从 卡普顿大学 Cape Breton University(新省悉尼市) 继续讨论:
卡普顿大学开设的课程-Cape Breton University-Programs
文学与社会科学学院School of Arts & Social Sciences
文学学士学位课程Bachelor of Arts (BA) :
- 人类学和社会学
- 历史与文化
- 凯尔特文化与语言
- 历史
- 民俗学
- 音乐与人种音乐学
- 交际学
- 语言与书信
- 戏剧
- 英语
- 法语
- 西班牙语
- 数学
- 射血与宗教研究
- 女性研究
- 政治科学
- 心理学
网址: http://www.cbu.ca/academic-programs/program/school-of-arts-social-sciences/bachelor-of-arts/
文学社区研究学士学位课程Bachelor of Arts Community Studies (BACS):
- 公共行政与管理;
- 通过社会发展预防犯罪Crime Prevention through Social Development;
- 人种音乐学Ethnomusicology;
- 遗产研究Heritage Studies;
- Mi’kmaq文化遗产保护Mi’kmaq Cultural Heritage Preservation;
- 公共行政管理Public Administration;
- 社会研究Social Research;
- 社会服务Social Services;
- 戏剧艺术Theatre Arts。
网站: http://www.cbu.ca/academic-programs/program/school-of-arts-social-sciences/diploma-and-certificates/
职业研究学院 School of Professional Studies
- 私人:应急管理 Private:Emergency Management
- 教育学 Education at CBU
- 科学荣誉学士 (人类营养)Honours Bachelor of Science (Human Nutrition)
- 卫生科学学士(公共卫生)Bachelor of Health Sciences (Public Health)
- 科学、护理学士Bachelor of Science, Nursing
科学与技术学院School of Science & Technology
科学学士学位Bachelor of Science Degrees:
- 生物;
- 化学;
- 数学;
- 心理学
辅修专业Minors are available in::
- 地理学;
- 物理学。
- 科学学士-数学-工程文凭BSc Mathematics with Engineering Diploma
- 科学学士-数学-计算科学BSc Mathematics with Computing Science
- 科学学士-工程化学BSc Chemistry with Engineering
科学学士-社区研究学位Bachelor of Science Community Studies Degrees(BScCS):
- 4年制科学学士-社区研究学位,包括无学分的工作实习
- 生物多样性方向科学学士-社区研究学位BScCS Concentration in Biodiversity
- 综合科学研究方向科学学士-社区研究学位BScCS Concentration in Integrative Science
- 心理学、卫生和环境方向科学学士-社区研究学位BScCS Concentration in Psychology, Health, and Environment
工程技术学士学位Bachelor of Engineering Technology Degrees:
- 电子和控制Electronics and Controls
- 环境研究Environmental Studies
- 制造Manufacturing
- 石油Petroleum
转学分项目Transfer Programs:
- 计算机科学学士Bachelor of Computer Science
- 科学学士(农业方向)BSc (Agriculture)
其他学位课程Other Degrees:
- 应急管理(研究生文凭)Emergency Management (post-diploma only)
- 营养科学Nautical Sciences
工程学士转学分课程(工程文凭)Bachelor of Engineering Transfer Program (Engineering Diploma):
- 4年制课程4-year Program (2 years at CBU)
- 生物学方向:生物系统Biological Option: Biosystems
- 生物学方向:环境Biological Option: Environment
- 化学方向Chemical Option
- 土木方向Civil Option
- 电子和计算机方向Electrical and Computer Option
- 工业方向Industrial Option
- 机械方向Mechanical Option
- 金属冶炼方向Metallurgical Option
- 挖掘方向Mining Option
工程技术文凭Engineering Technology Diplomas:
- 电气(仪器和控制)Electrical (Instrumentation and Controls)
- 机械Mechanical
- 石油Petroleum
- 石油作业Petroleum Operations
- 液化天然气作业Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Operations
网址: http://www.cbu.ca/academic-programs/program/school-of-science-technology/degrees-and-programs/
商学院 School of Business
- 工商管理学士Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA);
- 工商管理学士-会计方向Bachelor of Business Administration, Major in Accounting
- 工商管理学士-市场方向Bachelor of Business Administration, Major in Marketing
- 商务集中课程Business Concentrations
- 经济 Bachelor of Business Administration, Concentration in Economics
- 金融 Bachelor of Business Administration, Concentration in Finance
- 法律研究Bachelor of Business Administration, Concentration in Legal Studies
- 人力资源Bachelor of Business Administration, Concentration in Human Resources
- 旅游市场和管理Bachelor of Business Administration, Concentration in Tourism Marketing and Management
- 酒店与旅游管理Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management(BHTM);
- 社区经济发展方向工商管理硕士Master of Business Administration in Community Economic Development(MBA in CED);
网址: http://www.cbu.ca/academic-programs/program/shannon-school-of-business/
研究生学院 Graduate Studes
- 社区经济发展工商管理硕士Master of Business Administration in Community Economic Development;
- 信息技术方向教育硕士Master of Education in Information Technology;
- 可持续、创造性与创新方向教育硕士Master of Education in Sustainability, Creativity and Innovation (SCI);
- 社会主义Social Justice;
- 遗产管理Heritage Management。
网址: http://www.cbu.ca/academic-programs/program/graduate-studies/
在线教育 Online Education
学位课程Degree Programs:
- 文学社区研究学士Bachelor of Arts Community Studies (BACS)
- BTech环境研究BTech Environmental Studies
- BTech制造BTech Manufacturing
- 公共卫生Public Health
- BTech应急管理BTech Emergency Management
证书和文凭课程Certificate and Diploma Programs:
- 文凭-公共行政管理Diploma, Public Admin
- 证书-公共行政管理Certificate, Public Admin
教师教育课程Teacher Education Programs:
- 研究生文凭-教育技术Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology
- 研究生文凭-教育学(咨询方向)Graduate Diploma in Education (Counselling)
- 研究生文凭-教育学(课程方向)Graduate Diploma in Education (Curriculum)
- 教育硕士(信息技术)Master of Education (Information Technology)
- 教育硕士-可持续、创造力和创新 Master of Education in Sustainability, Creativity, and Innovation (SCI)
网址: http://www.cbu.ca/academic-programs/program/online-education/degrees-and-programs/
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