Canberra Matrix scoring 之ACT雇佣工作加分 ACT EMPLOYMENT – SKILL LEVEL

当前在ACT的工作加分,仅适用境内申请人 - 飞出国201907

飞出国 201907:申请人在ACT境内,且在提交 Matrix 时已经在 ACT 连续带薪工作3个月,可以是同时给多个雇主工作,每周最少20小时,满足当地薪酬要求,同时需要满足对应工作的学历要求。

在提名的open的职业上工作 You are working in your nominated occupation which is ‘Open’ on the ACT Occupation List. 20
持有 ACT 雇主担保的 457 或 482 签证 You are the primary holder of a subclass 457 / 482 visa sponsored by an ACT employer. 15
工作属于担保职业清单上的Open职业,但提名其他职业 You are working in an occupation that is ‘open’ on the ACT Occupation List; but it is not your nominated occupation. 10
工作职业属于技能级别1-3 You are working in an ANZSCO Skill level 1 to 3 occupation. 5
其他 Not applicable. 0

ACT EMPLOYMENT – SKILL LEVEL - Canberra Matrix scoring - flyabroad 201907

Are you currently working in the ACT?

  • You must be working for the last three months immediately at date of Matrix submission.
  • The employment must be continuous. Any period of unpaid leave must be evidenced by a medical certificate.
  • While the employment does not have to be fulltime or permanent, you must be working a minimum 20 hours per week.
  • Your must have a tertiary qualification relevant to your current occupation.
  • Your annual salary must reflect at least, the relevant award rate or market salary rate.
  • You may also work for more than one ACT employer as long as it is in the same occupation and at the same skill level.


提交免费在线评估后可以 微信 联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk)或 预约面谈 :。

Canberra Matrix scoring 之配偶ACT雇佣工作加分 ACT EMPLOYMENT – SKILL LEVEL - 飞出国


  1. 在 ACT 工作3个月的职业属于 ACT 州担保职业列表 上的 open 职业,且满足该职业的学历要求,可以加15分
  2. 在 ACT 工作3个月的职业已经通过职业评估,加10分
  3. 在ACT任何职业(at any skill level)已经工作满3个月可以加5分
  4. 在ACT工作不足3个月,但申请人有3年以上全日制学历(澳洲或海外的都可以),可以加5分
配偶ACT雇佣加分 Spouse/partner employment - 飞出国 加分
Working in an ‘Open’ occupation on the current ACT Occupation List. 15
Skill assessment relevant to current occupation. 10
Currently working in any occupation. 5
Tertiary qualification in any occupation. 5
Not applicable. 0
  1. They are working in an occupation that is ‘open’ on the ACT Occupation List and they must have a tertiary qualification that is relevant to their occupation; or
  2. They have a current skill assessment and it is relevant to their current ACT employment; or
  3. They are currently working in any occupation, at any skill level, in Canberra.
  4. If they do not meet the 3 months employment criterion, but they have a tertiary qualification (requiring at least 3 years full time continuous study) from an Australian or overseas institution in any occupation.


Are they currently working in the ACT or surrounding ‘commuter’ region?

  • They must be working for the three months immediately before the date of Matrix submission.
  • The employment must be continuous. Any period of unpaid leave must be evidenced by a medical certificate.
  • While the employment does not have to be fulltime or permanent, they must be working a minimum 20 hours per week. They may work for more than one employer.


提交免费在线评估后可以 微信 联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk)或 预约面谈 :。