新西兰配偶团聚签证申请材料清单 Checklist

新西兰配偶团聚移民 Residence: Family: Partnership 继续讨论:



You can lodge your application at the New Zealand Visa Application Centres (VAC) in China OR Hong Kong. For
more information about the VACS, visit: www.vfsglobal.cn/NewZealand/China/ It’s important you provide all the
relevant information requested below so we can process your application promptly. Application forms are
available from our website: www.immigration.govt.nz/forms.
www.vfsglobal.cn/NewZealand/China/… 请务必按照下列要求提供所有相关信息,以便我们能够及时审理您的签

Immigration New Zealand reserves the right to request additional information in the course of assessing an application and to retain information and documents on file.
If you provide false or misleading information your application may be declined.

Please Note: 请注意:

  • The Hukou book submitted must be an original.户口本必须递交原件
  • Other documents must be either originals or certified true copies.其他材料必须递交原件或公证件。
  • Any documents not in English must be translated by an official translator.所有非英文材料必须有英文译本。

Documents required 所需材料

  • A completed and signed application form INZ 1000. 已填写完整并签字的申请表:INZ 1000
  • Current passports for every person included in the application 此申请中包含的每个申请人的有效护照。
  • A copy of the identity pages of the passports of every person included in the application 申请中包括的所有申请人的护照个人资料页复印件
  • Application fee, More information about fees can be found on the office and fees calculator
  • Two recent passport-sized photographs less than six months old for every person included in the application 此申请中包含的每个申请人的近期(六个月以内)护照照片 2 张
  • Household Register (Hukou) (CHINESE NATIONALS ONLY) Hong Kong /Macau ID Card (HONG KONG AND MACAU RESIDENTS ONLY) 申请人的户口本(仅适用于中国公民),香港/澳门身份证复印件(仅适用于香港和澳门居民)
  • Full birth certificates for every person included in the application-original or certified copies 此申请中包含的每个申请人的出生证明原件或公证件(出生公证)
  • A completed Partnership Support Form for Residence (INZ 1178) 填写完整的配偶类移民支持表 Partnership Support Form for Residence (INZ 1178)
  • Marriage certificate (if married).结婚证(如已婚)
  • Evidence that you and your partner have been living in a ‘genuine and stable’ relationship for at least 12 months (please refer to section K6 of the Residence Guide (INZ 1002) for more details.申请人与其配偶一起居住至少 12 个月, 并且关系真实稳定的相关的证明(更多详情请参阅 Residence Guide (INZ 1002)的 K6 部分)
  • A police certificate for your supporting partner, less than 6 months old, from any country in which your supporting partner has lived 12 months or more (whether one visit or intermittently) in the last seven years, except for the New Zealand Police certificate which will be obtained by Immigration New Zealand on behalf
    申请人配偶(17 及 17 岁以上)过去 7 年内曾经连续或间歇地居留 12 个月或 12 个月以上的所有
    国家(不包括新西兰)出具的无刑事犯罪证明。无刑事犯罪证明的出具日期距递交申请之日应该少于 6 个月
  • Evidence of relationship to any family members included in the application, or Kinship Certificate (CHINESE NATIONALS ONLY) 此申请中包含的所有家庭成员的亲属关系公证。或 申请人与直系亲属的亲属关系公证 (仅适用于中国公民)。
  • If you and/or your partner are aged 16 years or older but are less than 18 years of age at the time of application, evidence that you have the support of your parent(s) or guardian(s).如果申请人或其配偶的年龄大于 16 岁但未满 18 岁, 须提交父母或监护人的支持信
  • Evidence the your partner is a New Zealand citizen or resident 证明申请人的配偶是新西兰公民或居民的证明
  • Evidence that the your partner’s primary place of established residence is New Zealand (if the New Zealand partner is the holder of valid Australian passport and does not hold a current New Zealand residence class visa or the New Zealand partner is the holder of a current New Zealand residence class visa that has been granted on the basis that the person is the holder of a current Australian permanent residence visa, or a current Australian resident return visa).
  • If you and your partner have been living together for 12 months or more you must provide a completed Limited Medical Certificate (INZ 1201) and a completed Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) PDF unless a Medical Certificate has been provided to INZ within the 36 months
  • preceding your application.如您和您的配偶已经共同生活 12 个月或以上,您须递交一份完整的限定体格检查表(INZ1201)以及完整的胸部 X 光表(INZ1096),除非您已在此申请之前36 个月之内递交过体格检查表。

  • If you and your partner have NOT been living together for 12 monthsyou must provide:
  • a completed General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007) unless a Medical Certificate has been provided to INZ within the 36 months preceding your application, and
  • a completed Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) PDF.
  • Please note that a chest x-ray certificate is NOT required if:
  • a Chest X –ray Certificate has been provided to INZ within the 36 months preceding this application, and
  • you have not spent the previous six consecutive months in China, Hong Kong or another country that is not a lowincidence country for tuberculosis (TB).
  • 如您和您的配偶尚未共同生活达12个月,您须递交:
  • 普通体格检查表 General Medical Certificate (INZ1007),除非您已在 此申请之前 36 个月之内递交过体格检查表,并且
  • 完整的短期入境签证胸部 X 光表 Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) PDF。
  • 短期入境签证胸部 X 光表在以下情况下无需递交:
    • 如已在此申请之前 36 个月之内递交过入境签证胸部 X 光表,并且
    • 过去连续 6 个月中您未在中国、香港或其他肺结核高发国家逗留。

Certificates must be less than 3 months old when the application is submitted. 体格检查表须在此申请递交前 3 个月内完成。

  • Police certificate(s) for every person aged 17 years and over included in the application from for all countries of Citizenship and all countries they have lived in for 12 months or more in the past 10 years. The police certificates must be less than 6 months old when the application is submitted.

  • 17 岁和 17 岁以上的申请人的无刑事犯罪证明(无刑事犯罪证明的出具日期距递交申请之日应该少于 6 个月.), 包括:

  • 申请人所具有公民身份国家出具的无刑事犯罪证明;

  • 申请人过去 10 年内曾经居留 12 个月或 12 个月以上的所有国家出具的无刑事犯罪证明.

  • Chinese police certificate: Your notarized Police Clearance Certificate from China and a photocopy of the original police clearance certificate letter issued by the local Public Security Bureau or Vice Squad (Please note that a police clearance certificate letter issued by an applicant’s work unit,work unit security department, street office or talent centre is not acceptable.)中国无刑事犯罪证明:申请人的未受刑事处分公证书以及由当地派出所或刑侦大队出具的未受刑事处分 证明信的复印件。请注意我们不接受由申请人所在单位,单位保卫部,街道或人才中心出具的未受刑事处分证明信.

  • Please note that new full Medical Certificates and Police Certificates do not have to be submitted if these documents were provided with an earlier application and are less than 24 months old at the date this application is lodged. If this is the case, please state “certificate submitted in an earlier application” under the relevant health and
    character sections of the application form.请注意:如果您在之前的申请中已提交过体检证明和无犯罪记录证明, 且该体检证 明和无犯罪记录证明的出具日期距此申请递交之日少于 24 个月, 就无须再次提交

  • Full birth certificates for every person included in the application – original or certified copies 此申请中包含的每个申请人的出生证明原件或公证件(出生公证)

  • A completed Partnership Support Form for Residence (INZ 1178) 填写完整的配偶类移民支持表 Partnership Support Form for Residence (INZ 1178)

  • Marriage certificate (if married).结婚证(如已婚)

  • Evidence that you and your partner have been living in a ‘genuine and stable’ relationship for at least 12 months (please refer to section K6 of the Residence Guide (INZ 1002) for more details.申请人与其配偶一起居住至少 12 个月, 并且关系真实稳定的相关的证明(更多详情请参阅 Residence Guide (INZ 1002)的 K6 部分)

  • A police certificate for your partner (if 17 years of age or over) for all countries that they have lived in for 12 months or more in the seven years prior to the date the application is made. However, your partner does not need to provide a police certificate from New Zealand(INZ will obtain this on their behalf if required) The police certificate must be less than 6 months old when the application is submitted. 申请人配偶(17 岁或 17 岁以上)在此申请递交之日前的过去 7 年内曾经居留12 个月或 12 个月以上的所有国家(不包括新西兰)出具的无刑事犯罪证明。无刑事犯罪证明的出具日期距递交申请之日应该少于 6 个月

  • Evidence of relationship to any family members included in the application, or Kinship Certificate (CHINESE NATIONALS ONLY) 此申请中包含的所有家庭成员的亲属关系公证。或 申请人与直系亲属的亲属关系公证 (仅适用于中国公民)。

  • If you and/or your partner are aged 16 years or older but are less than 18 years of age at the time of application, evidence that you have the support of your parent(s) or guardian(s).如果申请人或其配偶的年龄大于 16 岁但未满 18 岁, 须提交父母或监护人的支持信

  • Evidence the your partner is a New Zealand citizen or resident 证明申请人的配偶是新西兰公民或居民的证明

  • Evidence that the your partner’s primary place of established residence is New Zealand (if the New Zealand partner is the holder of valid Australian passport and does not hold a current New Zealand residence class visa or the New Zealand partner is the holder of a current New Zealand residence class visa that has been granted on the basis that the person is the holder of a current Australian permanent residence visa, or a current Australian resident return visa).


With your residence category application please include the following documents. These are not mandatory requirements for the lodgement of your application, but they will be required in order for us to complete the processing of your application, so providing them at the time you submit your application will assist us when your application is allocated:
移民类申请同时需要提供以下辅助材料. 下列材料虽然不是递交您申请材料时的必须材料,但在签证审理过程中是需要提供的.

**Documents required **

For all applicants included in your application who are aged 17 years or over, a detailed list of their education and employment history written in English and set out in the format shown below:包括在申请中的每个 17 岁及 17 岁以上的中国籍申请人的英文简历, 内容需要涵盖每个申请人的教育和工作经历. 简历格式及具体要求如下:

Please note:注意事项:

  • If you have done tertiary study the education section should include details of all your tertiary studies and senior high school study. If you have not done tertiary study the education section should include details of your senior high, junior high and primary
    schools. 如果申请人有大学以上(大专/大本)学历或在读, 请从高中填起. 如果申请人有大学及以上学历或在读, 请从小学填起.
  • You MUST include the addresses of the education institutions you attended.一定要提供所有学校的地址.

Please note: 注意事项:

  • The employment section needs to cover your employment history for the past 10 years. If you are retired or unemployed now, please state the date you became retired or unemployed and provide your employment history for the 10 years before you left your last employment. 工作经历请填写过去 10 年的经历,包括公司名称,地址,职位,如果您已退休或失业,请提供您退休或失业时间, 和退休或失业前 10 年的工作经历.
  • If the positions are generic, e.g. manager/engineer/IT/teacher/university professor – please specify area of work/speciality/subject, e.g. Manager of Human Resources, Civil Engineer or University lecturer delivering marketing courses etc.填写职位时请清楚注明工作领域. 如果您是公司的经理,工程师,电脑技术人员或大学讲师等,请具体说明,如:人事部经理, 土木工程师或营销学科讲师等
  • If you are, or have been, self employed, please provide details of the nature of your business activities, e.g. Seafood Processing,and your actual position as director/shareholder etc.
    自营职业者请注明您公司经营范围及您的职位(如:公司总经理或股东, 公司经营海鲜加工等)
  • You MUST include the addresses of your employers.一定要提供所有单位的地址


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