澳大利亚签证申请无犯罪要求 Character requirements for visas


满足品行要求 Meeting the requirements

  1. 如果申请人有以下情况,可能无法通过品行测试 You may not pass the character requirements in some circumstances.
  • 申请人有实质性犯罪记录 you have a substantial criminal record
  • 申请人曾经逃避移民拘留 you have been convicted of escaping from immigration detention, or convicted for an offence that you committed:
    • while you were in immigration detention
    • during an escape from immigration detention
    • after an escape, but before you were taken into immigration detention again
  • 申请人与移民局认定有犯罪行为的组织机构或者组织机构的人有关系,或者与之有联系 you are or have been a member of a group or organisation, or had or have an association with a person, group or organisation that the Minister reasonably suspects of being involved in criminal conduct
  • 移民局怀疑申请人有涉及人口走私,人口贩卖,大屠杀,战争犯罪,反人类罪,涉及酷刑或奴役的犯罪,或者引起严重的国际关注的犯罪,不论是否已经定罪 the Minister reasonably suspects that you have been involved in people smuggling, people trafficking, genocide, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a crime involving torture or slavery, or a crime that is of serious international concern, whether or not you have been convicted of such an offence
  • 申请人之前的犯罪记录和现在的日常品行皆证明品行不好 your past and present criminal or general conduct shows that you are not of good character
  • 当申请人在澳洲时将会有进行犯罪,骚扰,恐吓,跟踪他人,煽动纷争,对社会造成危险there is a risk that while you are in Australia you would:
    • engage in criminal conduct
    • harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person
    • vilify a segment of the Australian community
    • incite discord in the Australian community or in a part of it
    • be a danger to the Australian community or a part of it
  • 申请人有一次或者多次涉及儿童的性犯罪而被定罪或者罚款 you have been convicted, found guilty or had a charge proven for, one or more sexually based offences involving a child
  • 申请人无法通过澳大利亚安全情报局的安全评估 you are subject to an adverse security assessment by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
  • 收到国际刑警通知告知申请人将对澳洲社会带来直接或者间接的风险 you are subject to an Interpol notice, from which it is reasonable to infer that you are a direct or indirect risk to the Australian community, or a segment of the Australian community
  • 申请人有过家庭暴力犯罪 you are or have been convicted of a domestic violence offence or have ever been subject to a domestic violence order
  1. 在申请澳洲签证时,申请人需要声明之前的犯罪记录,诚实回答相关问题并提供对应的信息,移民局将会具体情况具体分析,然后决定是否发放签证。如果申请人不能如实提供自己的犯罪记录,将会拒签。

We consider all circumstances of a case. Even if you do not meet the character requirements, we, or the Minister for Home Affairs can choose to grant your visa.

If you are not completely honest about your criminal history, we may refuse your application.

申请签证时需要提交的材料 After you apply

  1. 无犯罪证明 provide a police certificate
  2. Form 80表 complete Form 80 Personal particulars for character assessment (596KB PDF)
  3. 法定声明 complete a character statutory declaration (550KB PDF)
  4. 服役证明 provide a military certificate
  5. 雇主提供的品行证明 provide a letter of good conduct from an employer

拒签或者取消签证 Resufal or cancellation

  1. 如果申请人没有满足品行要求,移民局将会拒签或者取消签证。一般说来,移民局是基于以下考虑来决定申请人是否满足品行要求:
  • 对于澳洲社会的保护 the protection of the Australian community
  • 保护澳洲小孩的权益 the best interests of any children in Australia
  • 澳洲国际法律责任 Australia’s international legal responsibilities
  • 申请人的拒签及取消签证对其在澳洲家属的影响 the impact of visa refusal or cancellation on your family in Australia
  • 对澳洲公司或者社区利益额影响 any impact on Australian business and community interests

飞出国注:如果申请人是因为品行原因取消签证,移民局也不会下发其他签证。If we cancel your visa on character grounds, we may not be able to grant you another visa.

  1. 根据相关法律,如果申请人是在澳洲因为犯罪而全职在监狱中服刑,移民局必须取消其签证:
  • 被判以死刑,终生监禁或者判处一年以上刑期
  • 被澳洲法庭或者国外法庭判处涉及儿童的性犯罪
  • 被指控犯有涉及儿童的性犯罪,即使无罪释放
  • 被裁定涉及儿童的性犯罪罪名成立,即使无罪释放
  1. 如果拒签或者取消签证,申请人可以向AAT行政上诉法庭提出上诉

拒签或取消签证的上诉 Appeal a refusal or cancellation


If we must cancel your visa you, your sponsor or your nominator have 28 days to request we consider restoring your visa.

服役证明 Military certificates


You may need to provide a military certificate with your visa application. If we ask you for one, it will usually be when you served for more than 12 months in any country’s military force.

A military certificate can be a letter from your commanding officer. It should say you have not been convicted of any criminal offence while in the military.

You may also need to provide a police certificate for every country you served in for over 12 months. This includes where you were stationed at a military base.

无犯罪证明 Police certificates

  1. 自申请人满16周岁以后的且在近十年内有居住时间累积超过12个月的国家,都需要提供该国家的无犯罪证明。无犯罪证明有效期为12个月,无犯罪证明需要覆盖申请人16周岁以后至该证明签发日,或者覆盖申请人在该国家的所有时间。

We may ask you to provide a police certificate (also called a penal clearance certificate) from every country you lived in. If we ask you for one, it will usually be if you are over 17 and lived in any of the listed countries, including Australia, for at least 12 months in the past 10 years.

Police certificates are valid for 12 months from the issue date. They must cover:

  • the time you turned 16 up to the issue date
  • the whole time you were in the country
  1. 申请人所提交的无犯罪证明,如果原件不是英文的则需要对应提供英文翻译件。如果所在国家无法提供无犯罪证明,则可以联系当地澳洲领事馆进行咨询。

船舶工作人员品行要求 Requirements for ship workers

  1. 对于近十年内有在一个或者多个商船,邮轮,私人游艇或者石油钻塔上累计工作12个月以上,则需要提供无犯罪证明。其中航行所到过的国家,都需要提供无犯罪证明。

You must provide a police certificate if you have spent more than 12 months in the last 10 years working on one or more merchant ships, cruise ships, private yachts or oil rigs.

The flag of the country that the vessel sails under is the country you should request the police certificate from. Use our location finder to see how to apply for a police certificate in the relevant country.

  1. 此外,需要由船长或者轮船公司出具品行证明信,说明轮船名字,申请人在轮船上的职位,工作起止时间以及品行说明。

You should also provide a letter of good conduct from the captain or company of each vessel. The letter should include:

  • the name of the vessel
  • the job you had while on the vessel
  • the start and end employment dates
  • a statement about your character
  1. 如果申请人在特定国家的轮船工作不超过12个月,则只需要提供品行证明信,不需要无犯罪证明。

If you have worked less than 12 months on a vessel for one particular country, the letter of good conduct may be accepted instead of the police certificate.