpretation, simultaneous interpretation, general and literary translation, business translation, technical translation, and other specific applications of linguistic skills.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 医疗保健口译 health care interpreting

  • 口译笔译 interpreter translator

  • 语言口译和笔译 language interpretation and translation

  • 语言和翻译 languages and translation

  • 翻译 translation

  • 翻译和口译 translation and interpretation

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 健康(51.0000) health(51.0000)

  • 法律口译和笔译(22.0304) legal interpretation and translation(22.0304)

  • 音乐表演(50.0903) music performance(50.0903)

  • 手语翻译(16.1603) sign language interpretation(16.1603)

16.0104 - 比较文学 Comparative literature

英语/法语语言文学;文学批评;该教学课程包括任何以原始语言或翻译形式关注两种或更多种文学传统的课程。以及在流派、时期、民族和文本研究以及诗歌、散文和戏剧等文学形式中的应用。这些课程包括比较语言学课程;适用的外语; This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on two or more literary traditions in the original languages or in translation. These programs include courses in comparative linguistics; applicable foreign languages; English/French language and literature; literary criticism; and applications to genre, period, national, and textual studies as well as literary forms such as poetry, prose, and drama.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 比较加拿大文学 comparative Canadian literature

  • 比较文学 comparative literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 英国文学(23.1401) English literature(23.1401)

  • 法语普通文学(55.1401) French general literature(55.1401)

  • 跨文化研究(30.2301) intercultural studies(30.2301)

16.0105 - 应用语言学 Applied linguistics

话语分析;语言和认知;该教学课程包括任何关注日常生活中与语言相关的问题的课程,包括语言教育、第一语言和其他语言的习得、话语分析、语言评估、读写能力以及语言政策和规划。以及语言、文化和身份。这些课程包括语言理论课程;语言教学; This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on language-related concerns in the everyday world, including language education, acquisition of first and additional languages, discourse analysis, language assessment, literacy, and language policy and planning. These programs include courses in linguistic theory; language teaching and learning; discourse analysis; language and cognition; and language, culture, and identity.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 应用语言学 applied linguistics

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 英语语言、文学和语言学(23.0101) English language, literature and linguistics(23.0101)

  • 法语语言、文学和语言学(55.0101) French language, literature and linguistics(55.0101)

  • 语言学(16.0102) linguistics(16.0102)

  • 手语语言学(16.1602) linguistics of signed languages(16.1602)

  • 心理语言学(42.2701) psycholinguistics(42.2701)

16.0199 - 语言学、比较和相关语言研究和服务,其他 Linguistic, comparative and related language studies and services, other

该教学课程类别包括上面未列出的任何与语言、比较和相关语言研究和服务相关的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Linguistic, Comparative and related language studies and services.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 其他语言、比较和相关语言研究和服务 other linguistic, comparative and related language studies and services

  • 术语和翻译 terminology and translation

  • 翻译助理 translation assistant

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 翻译和口译(16.0103) translation and interpretation(16.0103)

16.02 - 非洲语言、文学和语言学 African languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学程序类 16.0201。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 16.0201.

16.0201 - 非洲语言、文学和语言学 African languages, literatures and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于一种或多种非洲大陆本土语言的课程,包括但不限于班图语;尼罗-撒哈拉语言;尼日尔-刚果语言;科伊桑语;以及哈米托-闪米特语系的乍得语和埃塞俄比亚语。这些课程包括语言学、方言以及口头和书面文学课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on one or more of the languages native to the African continent, including, but not limited to, Bantu languages; Nilo-Saharan languages; Niger-Congo languages; Khoisan languages; and the Chadic and Ethiopic languages of the Hamito-Semitic language family. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, and oral and written literatures.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 非洲语言 African languages

  • 非洲语言和文学 African languages and literature

  • 非洲语言学 African linguistics

  • 非洲文学 African literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 非洲研究(05.0101) African studies(05.0101)

16.03 - 东亚语言、文学和语言学 East Asian languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.0300 至 16.0399。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.0300 to 16.0399.

16.0300 - 东亚语言、文学和语言学,一般 East Asian languages, literatures and linguistics, general

该教学课程包括任何专注于一种或多种东亚语言的通用课程,包括但不限于汉藏语、日语和韩语。这些课程包括语言学、语言学、方言和洋泾浜语、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any general program that focuses on one or more of the languages of East Asia, including, but not limited to, the Sino-Tibetan, Japanese, and Korean languages. These programs include courses in philology, linguistics, dialects and pidgins, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 东亚语言 East Asian languages

  • 东亚语言与文学 East Asian languages and literature

  • 东亚语言学 East Asian linguistics

  • 东亚文学 East Asian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东亚研究(05.0104) East Asian studies(05.0104)

  • 东方语言(16.9999) oriental languages(16.9999)

16.0301 - 中国语言文学 Chinese language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以中国语言及相关方言和文学为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、语言学、方言和洋泾浜语课程,以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the languages of China and associated dialects and literature. These programs include courses in philology, linguistics, dialects and pidgins, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 中国人 Chinese

  • 中文 Chinese language

  • 中国语言文学 Chinese language and literature

  • 中国文学 Chinese literature

  • 普通话 Mandarin

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 中国研究(05.0123) Chinese studies(05.0123)

16.0302 - 日本语言文学 Japanese language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于日语的课程。这些课程包括语言学课程;古代、中世纪和现代日语;方言;以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Japanese language. These programs include courses in philology; ancient, medieval, and modern Japanese; dialects; and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 日本人 Japanese

  • 日语 Japanese language

  • 日本语言文学 Japanese language and literature

  • 日本文学 Japanese literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 日本研究(05.0127) Japanese studies(05.0127)

16.0303 - 韩国语言文学 Korean language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于韩语的课程。这些课程包括语言学课程;方言;以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Korean language. These programs include courses in philology; dialects; and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 韩国人 Korean

  • 朝鲜语 Korean language

  • 韩国语言文学 Korean language and literature

  • 韩国文学 Korean literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 韩国学(05.0128) Korean studies(05.0128)

16.0304 - 藏语文学 Tibetan language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以藏语为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、世俗和宗教藏语、方言以及在商业、科学/技术、佛教研究和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Tibetan language. These programs include courses in philology, secular and religious Tibetan, dialects, and applications to business, science/technology, Buddhist studies, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 藏语 Tibetan

  • 藏语 Tibetan language

  • 藏语文学 Tibetan language and literature

  • 西藏文学 Tibetan literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 藏传佛教(38.0202) Tibetan Buddhism(38.0202)

  • 藏学(05.0131) Tibetan studies(05.0131)

16.0399 - 东亚语言、文学和语言学,其他 East Asian languages, literatures and linguistics, other

该教学课程包括上面未列出的与东亚语言、文学和语言学相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to East Asian languages, literatures and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 阿伊努人 Ainu

  • 台湾人 Formosan

  • 满族 Manchu

  • 苗 Miao

  • 其他东亚语言、文学和语言学 other East Asian languages, literatures and linguistics

  • 元 Yuan

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东亚语言文学(16.0300) East Asian languages and literature(16.0300)

16.04 - 斯拉夫语、波罗的海语和阿尔巴尼亚语、文学和语言学 Slavic, Baltic and Albanian languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.0400 至 16.0499。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.0400 to 16.0499.

16.0400 - 斯拉夫语言、文学和语言学,一般 Slavic languages, literatures and linguistics, general

该教学课程包括任何专注于中欧和东欧斯拉夫语言的通用课程。这些课程包括语言学、语言学、方言和洋泾浜语、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any general program that focuses on the Slavic languages of Central and Eastern Europe. These programs include courses in philology, linguistics, dialects and pidgins, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 斯拉夫语言 Slavic languages

  • 斯拉夫语言和文学 Slavic languages and literature

  • 斯拉夫语言学 Slavic linguistics

  • 斯拉夫文学 Slavic literature

  • 斯拉夫语言学 Slavic philology

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 斯拉夫和东欧研究(05.0199) Slavic and East European studies(05.0199)

  • 斯拉夫研究(05.0118) Slavic studies(05.0118)

16.0401 - 波罗的海语言、文学和语言学 Baltic languages, literatures and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于波罗的海民族语言的课程,包括但不限于拉脱维亚语和立陶宛语的现代语言以及古普鲁士语和库里奥语等已灭绝的语言。这些课程包括语言学、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the languages of the Baltic peoples, including, but not limited to, the modern languages of Latvian and Lithuanian, and extinct languages such as Old Prussian and Curionian. These programs include courses in philology, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 波罗的海语言 Baltic languages

  • 波罗的海语言和文学 Baltic languages and literature

  • 波罗的海语言学 Baltic linguistics

  • 波罗的海文学 Baltic literature

  • 拉脱维亚语 Latvian

  • 立陶宛语 Lithuanian

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 波罗的海研究(05.0117) Baltic studies(05.0117)

16.0402 - 俄语和文学 Russian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以俄语为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Russian language. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 俄语 Russian

  • 俄语 Russian language

  • 俄罗斯语言文学 Russian language and literature

  • 俄罗斯文学 Russian literature

  • 俄罗斯语言学 Russian philology

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 欧洲和俄罗斯研究(05.0199) European and Russian studies(05.0199)

  • 俄罗斯研究(05.0110) Russian studies(05.0110)

  • 苏联和东欧研究(05.0105) Soviet and East European studies(05.0105)

16.0404 - 阿尔巴尼亚语言和文学 Albanian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于阿尔巴尼亚语的课程。这些课程包括阿尔巴尼亚/伊利里亚语文学、Ghegg 和 Tosk 方言课程,以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Albanian language. These programs include courses in Albanian/Illyrian philology, Ghegg and Tosk dialects, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 阿尔巴尼亚语 Albanian

  • 阿尔巴尼亚语 Albanian language

  • 阿尔巴尼亚语言和文学 Albanian language and literature

  • 阿尔巴尼亚文学 Albanian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 巴尔干研究(05.0116) Balkan studies(05.0116)

16.0405 - 保加利亚语言和文学 Bulgarian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于保加利亚语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Bulgarian language. These programs include courses in philology, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 保加利亚语 Bulgarian

  • 保加利亚语 Bulgarian language

  • 保加利亚语言和文学 Bulgarian language and literature

  • 保加利亚文学 Bulgarian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 巴尔干研究(05.0116) Balkan studies(05.0116)

  • 斯拉夫研究(05.0118) Slavic studies(05.0118)

16.0406 - 捷克语言和文学 Czech language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于捷克语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Czech language. These programs include courses in philology, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 捷克语 Czech

  • 捷克语 Czech language

  • 捷克语言文学 Czech language and literature

  • 捷克文学 Czech literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 斯拉夫和东欧研究(05.0199) Slavic and East European studies(05.0199)

  • 斯拉夫语言和文学(16.0400) Slavic languages and literature(16.0400)

  • 斯拉夫研究(05.0118) Slavic studies(05.0118)

16.0407 - 波兰语言和文学 Polish language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于波兰语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Polish language. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 抛光 Polish

  • 波兰语 Polish language

  • 波兰语言和文学 Polish language and literature

  • 波兰文学 Polish literature

  • 波兰语言学 Polish philology

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 波兰语研究(05.0129) Polish studies(05.0129)

  • 斯拉夫语言和文学(16.0400) Slavic languages and literature(16.0400)

16.0408 - 波斯尼亚、塞尔维亚和克罗地亚语言和文学 Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian languages and literatures

该教学课程包括任何专注于波斯尼亚语、塞尔维亚语和/或克罗地亚语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Bosnian, Serbian and/or Croatian languages. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 波斯尼亚 Bosnian

  • 波斯尼亚语言和文学 Bosnian language and literature

  • 波斯尼亚文学 Bosnian literature

  • 克罗地亚语 Croatian

  • 克罗地亚语言和文学 Croatian language and literature

  • 克罗地亚文学 Croatian literature

  • 塞尔维亚语 Serbian

  • 塞尔维亚语言和文学 Serbian language and literature

  • 塞尔维亚文学 Serbian literature

  • 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 Serbo-Croatian

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 巴尔干研究(05.0116) Balkan studies(05.0116)

  • 斯拉夫语言和文学(16.0400) Slavic languages and literature(16.0400)

  • 斯拉夫研究(05.0118) Slavic studies(05.0118)

16.0409 - 斯洛伐克语言和文学 Slovak language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于斯洛伐克语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Slovak language. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 斯洛伐克语 Slovak

  • 斯洛伐克语 Slovak language

  • 斯洛伐克语言和文学 Slovak language and literature

  • 斯洛伐克文学 Slovak literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 斯拉夫语言和文学(16.0400) Slavic languages and literature(16.0400)

  • 斯拉夫研究(05.0118) Slavic studies(05.0118)

16.0410 - 乌克兰语言和文学 Ukrainian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于乌克兰语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Ukrainian language. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 乌克兰语 Ukrainian

  • 乌克兰语 Ukrainian language

  • 乌克兰语言和文学 Ukrainian language and literature

  • 乌克兰文学 Ukrainian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 斯拉夫语言和文学(16.0400) Slavic languages and literature(16.0400)

  • 乌克兰研究(05.0132) Ukrainian studies(05.0132)

16.0499 - 斯拉夫语、波罗的海语和阿尔巴尼亚语、文学和语言学,其他 Slavic, Baltic and Albanian languages, literatures and linguistics, other

该教学课程包括上面未列出的任何与斯拉夫语、波罗的海语和阿尔巴尼亚语、文学和语言学相关的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Slavic, Baltic and Albanian languages, literatures and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 白俄罗斯语 Belarusian

  • 卡舒比安 Kashubian

  • 卢萨蒂安 Lusatian

  • 马其顿语 Macedonian

  • 古教会斯拉夫语 Old Church Slavonic

  • 其他斯拉夫语、波罗的海语和阿尔巴尼亚语、文学和语言学 other Slavic, Baltic and Albanian languages, literatures and linguistics

  • 斯洛文尼亚语 Slovenian

  • 索布语 Sorbian languages

  • 温地语 Wendish

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 阿尔巴尼亚语言和文学(16.0404) Albanian language and literature(16.0404)

  • 波罗的海语言(16.0401) Baltic languages(16.0401)

  • 斯拉夫语言和文学(16.0400) Slavic languages and literature(16.0400)

16.05 - 日耳曼语言、文学和语言学 Germanic languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.0500 至 16.0599。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.0500 to 16.0599.

16.0500 - 日耳曼语言、文学和语言学,一般 Germanic languages, literatures and linguistics, general

该教学课程包括任何专注于西欧、中欧和北欧日耳曼语的通用课程。这些课程包括语言学、语言学、方言和洋泾浜语、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any general program that focuses on the Germanic languages of Western, Central, and Northern Europe. These programs include courses in philology, linguistics, dialects and pidgins, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 日耳曼语言 Germanic languages

  • 日耳曼语言和文学 Germanic languages and literature

  • 日耳曼语言学 Germanic linguistics

  • 日耳曼文学 Germanic literature

  • 日耳曼语言学 Germanic philology

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 德语语言文学(16.0501) German language and literature(16.0501)

  • 德国研究(05.0125) German studies(05.0125)

  • 德语老师(13.1326) German teacher(13.1326)

16.0501 - 德语语言文学 German language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于德语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学课程;方言;以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the German language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology; dialects; and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 德语 German

  • 德国的语言 German language

  • 德语语言文学 German language and literature

  • 德语语言学 German linguistics

  • 德国文学 German literature

  • 德国语言学 German philology

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 德国研究(05.0125) German studies(05.0125)

  • 德语老师(13.1326) German teacher(13.1326)

  • 日耳曼语言 (16.0500) Germanic languages(16.0500)

16.0502 - 斯堪的纳维亚语言、文学和语言学 Scandinavian languages, literatures and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于斯堪的纳维亚半岛和相关北欧岛屿群体的一种或多种语言、文学和语言学的课程。这些课程包括可能涉及多种语言和语系的课程,不具体说明所学语言的名称,或者没有其他区别。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on one or more of the languages, literatures, and linguistics of the peoples of Scandinavia and associated Northern European island groups. These programs include courses that may involve multiple languages and language families, not be specific as to the name of the language(s) studied, or be otherwise undifferentiated.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚语 Scandinavian

  • 斯堪的纳维亚语言 Scandinavian languages

  • 斯堪的纳维亚语言和文学 Scandinavian languages and literature

  • 斯堪的纳维亚语言、文学和语言学 Scandinavian languages, literature and linguistics

  • 斯堪的纳维亚语言学 Scandinavian linguistics

  • 斯堪的纳维亚文学 Scandinavian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚研究(05.0111) Scandinavian studies(05.0111)

16.0503 - 丹麦语和文学 Danish language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于丹麦语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Danish language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 丹麦语 Danish

  • 丹麦语 Danish language

  • 丹麦语言和文学 Danish language and literature

  • 丹麦文学 Danish literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚语言、文学和语言学(16.0502) Scandinavian languages, literature and linguistics(16.0502)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚研究(05.0111) Scandinavian studies(05.0111)

16.0504 - 荷兰语/佛兰芒语和文学 Dutch/Flemish language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于荷兰语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、文学、荷兰克里奥尔语课程,以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Dutch language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, literature, Dutch Creoles, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 荷兰语 Dutch

  • 荷兰语 Dutch language

  • 荷兰语言和文学 Dutch language and literature

  • 荷兰文学 Dutch literature

  • 佛兰德语 Flemish

  • 佛兰芒语 Flemish language

  • 弗拉芒语言和文学 Flemish language and literature

  • 佛兰芒文学 Flemish literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 欧洲研究(05.0106) European studies(05.0106)

  • 日耳曼语言 (16.0500) Germanic languages(16.0500)

16.0505 - 挪威语言和文学 Norwegian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于挪威语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Norwegian language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 挪威语 Norwegian

  • 挪威语 Norwegian language

  • 挪威语言和文学 Norwegian language and literature

  • 挪威文学 Norwegian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚语言、文学和语言学(16.0502) Scandinavian languages, literature and linguistics(16.0502)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚研究(05.0111) Scandinavian studies(05.0111)

16.0506 - 瑞典语言和文学 Swedish language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于瑞典语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Swedish language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 瑞典语 Swedish

  • 瑞典语 Swedish language

  • 瑞典语言和文学 Swedish language and literature

  • 瑞典文学 Swedish literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚语言、文学和语言学(16.0502) Scandinavian languages, literature and linguistics(16.0502)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚研究(05.0111) Scandinavian studies(05.0111)

16.0599 - 日耳曼语言、文学和语言学,其他 Germanic languages, literatures and linguistics, other

该教学课程包括上面未列出的任何与日耳曼语言、文学和语言学相关的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Germanic languages, literatures and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 南非荷兰语 Afrikaans

  • 法罗语 Faeroese

  • 弗里斯兰语 Frisian

  • 哥特式 Gothic

  • 冰岛的 Icelandic

  • 卢森堡语 Luxembourgetsch

  • 古挪威语 Old Norse

  • 老撒克逊人 Old Saxon

  • 苏格兰人 Scots

  • 意第绪语 Yiddish

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 德语语言文学(16.0501) German language and literature(16.0501)

  • 德国研究(05.0125) German studies(05.0125)

  • 日耳曼语言 (16.0500) Germanic languages(16.0500)

  • 苏格兰盖尔语(16.1301) Scots Gaelic(16.1301)

16.06 - 现代希腊语言和文学 Modern Greek language and literature

该子系列包括教学程序类 16.0601。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 16.0601.

16.0601 - 现代希腊语言和文学 Modern Greek language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于从 15 世纪后期到现在的希腊语发展和使用的课程。这些课程包括现代希腊文学、当前希腊方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the development and use of the Greek language in the period dating from the late 15th century to the present. These programs include courses in modern Greek literature, current Greek dialects, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 希腊语 Greek

  • 希腊语 Greek language

  • 希腊语言和文学 Greek language and literature

  • 希腊文学 Greek literature

  • 现代希腊语 modern Greek

  • 现代希腊语 modern Greek language

  • 现代希腊语言和文学 modern Greek language and literature

  • 现代希腊文学 modern Greek literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 古希腊语(16.1202) ancient Greek(16.1202)

  • 古典语言(16.1200) classical languages(16.1200)

16.07 - 南亚语言、文学和语言学 South Asian languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.0700 至 16.0799。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.0700 to 16.0799.

16.0700 - 南亚语言、文学和语言学,一般 South Asian languages, literatures and linguistics, general

该教学计划课程包括任何一般计划,该计划侧重于印度次大陆和相关边境地区和岛屿群使用语言的人们的一种或多种语言、文学和语言学。这些课程包括可能涉及多种语言和语系的课程,不具体说明所学语言的名称,或者没有其他区别。 This instructional program class comprises any general program that focuses on one or more of the languages, literatures, and linguistics of the peoples speaking languages of the Indian subcontinent and associated borderlands and island groups. These programs include courses that may involve multiple languages and language families, not be specific as to the name of the language(s) studied, or be otherwise undifferentiated.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 南亚语言 South Asian languages

  • 南亚语言和文学 South Asian languages and literature

  • 南亚语言学 South Asian linguistics

  • 南亚文学 South Asian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 南亚研究(05.0112) South Asian studies(05.0112)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

16.0701 - 印地语语言和文学 Hindi language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于印地语、前身语言和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、现代印地语、印度斯坦语、相关方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Hindi language, antecessors, and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, modern Hindi, Hindustani, related dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 印地语 Hindi

  • 印地语 Hindi language

  • 印地语语言和文学 Hindi language and literature

  • 印地文文学 Hindi literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 印度教(38.0204) Hinduism(38.0204)

  • 南亚研究(05.0112) South Asian studies(05.0112)

16.0702 - 梵语和古典印度语言、文学和语言学 Sanskrit and classical Indian languages, literatures and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于梵语和相关古代和古典印度-雅利安语言的课程。这些课程包括吠陀和古典梵语、巴利语和其他 Prakrits 课程,以及印度-雅利安语言的历史发展及其与印欧语言(如希腊语、拉丁语和波罗的海语言)的关系。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on Sanskrit and related ancient and classical Indo-Aryan languages. These programs include courses in Vedic and classical Sanskrit, Pali and other Prakrits, and the historical development of Indo-Aryan languages and their relation to Indo-European languages such as Greek, Latin and the Baltic languages.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 古典印度语言 Classical Indian languages

  • 古典印度语言和文学 Classical Indian languages and literature

  • 古典印度语言学 Classical Indian linguistics

  • 古典印度文学 Classical Indian literature

  • 梵文 Sanskrit

  • 梵语 Sanskrit language

  • 梵语语言文学 Sanskrit language and literature

  • 梵文语言学 Sanskrit linguistics

  • 梵文文学 Sanskrit literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 南亚语言(16.0700) South Asian languages(16.0700)

  • 南亚研究(05.0112) South Asian studies(05.0112)

16.0704 - 孟加拉语言和文学 Bengali language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于孟加拉语 (Bangla) 和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Bengali language (Bangla) and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 孟加拉语 Bengali

  • 孟加拉语 Bengali language

  • 孟加拉语言和文学 Bengali language and literature

  • 孟加拉文学 Bengali literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 南亚语言(16.0700) South Asian languages(16.0700)

16.0705 - 旁遮普语言和文学 Punjabi language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于旁遮普语 (Punjabi) 和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Punjabi language (Punjabi) and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 旁遮普语 Punjabi

  • 旁遮普语 Punjabi language

  • 旁遮普语言和文学 Punjabi language and literature

  • 旁遮普文学 Punjabi literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 南亚语言(16.0700) South Asian languages(16.0700)

16.0706 - 泰米尔语言和文学 Tamil language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于泰米尔语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、古典和现代泰米尔语、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Tamil language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, classical and modern Tamil, dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 泰米尔语 Tamil

  • 泰米尔语 Tamil language

  • 泰米尔语言和文学 Tamil language and literature

  • 泰米尔文学 Tamil literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 南亚语言(16.0700) South Asian languages(16.0700)

16.0707 - 乌尔都语语言文学 Urdu language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于乌尔都语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、现代乌尔都语、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Urdu language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, modern Urdu, dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 乌尔都语 Urdu

  • 乌尔都语 Urdu language

  • 乌尔都语语言文学 Urdu language and literature

  • 乌尔都语文学 Urdu literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 南亚语言(16.0700) South Asian languages(16.0700)

16.0799 - 南亚语言、文学和语言学,其他 South Asian languages, literatures and linguistics, other

该教学课程包括上面未列出的与南亚语言、文学和语言学相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to South Asian languages, literatures and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 阿萨姆语 Assamese

  • 古吉拉特语 Gujarati

  • 卡纳达语 Kannanda

  • 马拉地语 Marathi

  • 尼泊尔语 Nepalese

  • 拉贾斯坦语 Rajasthani

  • 罗曼语 Romany

  • 信德语 Sindhi

  • 僧伽罗语 Sinhalese

  • 泰卢固语 Telugu

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 南亚语言(16.0700) South Asian languages(16.0700)

  • 南亚研究(05.0112) South Asian studies(05.0112)

16.08 - 伊朗语言、文学和语言学 Iranian languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学程序类 16.0801。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 16.0801.

16.0801 - 伊朗语言、文学和语言学 Iranian languages, literatures and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于古代、中世纪和现代伊朗及其边境地区使用的语言的课程,包括波斯语; Avestan/古波斯语;以及相关的现代和灭绝语言。这些课程包括现代波斯语和其他语言在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the languages used in ancient, medieval, and modern Iran and its border regions, including Persian; Avestan/Old Persian; and related modern and extinct languages. These programs include courses in applications of modern Persian and other languages in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 伊朗语 Iranian languages

  • 伊朗语言和文学 Iranian languages and literature

  • 伊朗语言学 Iranian linguistics

  • 伊朗文学 Iranian literature

  • 波斯语 Persian

  • 波斯语 Persian language

  • 波斯语言和文学 Persian language and literature

  • 波斯文学 Persian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 近东和中东研究(05.0108) Near and Middle Eastern studies(05.0108)

16.09 - 浪漫语言、文学和语言学 Romance languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.0900 至 16.0999。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.0900 to 16.0999.

16.0900 - 罗曼语、文学和语言学,一般 Romance languages, literatures and linguistics, general

该教学课程包括任何专注于西欧、中欧和南欧罗曼语的通用课程。这些课程包括语言学、语言学、方言和洋泾浜语、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any general program that focuses on the Romance languages of Western, Central, and Southern Europe. These programs include courses in philology, linguistics, dialects and pidgins, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 浪漫语言和文学 Romance language and literature

  • 浪漫语言 Romance languages

  • 浪漫语言、文学和语言学 Romance languages, literature and linguistics

  • 浪漫语言学 Romance linguistics

  • 浪漫文学 Romance literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 欧洲研究(05.0106) European studies(05.0106)

  • 罗马尼亚语言文学(16.0906) Romanian language and literature(16.0906)

16.0902 - 意大利语言和文学 Italian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于意大利语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Italian language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 意大利语 Italian

  • 意大利语 Italian language

  • 意大利语言和文学 Italian language and literature

  • 意大利文学 Italian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 意大利语研究(05.0126) Italian studies(05.0126)

  • 浪漫语言、文学和语言学(16.0900) Romance languages, literature and linguistics(16.0900)

16.0904 - 葡萄牙语和文学 Portuguese language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于葡萄牙语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、都市葡萄牙语、葡萄牙语-巴西葡萄牙语、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Portuguese language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, Metropolitan Portuguese, Luso-Brazilian Portuguese, dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 葡萄牙语 Portuguese

  • 葡萄牙语 Portuguese language

  • 葡萄牙语和文学 Portuguese language and literature

  • 葡萄牙文学 Portuguese literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 拉美文学(16.0908) Latin American literature(16.0908)

  • 浪漫语言、文学和语言学(16.0900) Romance languages, literature and linguistics(16.0900)

  • 西班牙语研究(05.0130) Spanish studies(05.0130)

16.0905 - 西班牙语言和文学 Spanish language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于西班牙语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学课程、现代卡斯蒂利亚语、拉丁美洲和西班牙地区方言,以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Spanish language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, modern Castillan, Latin American and regional Spanish dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 西班牙语 Spanish

  • 西班牙语 Spanish language

  • 西班牙语言文学 Spanish language and literature

  • 西班牙文学 Spanish literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 西班牙文学(16.0908) Hispanic literature(16.0908)

  • 浪漫语言、文学和语言学(16.0900) Romance languages, literature and linguistics(16.0900)

  • 西班牙语作为第二语言(16.1799) Spanish as a second language(16.1799)

  • 西班牙语研究(05.0130) Spanish studies(05.0130)

  • 西班牙语老师(13.1330) Spanish teacher(13.1330)

16.0906 - 罗马尼亚语言和文学 Romanian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于罗马尼亚语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Romanian language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 罗马尼亚语 Romanian

  • 罗马尼亚语 Romanian language

  • 罗马尼亚语言和文学 Romanian language and literature

  • 罗马尼亚文学 Romanian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东欧研究(05.0105) East European studies(05.0105)

  • 浪漫语言、文学和语言学(16.0900) Romance languages, literature and linguistics(16.0900)

16.0907 - 加泰罗尼亚语言和文学 Catalan language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于加泰罗尼亚语和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Catalan language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 加泰罗尼亚语 Catalan

  • 加泰罗尼亚语 Catalan language

  • 加泰罗尼亚语言和文学 Catalan language and literature

  • 加泰罗尼亚文学 Catalan literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 浪漫语言、文学和语言学(16.0900) Romance languages, literature and linguistics(16.0900)

  • 西班牙语研究(05.0130) Spanish studies(05.0130)

16.0908 - 西班牙和拉丁美洲语言、文学和语言学,一般 Hispanic and Latin American languages, literatures and linguistics, general

该教学课程包括任何专注于世界西班牙语和葡萄牙语地区(包括伊比利亚、拉丁美洲和葡语国家)的语言和文学的课程。这些课程包括西班牙语和葡萄牙语以及语言学课程;区域和拉丁美洲方言;以及西班牙语、葡萄牙语、西班牙裔美国人、葡萄牙语-巴西语和奇卡诺文学。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the languages and literatures of the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking areas of the world, including the Iberian, Latin American, and Lusophone worlds. These programs include courses in Spanish and Portuguese language and linguistics; regional and Latin American dialects; and Spanish, Portuguese, Spanish American, Luso-Brazilian, and Chicano literature.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 西班牙语言和文学 Hispanic language and literature

  • 西班牙语言 Hispanic languages

  • 西班牙语言学 Hispanic linguistics

  • 西班牙文学 Hispanic literature

  • 拉丁美洲语言 Latin American languages

  • 拉丁美洲语言和文学 Latin American languages and literature

  • 拉丁美洲语言学 Latin American linguistics

  • 拉丁美洲文学 Latin American literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 葡萄牙语与文学(16.0904) Portuguese language and literature(16.0904)

  • 西班牙语言文学(16.0905) Spanish language and literature(16.0905)

16.0999 - 浪漫语言、文学和语言学,其他 Romance languages, literatures and linguistics, other

该教学课程包括上面未列出的任何与罗曼语、文学和语言学相关的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Romance languages, literatures and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 弗留利安 Friulian

  • 加利西亚语 Galician

  • langue d’oc langue d’oc

  • 奥克西唐语 Occitan

  • 其他罗曼语、文学和语言学 other Romance languages, literatures and linguistics

  • 普罗旺斯 Provençal

  • Rhaeto-Romansch Rhaeto-Romansch

  • 撒丁岛 Sardinian

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 浪漫语言、文学和语言学(16.0900) Romance languages, literature and linguistics(16.0900)

  • 罗马尼亚语言文学(16.0906) Romanian language and literature(16.0906)

16.10 - 美洲土著语言、文学和语言学 Indigenous languages, literatures, and linguistics of the Americas

该子系列包括教学程序类 16.1001。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 16.1001.

16.1001 - 美洲土著语言、文学和语言学 Indigenous languages, literatures, and linguistics of the Americas

该教学课程包括任何专注于西半球本土语言的课程。这些课程包括语言学课程;口头和书面文学;因纽特语和阿留申语;北美语系,包括但不限于阿尔冈基语、阿萨巴斯坎语、苏语语、马斯科格语、易洛魁语、库美亚语、尤曼语、玛雅语、萨波特坎语和乌托阿兹特克语;南美语系,包括但不限于 Andean-Equatorial、Ge-Pano-Carib 和 Macro-Chibchan 以及其他小语种。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the languages native to the Western Hemisphere. These programs include courses in philology; oral and written literatures; Inuit and Aleut languages; North American language families, including, but not limited to, Algonkian, Athabascan, Siouan, Muskogean, Iroquoian, Kumeyaay, Yuman, Mayan, Zapotecan, and Uto-Aztecan; South American language families, including, but not limited to, Andean-Equatorial, Ge-Pano-Carib, and Macro-Chibchan, and other minor languages.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 克里语研究 Cree language studies

  • 达科他州语言研究 Dakota language studies

  • 第一民族语言 First Nations language

  • 土著语言和文学 Indigenous languages and literature

  • 因纽特人 Inuktitut

  • 易洛魁语 Iroquoian languages

  • 米克马克语言 Mi’kmaw language

  • 莫霍克语 Mohawk language

  • 奥吉布威语 Ojibwe language

  • Saulteaux 语言研究 Saulteaux language studies

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 澳大利亚原住民语言(16.1401) Australian aboriginal languages(16.1401)

  • 夏威夷语言和文学(16.1409) Hawaiian language and literature(16.1409)

  • 本土语言教师教育(13.1306) Indigenous language teacher education(13.1306)

  • 土著研究(05.0202) Indigenous studies(05.0202)

16.11 - 中东/近东和闪族语言、文学和语言学 Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.1100 至 16.1199。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.1100 to 16.1199.

16.1100 - 中东/近东和闪族语言、文学和语言学,一般 Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic languages, literatures and linguistics, general

该教学课程包括任何侧重于古代和现代中东/近东、西亚、北非和欧洲的一种或多种中东/近东语言和闪族语言的一般课程。这些课程包括语言学、语言学、方言和洋泾浜语、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any general program that focuses on one or more of the Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic languages of the ancient and modern Middle/Near East, Western Asia, North Africa, and Europe. These programs include courses in philology, linguistics, dialects and pidgins, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 中东语言 Middle Eastern languages

  • 中东语言学 Middle Eastern linguistics

  • 中东文学 Middle Eastern literature

  • 近东语言 Near Eastern languages

  • 近东语言学 Near Eastern linguistics

  • 近东文学 Near Eastern literature

  • 闪族语言 Semitic languages

  • 闪族语言和文学 Semitic languages and literature

  • 闪族语言学 Semitic linguistics

  • 闪米特文学 Semitic literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 阿拉伯语言、文学和语言学(16.1101) Arabic language, literature and linguistics(16.1101)

  • 希伯来语语言文学(16.1102) Hebrew language and literature(16.1102)

  • 近东和中东研究(05.0108) Near and Middle Eastern studies(05.0108)

  • 意第绪语(16.0599) Yiddish(16.0599)

16.1101 - 阿拉伯语言和文学 Arabic language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于阿拉伯语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、古典阿拉伯语、现代标准阿拉伯语、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Arabic language. These programs include courses in philology, classical Arabic, modern Standard Arabic, dialects, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 阿拉伯语 Arabic

  • 阿拉伯语 Arabic language

  • 阿拉伯语、文学和语言学 Arabic language, literature and linguistics

  • 阿拉伯文学 Arabic literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 伊斯兰研究(38.0205) Islamic studies(38.0205)

  • 近东和中东研究(05.0108) Near and Middle Eastern studies(05.0108)

16.1102 - 希伯来语语言和文学 Hebrew language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于希伯来语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、圣经希伯来语(包括流亡前后文字)、现代希伯来语、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Hebrew language. These programs include courses in philology, Biblical Hebrew (including Pre- and Post-Exilic scripts), modern Hebrew, dialects, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 希伯来语 Hebrew

  • 希伯来语 Hebrew language

  • 希伯来语语言文学 Hebrew language and literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 圣经语言和文学(16.1103) Biblical languages and literature(16.1103)

  • 犹太研究(38.0206) Jewish studies(38.0206)

  • 闪族语言和文学(16.1100) Semitic languages and literature(16.1100)

16.1103 - 古代近东和圣经语言、文学和语言学 Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical languages, literatures and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于古代近东使用的一种或多种已灭绝的闪米特语和/或非闪米特语的课程,包括用于编写历史犹太和基督教宗教文本的语言。这些语言包括但不限于埃及/科普特语、苏美尔语、阿卡德语、巴比伦语、亚述语、阿拉姆语、迦南语、腓尼基语、撒马利亚语、乌加里特语、叙利亚语、曼德语、哈提语、埃兰语、胡里安语、赫梯语、乌拉尔语、吕底亚语、卢维语、 Lycian、Palaic、Sabaean/South Arabian 和其他相关语言。这些课程包括语言学、金石学、纸币学、钱币学和文本研究课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on one or more of the extinct Semitic and/or Non-Semitic languages spoken in the ancient Near East, including those used to write historical Jewish and Christian religious texts. These languages include, but are not limited to, Egyptian/Coptic, Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Aramaic, Canaanite, Phoenician, Samarian, Ugaritic, Syriac, Mandean, Hattic, Elamite, Hurrian, Hittite, Urartian, Lydian, Luwian, Lycian, Palaic, Sabaean/South Arabian, and other associated languages. These programs include courses in philology, epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, and textual studies.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 阿卡德语 Akkadian

  • 古代近东语言和文学 Ancient Near Eastern languages and literature

  • 亚述人 Assyrian

  • 巴比伦 Babylonian

  • 圣经语言 Biblical languages

  • 圣经语言和文学 Biblical languages and literature

  • 圣经文学 Biblical literature

  • 赫梯人 Hittite

  • 腓尼基语 Phoenician

  • 苏美尔语 Sumerian

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 圣经研究(39.0201) Bible studies(39.0201)

  • 闪族语言和文学(16.1100) Semitic languages and literature(16.1100)

16.1199 - 中东/近东和闪族语言、文学和语言学,其他 Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic languages, literatures and linguistics, other

该教学课程包括上面未列出的与中东/近东和闪族语言、文学和语言学相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic languages, literatures and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 柏柏尔语 Berber languages

  • 库什语 Cushitic languages

  • 马耳他语 Maltese

  • 现代亚述语 modern Assyrian

  • 其他中东/近东和闪族语言、文学和语言学 other Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic languages, literatures and linguistics

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 闪族语言和文学(16.1100) Semitic languages and literature(16.1100)

16.12 - 古典与古典语言、文学与语言学 Classics and classical languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.1200 至 16.1299。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.1200 to 16.1299.

16.1200 - 古典和古典语言,文学和语言学,一般 Classics and classical languages, literatures and linguistics, general

该教学课程包括任何侧重于古希腊罗马世界的文学文化以及希腊和拉丁语言和文学及其在罗马帝国没落之前的发展的一般课程。 This instructional program class comprises any general program that focuses on the literary culture of the ancient Graeco-Roman world and the Greek and Latin languages and literatures and their development prior to the fall of the Roman Empire.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 古典语言 classical languages

  • 古典文学 classical literature

  • 经典与古典语言、文学与语言学 classics and classical languages, literatures and linguistics

  • 经典文学 classics literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 古典希腊语(16.1202) classical Greek(16.1202)

  • 古典研究(30.2202) classical studies(30.2202)

  • 经典(30.2202) classics(30.2202)

  • 英国文学(23.1401) English literature(23.1401)

  • 法语普通文学(55.1401) French general literature(55.1401)

  • 希腊语言文学(16.0601) Greek language and literature(16.0601)

  • 拉丁语(16.1203) Latin(16.1203)

  • 拉丁语教师教育(13.1333) Latin teacher education(13.1333)

  • 中世纪研究(30.1301) medieval studies(30.1301)

16.1202 - 古代/古典希腊语言和文学 Ancient/classical Greek language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于希腊语言和文学的课程,从其起源到拜占庭(东罗马)帝国的衰落,作为一个世俗和/或神学主题。这些课程包括语言学、阁楼和希腊化方言、共同(圣经)希腊语以及中世纪或拜占庭希腊语课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Greek language and literature from its origins through the fall of the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire, as a secular and/or theological subject. These programs include courses in philology, Attic and Hellenistic dialects, Koine (Biblical) Greek, and Medieval or Byzantine Greek.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 古希腊 ancient Greek

  • 古希腊语 ancient Greek language

  • 古希腊语言文学 ancient Greek language and literature

  • 古希腊文学 ancient Greek literature

  • 圣经希腊语 biblical Greek

  • 古典希腊语 classical Greek

  • 古典希腊语 classical Greek language

  • 古典希腊语言和文学 classical Greek language and literature

  • 古典希腊文学 classical Greek literature

  • 希腊化的希腊语 Hellenistic Greek

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 古希腊和罗马研究(30.2202) ancient Greek and Roman studies(30.2202)

  • 古典语言(16.1200) classical languages(16.1200)

  • 希腊语言文学(16.0601) Greek language and literature(16.0601)

16.1203 - 拉丁语言和文学 Latin language and literature

该教学课程包括任何将拉丁语言和文学作为世俗和/或神学主题的课程,从其起源到衰落及其当前的教会用法。这些课程包括语言学课程、相关的斜体方言、晚期罗马和中世纪拉丁语以及现代教会拉丁语。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Latin language and literature from its origins through its decline and its current ecclesiastical usage, as a secular and/or theological subject. These programs include courses in philology, related Italic dialects, Late Roman and Medieval Latin, and modern Church Latin.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 教会拉丁语 Church Latin

  • 晚期罗马拉丁语 Late Roman Latin

  • 拉丁语 Latin

  • 拉丁语 Latin language

  • 拉丁语言文学 Latin language and literature

  • 拉丁文学 Latin literature

  • 拉丁语研究 Latin studies

  • 中世纪拉丁语 Medieval Latin

  • 现代教会拉丁语 modern Church Latin

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 拜占庭文明(30.2202) Byzantine civilization(30.2202)

  • 古典语言(16.1200) classical languages(16.1200)

  • 拉丁语教师教育(13.1333) Latin teacher education(13.1333)

  • 中世纪研究(30.1301) medieval studies(30.1301)

  • 宗教研究(38.0201) religious studies(38.0201)

16.1299 - 经典和古典语言,文学和语言学,其他 Classics and classical languages, literatures and linguistics, other

此教学课程类别包括以上未列出的与古典和古典语言、文学和语言学相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Classics and classical languages, literatures and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 伊特鲁里亚人 Etruscan

  • 扫描仪 Oscan

  • 其他经典和古典语言、文学和语言学 other Classics and classical languages, literatures and linguistics

  • 萨姆尼安 Samnian

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 古希腊语(16.1202) ancient Greek(16.1202)

  • 古典语言(16.1200) classical languages(16.1200)

  • 拉丁语(16.1203) Latin(16.1203)

16.13 - 凯尔特语言、文学和语言学 Celtic languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学程序类 16.1301。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 16.1301.

16.1301 - 凯尔特语言、文学和语言学 Celtic languages, literatures and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于不列颠群岛、欧洲大陆和小亚细亚凯尔特人使用的历史和现代语言的课程,包括但不限于现代语言,如爱尔兰语、苏格兰盖尔语、威尔士语和布列塔尼;以及已灭绝或复兴的语言,例如康沃尔语、马恩岛语、加拉太语等。这些课程包括语言学、语言学、方言和洋泾浜语、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the historical and modern languages spoken by the Celtic peoples of the British Isles, Continental Europe, and Asia Minor including, but not limited to, modern languages such as Irish, Scots Gaelic, Welsh, and Breton; and extinct or revived languages such as Cornish, Manx, Galatian, and others. These programs include courses in philology, linguistics, dialects and pidgins, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 布列塔尼语 Breton

  • 布立吞语 brythonic languages

  • 凯尔特语 Celtic languages

  • 凯尔特语言和文学 Celtic languages and literature

  • 凯尔特文学 Celtic literature

  • 康沃尔语 Cornish

  • goidelic 语言 goidelic languages

  • 爱尔兰盖尔语 Irish Gaelic

  • 苏格兰盖尔语 Scots Gaelic

  • 威尔士语 Welsh

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 爱尔兰研究(05.0133) Irish studies(05.0133)

  • 苏格兰人(16.0599) Scots(16.0599)

  • 西欧研究(05.0114) Western European studies(05.0114)

16.14 - 东南亚和澳大拉西亚/太平洋语言、文学和语言学 Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.1400 至 16.1499。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.1400 to 16.1499.

16.1400 - 东南亚语言、文学和语言学,一般 Southeast Asian languages, literatures and linguistics, general

该教学课程包括通常侧重于东南亚大陆以及印度尼西亚和菲律宾群岛使用的一种或多种现代语言的任何课程,包括但不限于泰语、藏缅语和马来语-波利尼西亚语的成员语族。这些课程包括可能涉及多种语言和语系的课程,不具体说明所学语言的名称,或者没有其他区别。 This instructional program class comprises any program that generally focuses on one or more of the modern languages spoken in mainland Southeast Asia and the Indonesian and Philippines Archipelagoes, including, but not limited to, members of the Thai, Tibeto-Burman, and Malayo-Polynesian language families. These programs include courses that may involve multiple languages and language families, not be specific as to the name of the language(s) studied, or be otherwise undifferentiated.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 东南亚语言 Southeast Asian languages

  • 东南亚语言文学 Southeast Asian languages and literature

  • 东南亚语言学 Southeast Asian linguistics

  • 东南亚文学 Southeast Asian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东南亚研究(05.0113) Southeast Asian studies(05.0113)

16.1401 - 澳大利亚/大洋洲/太平洋语言、文学和语言学 Australian/Oceanic/Pacific languages, literatures and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于巴布亚/新几内亚、澳大利亚、新西兰和太平洋岛屿群本土语言的课程,包括但不限于巴布亚语;澳大利亚语言;密克罗尼西亚语;和波利尼西亚语。这些课程包括语言学、语言学、方言和洋泾浜语、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the languages native to Papua/New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, and the island groups of the Pacific Ocean, including, but not limited to, the Papuan languages; the Australian languages; the Micronesian languages; and the Polynesian languages. These programs include courses in philology, linguistics, dialects and pidgins, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 澳大利亚语言 Australian languages

  • 斐济语 Fijian

  • 印太语言 Indo-Pacific languages

  • 毛利人 Maori

  • 大洋洲语言 Oceanic languages

  • 巴布亚语 Papuan languages

  • 波利尼西亚语言 Polynesian languages

  • 萨摩亚语 Samoan

  • 大溪地 Tahitian

  • 汤加 Tongan

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 夏威夷语言和文学(16.1409) Hawaiian language and literature(16.1409)

  • 美洲土著语言、文学和语言学(16.1001) Indigenous languages, literatures, and linguistics of the Americas(16.1001)

  • 太平洋研究(05.0109) Pacific studies(05.0109)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

16.1402 - 印度尼西亚/马来语和文学 Indonesian/Malay languages and literatures

该教学课程包括任何专注于马来语和印度尼西亚语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Malay and Indonesian languages. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 印尼语 Bahasa Indonesian

  • 印度尼西亚语和文学 Bahasa Indonesian languages and literature

  • 印尼语 Indonesian languages

  • 印度尼西亚语言和文学 Indonesian languages and literature

  • 印尼文学 Indonesian literature

  • 马来语 Malay languages

  • 马来语言和文学 Malay languages and literature

  • 马来文学 Malay literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

  • 东南亚研究(05.0113) Southeast Asian studies(05.0113)

16.1403 - 缅甸语言和文学 Burmese language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以缅甸语为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Burmese language. These programs include courses in philology, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 缅甸语 Burmese language

  • 缅语语言文学 Burmese language and literature

  • 缅甸文学 Burmese literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 南亚研究(05.0112) South Asian studies(05.0112)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

16.1404 - 菲律宾/他加禄语语言和文学 Philippine/Tagalog language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于菲律宾使用的现代菲律宾语/他加禄语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the modern Filipino/Tagalog language as used in the Philippines. These programs include courses in philology, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 菲律宾语 Filipino

  • 菲律宾语 Filipino language

  • 菲律宾语言文学 Filipino language and literature

  • 菲律宾文学 Filipino literature

  • 他加禄语 Tagalog

  • 他加禄语 Tagalog language

  • 他加禄语语言和文学 Tagalog language and literature

  • 他加禄语文学 Tagalog literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

  • 东南亚研究(05.0113) Southeast Asian studies(05.0113)

16.1405 - 高棉/柬埔寨语言和文学 Khmer/Cambodian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以柬埔寨使用的高棉语为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Khmer language as spoken in Cambodia. These programs include courses in philology, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 柬埔寨语 Cambodian

  • 柬埔寨语 Cambodian language

  • 柬埔寨语言文学 Cambodian language and literature

  • 柬埔寨文学 Cambodian literature

  • 高棉语 Khmer

  • 高棉语 Khmer language

  • 高棉语言和文学 Khmer language and literature

  • 高棉文学 Khmer literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

  • 东南亚研究(05.0113) Southeast Asian studies(05.0113)

16.1406 - 老挝语言文学 Lao language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以老挝语为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Lao language. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 老挝 Lao

  • 老挝语 Lao language

  • 老挝语言文学 Lao language and literature

  • 老挝文学 Lao literature

  • 老挝语言文学 Laotian language and literature

  • 老挝语 Laotian language

  • 老挝文学 Laotian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

  • 东南亚研究(05.0113) Southeast Asian studies(05.0113)

16.1407 - 泰语和文学 Thai language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以泰语为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Thai languages. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 泰语 Thai

  • 泰语 Thai language

  • 泰国语言文学 Thai language and literature

  • 泰国文学 Thai literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

  • 东南亚研究(05.0113) Southeast Asian studies(05.0113)

16.1408 - 越南语言和文学 Vietnamese language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以越南语为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Vietnamese language. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 越南语 Vietnamese

  • 越南语 Vietnamese language

  • 越南语言文学 Vietnamese language and literature

  • 越南文学 Vietnamese literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东亚语言文学(16.0300) East Asian languages and literature(16.0300)

  • 东方语言(16.9999) Oriental languages(16.9999)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

  • 东南亚研究(05.0113) Southeast Asian studies(05.0113)

16.1409 - 夏威夷语言和文学 Hawaiian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于夏威夷语言和相关方言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Hawaiian language and related dialects. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 夏威夷语 Hawaiian

  • 夏威夷语 Hawaiian language

  • 夏威夷语言和文学 Hawaiian language and literature

  • 夏威夷文学 Hawaiian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 土著语言和文学(16.1001) Indigenous languages and literature(16.1001)

  • 波利尼西亚语言(16.1401) Polynesian languages(16.1401)

16.1499 - 东南亚和澳大利亚/太平洋语言、文学和语言学,其他 Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific languages, literatures and linguistics, other

此教学课程类别包括上面未列出的与东南亚和澳大利亚/太平洋语言、文学和语言学相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific languages, literatures and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 中文 Achinese

  • 巴塔克 Batak

  • 比萨彦 Bisayan

  • 克钦族 Kachin

  • 凯伦 Karen

  • Lolo-Moso Lolo-Moso

  • 马都拉斯语 Madurese

  • 马卡萨雷语 Makasarese

  • 马达加斯加 Malagasy

  • 巽他 Sundan

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东南亚语言(16.1400) Southeast Asian languages(16.1400)

  • 东南亚研究(05.0113) Southeast Asian studies(05.0113)

16.15 - 突厥、乌拉尔-阿尔泰、高加索和中亚语言、文学和语言学 Turkic, Uralic-Altaic, Caucasian and Central Asian languages, literatures and linguistics

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.1501 至 16.1599。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.1501 to 16.1599.

16.1501 - 土耳其语言和文学 Turkish language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以土耳其语的前现代和现代变体或两者为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、奥斯曼土耳其语、现代土耳其语、方言以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Turkish language in either or both of its pre-modern and modern variants. These programs include courses in philology, Ottoman Turkish, modern Turkish, dialects, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 现代土耳其语 modern Turkish

  • 奥斯曼土耳其语 Ottoman Turkish

  • 土耳其语 Turkish

  • 土耳其语 Turkish language

  • 土耳其语言和文学 Turkish language and literature

  • 土耳其文学 Turkish literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东欧研究(05.0105) East European studies(05.0105)

  • 近东和中东研究(05.0108) Near and Middle Eastern studies(05.0108)

16.1502 - 乌拉尔语言、文学和语言学 Uralic languages, literatures and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于乌拉尔语的课程,包括但不限于芬兰语、爱沙尼亚语、卡累利阿语和萨米语。这些课程包括语言学、口头和书面文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on Uralic languages, including, but not limited to, Finnish, Estonian, Karelian, and Sami. These programs include courses in philology, oral and written literatures, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 爱沙尼亚语 Estonian

  • 芬兰语 Finnish

  • 芬兰语言和文学 Finnish language and literature

  • 芬兰文学 Finnish literature

  • 卡累利阿 Karelian

  • 萨米 Sami

  • 乌拉尔语 Uralic languages

  • 乌拉尔语言和文学 Uralic languages and literature

  • 乌拉尔语言学 Uralic linguistics

  • 乌拉尔文学 Uralic literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚语言、文学和语言学(16.0502) Scandinavian languages, literature and linguistics(16.0502)

  • 斯堪的纳维亚研究(05.0111) Scandinavian studies(05.0111)

16.1503 - 匈牙利语/马扎尔语和文学 Hungarian/Magyar language and literature

该教学课程包括任何专注于匈牙利语的课程。这些课程包括语言学、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Hungarian language. These programs include courses in philology, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 匈牙利语 Hungarian

  • 匈牙利语 Hungarian language

  • 匈牙利语言和文学 Hungarian language and literature

  • 匈牙利文学 Hungarian literature

  • 马扎尔语 Magyar language

  • 马扎尔语言文学 Magyar language and literature

  • 马扎尔文学 Magyar literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 东欧研究(05.0105) East European studies(05.0105)

16.1504 - 蒙古语言文学 Mongolian language and literature

该教学课程包括任何以蒙古语为重点的课程。这些课程包括语言学、方言、口头和书面文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the Mongolian language. These programs include courses in philology, dialects, oral and written literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 蒙古语 Mongolian

  • 蒙古语 Mongolian language

  • 蒙古语言文学 Mongolian language and literature

  • 蒙古文学 Mongolian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 中亚研究(05.0120) Central Asian studies(05.0120)

  • 东方语言(16.9999) Oriental languages(16.9999)

16.1599 - 突厥语系、乌拉尔-阿尔泰语系、高加索语系和中亚语系、文学和语言学,其他 Turkic, Uralic-Altaic, Caucasian and Central Asian languages, literatures and linguistics, other

此教学课程类别包括上面未列出的与突厥语、乌拉尔-阿尔泰语、高加索语和中亚语言、文学和语言学相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Turkic, Uralic-Altaic, Caucasian, and Central Asian languages, literatures, and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 阿尔泰语 Altaic

  • 巴什基尔语 Bashkir

  • 车臣-印古什语 Chechen-Ingushetian

  • 格鲁吉亚语 Georgian

  • 哈萨克语 Kazakh

  • 柯尔克孜语 Kirghiz

  • 土库曼 Turkmen

  • 维吾尔语 Uighur

  • 乌兹别克语 Uzbek

16.16 - 手语 Sign language

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.1601 至 16.1699。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.1601 to 16.1699.

16.1601 - 美国手语 (ASL)/魁北克语 (LSQ) American Sign Language (ASL)/Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ)

该教学课程包括任何专注于美国手语 (ASL) 和/或魁北克手语 (LSQ) 作为聋人和聋人文化交流和话语的视觉和运动媒体的课程。这些课程包括 ASL/LSQ 的发展、ASL/LSQ 形态和句法、手语技巧、ASL/LSQ 的英语和/或法语翻译、正式和口语的 ASL/LSQ 以及 ASL/LSQ 转录的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on American Sign Language (ASL) and/or Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) as visual and motor media of communication and discourse for deaf individuals and deaf culture. These programs include courses in the development of ASL/LSQ, ASL/LSQ morphology and syntax, signing technique, English and/or French translation of ASL/LSQ, formal and colloquial ASL/LSQ, and ASL/LSQ transcription.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 美国手语 American Sign Language

  • 美国手语 ASL

  • langue des signes québécoise langue des signes québécoise


  • 手语/Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ)“) sign language/Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ)”)

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 聋人研究和 ASL(05.0211) deaf studies and ASL(05.0211)

  • 手语语言学(16.1602) linguistics of signed languages(16.1602)

  • 手语翻译(16.1603) sign language interpretation(16.1603)

  • 聋人老师(13.1003) teacher of the deaf(13.1003)

16.1602 - 手语语言学 Linguistics of sign language

该教学课程包括任何专注于美国手语 (ASL)、魁北克手语 (LSQ) 和其他视觉手语的发展、结构和使用的科学和学术研究的课程,这两种语言都是内部交流的工具聋人社区以及与口语和书面语言有关的问题。这些课程包括认知语言学课程;手语音系、句法和词法;聋人社区的社会语言学;比较语言学;和特定手语的研究,包括但不限于 ASL、LSQ、Auslan(澳大利亚手语)、LSF(Langue des signes française)、Shuwa jiten(日本手语)、HamNoSys(德国手语)和 Gestuno . This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the scientific and scholarly study of the development, structure, and use of American Sign Language (ASL), Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) and other visual signed languages, both as vehicles for communication within the deaf community and in relation to spoken and written languages. These programs include courses in cognitive linguistics; sign language phonology, syntax, and morphology; sociolinguistics of the deaf community; comparative linguistics; and studies of specific sign languages, including, but not limited to, ASL, LSQ, Auslan (Australian Sign Language), LSF (Langue des signes française), Shuwa jiten (Japanese Sign Language), HamNoSys (German Sign Language), and Gestuno.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 手语语言学 linguistics of sign language

  • 手语语言学 linguistics of signed languages

  • 手语语言学 sign language linguistics

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 美国手语(16.1601) American Sign Language(16.1601)

  • 应用语言学(16.0105) applied linguistics(16.0105)

  • 手语翻译(16.1603) sign language interpretation(16.1603)

16.1603 - 手语翻译 Sign language interpretation and translation

该教学计划课程包括任何准备个人作为美国手语 (ASL)、魁北克手语 (LSQ) 和其他用于帮助听力受损者的手语系统的同声传译员的计划,包括单向和双向方式。这些课程包括手语、手指拼写、词汇和表达细微差别、口头和肢体翻译技巧、跨文化交流、俚语和口语以及技术口译等课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals to function as simultaneous interpreters of American Sign Language (ASL), Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ), and other sign language systems employed to assist the hearing impaired, both one-way and two-way. These programs include courses in sign language, finger spelling, vocabulary and expressive nuances, oral and physical translation skills, cross-cultural communications, slang and colloquialisms, and technical interpretation.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 美国手语翻译 American Sign Language interpreting

  • 美国手语口译 ASL interpreting

  • 手语沟通者 sign language communicator

  • 手语翻译 sign language interpretation

  • 手语翻译 sign language translation

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 法律口译和笔译(22.0304) legal interpretation and translation(22.0304)

16.1699 - 手语,其他 Sign language, other

此教学课程类别包括以上未列出的与手语相关的任何课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Sign language.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 其他手语 other sign language

16.17 - 第二语言学习 Second language learning

该子系列包括教学课程类别 16.1701 至 16.1799。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 16.1701 to 16.1799.

16.1701 - 英语作为第二语言 English as a second language

该教学课程包括任何专注于为英语不是母语的人提高英语阅读、写作和口语能力的课程。这些课程包括使用基本沟通技巧来发展和传播英语思想和思想的课程,以及侧重于发展足以满足特定职业或学术需求的英语熟练程度的专业课程。注意:这些课程是为了获得高等教育证书的学分。对于不是获得高等教育证书的学分的第二语言课程,请参阅 32.0109。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the development of proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking English for those for whom English is not their mother tongue. These programs include courses in the use of basic communication skills to develop and transmit ideas and thoughts in English as well as specialized programs that focus on the development of proficiency in English sufficient to meet specific occupational or academic demands. Note: These programs are for academic credit towards a postsecondary credential. For second language programs that are not for academic credit towards a postsecondary credential, see 32.0109.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 英语作为第二语言 English as a second language

  • 英语 ESL

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 双语和多语教育(13.0201) bilingual and multilingual education(13.0201)

  • 英语作为第二语言(不计学分)(32.0109) English as a second language (not for credit)(32.0109)

  • 英语老师(13.1305) English teacher(13.1305)

  • 英语作为第二语言教学(13.1401) teaching English as a second language(13.1401)

16.1702 - 法语作为第二语言CAN French as a second languageCAN

该教学课程包括任何专注于为法语不是母语的人提高法语阅读、写作和口语能力的课程。这些课程包括使用基本沟通技巧来发展和传播法语思想和思想的课程,以及侧重于提高法语水平以满足特定职业或学术需求的专业课程。注意:这些课程是为了获得高等教育证书的学分。对于不是获得高等教育证书的学分的第二语言课程,请参阅 32.0109。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the development of proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking French for those for whom French is not their mother tongue. These programs include courses in the use of basic communication skills to develop and transmit ideas and thoughts in French as well as specialized programs that focus on the development of proficiency in French sufficient to meet specific occupational or academic demands. Note: These programs are for academic credit towards a postsecondary credential. For second language programs that are not for academic credit towards a postsecondary credential, see 32.0109.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法语作为第二语言 French as a second language


  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 双语和多语教育(13.0201) bilingual and multilingual education(13.0201)

  • 法语作为第二语言(不计学分)(32.0109) French as a second language (not for credit)(32.0109)

  • 法语老师(13.1325) French teacher(13.1325)

  • 法语作为第二语言教学(13.1402) teaching French as a second language(13.1402)

16.1799 - 第二语言学习,otherCAN Second language learning, otherCAN

该教学课程包括上面未列出的与第二语言学习相关的任何课程。注意:这些课程是为了获得高等教育证书的学分。对于不是获得高等教育证书的学分的第二语言课程,请参阅 32.0109。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Second language learning. Note: These programs are for academic credit towards a postsecondary credential. For second language programs that are not for academic credit towards a postsecondary credential, see 32.0109.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 母语为第二语言 Native as a second language

  • 其他第二语言学习 other second language learning

  • 第二语言学习 second language learning

  • 西班牙语作为第二语言 Spanish as a second language

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 第二语言学习(不计学分)(32.0109) second language learning (not for credit)(32.0109)

16.18 - 亚美尼亚语言、文学和语言学 Armenian languages, literatures, and linguistics

该子系列包括教学程序类 16.1801。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 16.1801.

16.1801 - 亚美尼亚语言、文学和语言学 Armenian languages, literatures, and linguistics

该教学课程包括任何专注于亚美尼亚人使用的历史和现代语言的课程。这些课程包括语言学、语言学、方言和洋泾浜语、文学以及在商业、科学/技术和其他环境中的应用课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the historical and modern languages spoken by Armenians. These programs include courses in philology, linguistics, dialects and pidgins, literature, and applications to business, science/technology, and other settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 亚美尼亚语 Armenian

  • 亚美尼亚语 Armenian language

  • 亚美尼亚语言和文学 Armenian language and literature

  • 亚美尼亚语言、文学和语言学 Armenian language, literature and linguistics

  • 亚美尼亚文学 Armenian literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 其他突厥语系、乌拉尔-阿尔泰语系、高加索语系和中亚语系 (16.1599) other Turkic, Uralic-Altaic, Caucasian and Central Asian languages(16.1599)

16.99 - 土著和外国语言、文学和语言学,其他 Indigenous and foreign languages, literatures and linguistics, other

该子系列包括教学程序类 16.9999。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 16.9999.

16.9999 - 土著和外国语言、文学和语言学,其他 Indigenous and foreign languages, literatures and linguistics, other

此教学课程类别包括上面未列出的任何与土著和外国语言、文学和语言学相关的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Indigenous and foreign languages, literatures and linguistics.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 巴斯克语 Basque

  • 东方语言 Oriental languages

  • 其他土著和外国语言、文学和语言学 other Indigenous and foreign languages, literatures and linguistics

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 外语教学(13.1306) teaching foreign languages(13.1306)