加拿大医务委员会-CA-MCC (The Medical Council of Canada) -1

备注: 在加拿大,必须首先参加MCCQE考试,再参加MCCEE考试,才可以获得LMCC医生执照。



关于MCC 飞出国




考试 飞出国##






加拿大评估考试医务委员会(MCCEE) 飞出国##






  • 2016
  • 1月4日-17日
  • 3月7日-27日
  • 5月2日-22日
  • 9月5日-18日
  • 10月31日-11月13日




  • MCCEE考试报名尚在进行中。虽然MCCEE报名没有时间限制,但是,只要MCCEE报名成功,预约考试日期和时间 就有时间限制。
  • 有关MCCEE报考点,见 城市列表 。Prometric由MCC 指定直接负责以计算机为工具的MCCEE考试安排和管理工作。
  • 必须直接联系Prometric才可以改变或取消考试预约。
  • 有关考试资格信息,请访问:报考与重考EE 页面。
  • 如果你同时对MCCEE和NAC感兴趣,请查询符合NAC考试资格的MCCEE考试报名截止时间。





About MCC

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) strives to achieve the highest level of medical care for Canadians through excellence in evaluation of physicians. It assesses over 11,000 medical students and graduates every year through its examinations. Its exams are offered in both official languages in sites across Canada, and in the case of the MCCEE, in over 500 locations in 80 countries. The MCC is also a leader in verifying and storing physician credentials, which the candidate can share with medical organizations across Canada.

The MCC maintains the Canadian Medical Register, in which medical graduates are inscribed when they fulfill the MCC’s requirements. Additionally, the MCC supports research and development to ensure it remains at the forefront of innovation in medical assessment.



The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) grants a qualification in medicine known as the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) to graduate physicians who have satisfied the eligibility requirements and passed the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Parts I and II. The MCC registers candidates who have been granted the LMCC in the Canadian Medical Register.

For eligibility to sit the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I, graduates of medical schools outside Canada and the United States, referred to on this site as International Medical Graduates (IMGs), as well as graduates from U.S. Schools of Osteopathic Medicine must first pass the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE). IMGs with specialty certification in Canada or the U.S. may be granted an exemption from the MCCEE.

The National Assessment Collaboration (NAC), which reports to the MCC’s Council, offers an examination that tests the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential for entrance into residency training programs. This exam is offered to IMGs through provincial IMG assessment programs

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) and the MCC are collaborating on a new and expanded format for the Certification Examination in Family Medicine.


MCCEE - Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination

The Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) is a four-hour, computer-based examination offered in both English and French at more than 500 centres in 80 countries worldwide. International medical students or U.S. osteopathic students in the final 20 months of their program and international medical school graduates or U.S. osteopathic graduates must take the MCCEE as a prerequisite for eligibility to the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examinations.

The MCCEE is a general assessment of the candidate’s basic medical knowledge in the principal disciplines of medicine. It is also designed to assess the skills and knowledge required at the level of a new medical graduate who is about to enter the first year of supervised postgraduate training.

The computer-based MCCEE consists of 180 multiple-choice questions, each listing five possible answers of which only one is the correct or best answer. The MCCEE questions cover the following domains: Child Health, Maternal Health, Adult Health, Mental Health, and Population Health and Ethics. A number of questions in the examination also have a focus on general practice. You can view an example of a multiple-choice question.

Examination at a glance

Upcoming session dates*

  • 2016
  • Jan. 4 – 17
  • March 7 – 27
  • May 2 – 22
  • Sept. 5 – 18
  • Oct. 31 – Nov. 13

Scheduling for these examination dates

Scheduling for a particular examination date closes 120 hours before the examination date and time.

For eligibility requirements, see Application and eligibility.

generally Mondays through Fridays; some sites may run on Saturdays and/or Sundays

  • Application to the MCCEE is ongoing. While there are no deadlines for applying to the MCCEE, there are deadlines for scheduling an examination date and time once your MCCEE application is accepted.
  • View the list of countries where the MCCEE is offered. The centres (i.e. test sites) are operated by Prometric, the service provider that the MCC has contracted for scheduling and administering the computer-based MCCEE.
  • To change or cancel your appointment, contact Prometric directly.
  • For information on eligibility window extension, see Taking and retaking the EE page.
  • Interested in taking both the MCCEE and NAC examinations? Find out the deadlines to take the MCCEE to be eligible for the NAC examination.


To be determined at a later date.


Results are available approx. 7 weeks after the last day of the examination session. See results for more information.


豁免资格 飞出国

  • 如果国际医学毕业生(IMG)或美国整骨医生是美国委员会资格专家或者是加拿大资格专家时,可以申请MCCEE豁免资格。
  • MCCEE豁免资格允许在不满足一般性要求——通过MCCEE考试的条件下,参加加拿大医务委员会资格考试(MEEQE)第一部分。



  1. 国际医学毕业生(IMG)且医学学位授予的大学或医学院校必须属于国际医学教育名录(IMED)或者美国整骨医生且毕业院校是AOA认可的美国骨科医学院校。



  • 美国医学专家委员会(ABMS)董事会
  • 加拿大内外科医师皇家学院(RCPSC)
  • 加拿大家庭医师学院(CFPC)



  1. 账户


  1. 学历资源认证请求(SVR)

为个人最高医学学位学位证 (毕业证)建立资源认证请求 (SVR),但前提是之前从未创建资源认证请求。

  1. 需要提供的其他文件


  • 一切准备就绪且收到所有必要文件之后,豁免资格申请处理时间一般需要2到3周。
  • 个人申请接受处理之后,physiciansapply.ca个人账户会收到相关信息。
    • 豁免资格申请通过之后:
      1. 根据个人信用卡授权表格中提供的信息,通过个人账户使用信用卡支付100加元。
      2. 你将有资格报考MCCQE第一部分。
      3. 你将通过个人账户收到有MCC信头的官方信件,确认你已获得MCCEE豁免资格。


考试报名与考试资格 飞出国###


  • 国际医学专业学生或国际医学毕业生;
  • 美国骨科医学院校学生或毕业生。



  • 有意者可以随时登陆physiciansapply.ca个人账户,报考MCCEE。


  1. 有效护照认证复印件一份;
  2. 一份认证身份确认表;
  3. 一份学生认证(医学专业学生或医学专业毕业生必须建立资源验证申请,并提供最高医学学历(毕业证)复印件一份)。




  • 系统一旦确定所有能证明考试资格的文件已经接受审查并获得MCC认可,你将会获得另一通知确认考试报名已获批。


  • 学生 –如果之前以学生身份申请,预期毕业时间和之前提交的申请表上时间不同,可以提交一个新的学生认证,在线申请里即可获得。
  • 毕业生 – 如果之前作为学生报考过MCCEE,现在已经毕业,必须递交一份 最高医学学历(毕业证) 复印件和一份 申请资源验证复印件。

注意: 如果之前递交过最高医学学历(毕业证),不必再次递交该毕业证!


  • 请访问MCCEE豁免资格页面,获取更多相关信息。


  • 如果打算报考明年3月份的NAC考试,必须首先报考并顺利通过今年9月份的MCCEE考试。
  • 如果打算报考今年9月份的NAC考试,必须首先报考并顺利通过今年3月份MCCEE考试。
  • 如果打算报考CaRMS Match,参见:MCCEE考试和NAC考试时间安排


  • 如果打算报考指定年份秋季MCCQE第一部分考试,必须首先报考并顺利通过同年5月份的MCCEE考试。
  • 如果打算报考指定年份春季MCCQE第一部分,必须首先报考并顺利通过上一年11月份的MCCEE考试。

MCCEE报考与重考 飞出国####

  • 在Prometric参加MCCEE考试的时间期限为1年,这个时间被称作资格窗口
  • 登陆个人账户可以查看个人资格窗口
  • 无论参加考试、缺考还是退出考试,个人资格窗口都会变成非活跃状态,必须重新申请激活资格窗口


  • 当没有顺利通过考试,再次报考之后获得了MCCEE的认可,个人资格窗口将会被再次激活。
  • 再次报考时,注册系统将会核实下列信息:
    • 个人认证身份确认表尚未失效;
    • 如果之前以毕业生身份申请,接下来将会对医学学历进行来源验证;
    • 如果之前以学生身份申请,预计毕业时间尚未过期;
  • 符合上述所有MCCEE重新报考条件时,注册系统会自动接受重新报考。此外,个人资格窗口将会被再次激活,个人账户会收到一条消息,确认报名申请已经通过,可以通过Prometric预约考试信息。
  • 如果不能全部符合上述标准,个人账户将会收到一条消息,其中包含具体信息。只有报名申请获得MCC认可时,才可以通过Prometric预约考试信息。


  • 该板块适用于那些在1年的资格窗口内不准备报考MCCEE考试的应试者。
  • 资格窗口失效前2个月,个人账户会收到一条消息,告诉你如何将资格窗口延长12个月。如果收到第一条消息之后,没有延长个人资格窗口,在资格窗口失效前1个月,还会收到第二条消息提醒。
  • **注意:**如果已经预约了考试时间或者已经参加了该考试,目前在等待考试结果,可以直接忽略这些消息提醒。
  • 如果打算延长资格窗口,必须支付管理费用,由于之前报考过MCCEE考试,所以,除考试费之外,还必须支付其他费用,费用不可退还。
  • 每次MCCEE报名只可以延长一次资格窗口
  • 可以选择退出考试,但必须支付一定的考试退出费。


  • An international medical graduate (IMG) or a U.S. osteopath may request an exemption from the MCCEE if they are board certified as a specialist in the U.S. or have been certified as a specialist in Canada.
  • An exemption from the MCCEE grants access to the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I without the usual requirement to pass the MCCEE.


In order to be eligible for an MCCEE exemption, you must be:

1.An IMG and the university or medical school that granted your medical degree must be listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED) OR a U.S. osteopath who is a graduate from an AOA-accredited U.S. School of Osteopathic Medicine


2.A specialist certified by:

  • a member board of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)
  • the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)
  • the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)

The ABMS, RCPSC or CFPC specialty certification must be valid at the time of applying for the exemption and at the time of applying for the MCCQE Part I.

Steps for requesting an exemption

  1. Account

Create or log into your physiciansapply.ca account.

  1. Source verification request (SVR) for your diploma

Create a source verification request (SVR) for your final medical degree (diploma), only if you have not previously done so.

  1. Additional documents to send

Await approval of your exemption request

  • Once all steps are complete and we have received the necessary documents, please allow two to three weeks for the processing of your exemption request.
  • Once your request has been processed, you will receive a message from your physiciansapply.ca account.
    • If the exemption is approved:
      1. a credit card payment of $100, using the information you provided on your Credit Card Authorization Form, will be processed through your account
      2. you will be eligible to apply for the MCCQE Part I
      3. you will be issued, through your account, an official letter on MCC letterhead to confirm your exemption from the MCCEE


Application and eligibility

Applying to The Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination(MCCEE) for the first time

  • As an international medical student OR as an international medical graduate OR
  • As a student OR graduate from a U.S. School of Osteopathic Medicine


Applying to the MCCEE

  • Candidates can apply to the MCCEE at any time through their physiciansapply.ca account.

Documentation to submit

  1. A certified copy of a valid/non-expired passport
  2. A Certified Identity Confirmation form which will be available during the online application
  3. A student attestation which will be available during the online application, if you are a medical student, OR if you are a medical graduate, you must create a source verification request through your account, and submit a copy of your final medical degree (diploma)

IMPORTANT: You do not have to wait for your documents to be reviewed or your medical degree (diploma) to be source verified to apply for the MCCEE. You may proceed to apply through your account once you have submitted the source verification for your degree/diploma.

Porcessing of your application

Please allow up to three weeks for the processing of your application.

  • If the system determines that all documentation required to confirm your examination eligibility has already been reviewed and accepted by the MCC, you may quickly receive another communication confirming acceptance of your examination application

Reapplying to the MCCEE

  • Students – If you previously applied as a student and your expected date of graduation has changed from the previously submitted form, you must submit a new student attestation which will be available during the online application
  • Graduates – If you previously applied as a student and are now a graduate, you will need to submit a copy of your final medical degree (diploma) and request to have it source verified.
    NOTE: If you have already submitted your final medical degree (diploma), you are not required to resubmit the diploma

If you have already been accepted for the MCCEE, see Taking and retaking the MCCEE for additional information.

Additional information:

  • Visit Exemption from the MCCEE to obtain information.

MCCEE candidates intending to apply for the NAC Examination

  • If you wish to apply for the March National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Examination, you must take and successfully pass the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) no later than by the September session of the previous year.
  • If you wish to apply for the September NAC Examination, you must take and successfully pass the MCCEE no later than by the March session of the same calendar year.
  • Candidates wishing to apply to the CaRMS Match, see Timing of MCCEE and NAC examination.

MCCEE canditates intending to apply for the MCCQE Part I

  • If you wish to apply for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I in the fall of a given year, you must take and successfully pass the MCCEE no later than by the May session of that same year.
  • If you wish to apply for the MCCQE Part I in the spring of a given year, you must take and successfully pass the MCCEE no later than by the November session of the previous year.

Please review the accessibility and test accommodations information and instructions.

Taking and retaking the MCCEE

  • You will have one year to take your examination through Prometric. This period is called the eligibility window.
  • You can view your eligibility window through your account.
  • Once you take the MCCEE, or are absent or withdraw from the examination, your eligibility window becomes inactive. You will need to reapply to reactivate the eligibility window.

When reapplying the MCCEE:

  • If you were unsuccessful, then reapplied and accepted for the MCCEE, your eligibility window will be reactivated.
  • When you reapply, the registration system verifies the following:
    • That your Certified Identity Confirmation form has not expired;
    • If you previously applied as a graduate, that the source verification status of your medical degree is in progress;
    • If you previously applied as a student, that your expected graduation date has not passed.
  • If you meet all of the above conditions for reapplication to the MCCEE, the registration system will automatically accept your reapplication. Your eligibility window will be reactivated, and you will be sent a message through your account to confirm that your application is accepted and that you can schedule an examination appointment with Prometric.
  • If you do not meet all of the above criteria, you will be sent a message through your account with specific information. You will be able to schedule your examination appointment with Prometric once your application has been accepted by the MCC.

Eligibility window extension

  • This section applies to candidates who will not take the MCCEE within their one-year eligibility window.
  • Two months before your eligibility window expires, you will receive a message in your account with instructions on how to extend your eligibility window for another 12 months should you wish to do so. If you do not extend your window at that time, you will receive a second reminder one month prior to your eligibility window expiry date.
  • Note: If you have already scheduled your examination, or have already taken the examination and are awaiting the results, you can simply disregard the reminder messages.
  • If you wish to extend your eligibility window, you will be required to pay an administration fee and any examination fee increase since you previously applied for the MCCEE. These fees are non-refundable once they have been paid.
  • You will be able to extend your eligibility window only once per MCCEE application.
  • You will also be provided with the option of withdrawing from the examination; the examination withdrawal fee would apply.


考试安排 飞出国

Prometric – 负责为MCC提供MCCEE考试安排与管理服务

  • 一旦MCCEE报名申请获得认可,必须安排Prometric考试预约,(包括考试日期、考试时间和考试地点),因为Prometric已经和MCC签订合同负责安排和管理以计算机为工具的MCCEE考试。
  • 预约考试信息之后,必须通过Prometric才可以改变预约的考试信息。
  • 关于安排、再次安排和取消考试预约以及Prometric联系信息,请参见下面信息。



  • MCCEE每年举行5次,分别在1月份、3月份、5月份、9月份和11月份,考试时间持续2到3周。
  • Prometric通过MCCEE考试日期以及相关国家列表公布考试地点。
  • 尽管大约80个国家设有500多个考试地点,但是在已公布的MCCEE考试日期内,并不是所有考试地点和/或所有国家的考试名额都可以使用。
  • 通过Prometric预约考试信息时,你将必须选择一个能参加该考试的国家。
  • 接下来,在所选的国家必须选择一个举办该考试的城市,然后,再选择具体的考试日期和考试时间。
  • 如果该考点没有具体考试信息或者不喜欢该考点已公布的考试信息,可以重新选择另一个考试地点和/或其他国家,或者等着其他考试信息公布。
  • 预约实行先到先得的政策
  • 所有考试地点都有有限考试名额。


  • 一旦MCCEE报名申请被视为完整并获得认可,将收到一封来自MCC的电子邮件,被告知自己可以参加MCCEE考试。
  • 该电子邮件将提供Prometric网站地址以及个人考试授权(ATT)编号。
  • 通过Prometric预约考试信息(考试日期、考试时间以及考试中心)时必须使用个人考试授权(ATT)编号
  • 必须直接通过Prometric在线或电话预约考试信息。
  • 最好通过Prometric网站在线预约考试信息。
  • Prometric网站提供在线预约考试信息全程服务。
  • 如果打算电话预约考试信息,可以查看Prometric电话服务中心电话号码列表。
  • 第一次预约考试信息时,如果空间允许,可以在考试日期和时间之前120小时在线或者电话预约考试信息。
  • 120小时期限后,将不接受任何考试日期和时间预约。
  • 预约考试信息后,Prometric会提供一个16位的确认编号,请认真记录并妥善保管。
  • 如果是在线预约的考试信息,将在电脑屏幕上或者通过邮件收到确认编号。
  • 如果是电话预约的考试信息,预约时就会获得确认编码,此外,还会收到一封确认预约的电子邮件。
  • 如果必须重新预约或取消考试信息,或者打算在Prometric网站查看已预约的具体考试信息,必须提供个人确认编码,才可以重新预约、取消或查看个人考试信息。


  • 在预约的考试日期和时间之前30天内,可以变更(重新预约)或取消已预约的考试信息,没有罚金。
  • 30天期限之后,向Prometric支付50美元,仍然可以在预约的考试日期和时间之前120小时内重新预约或者取消已预约的考试信息。
  • 如果选择在其他时间参加考试,而且考试时间已经公布,可以重新预约考试时间。
  • 如果打算在其他时间参加考试或者延迟考试时间,但是希望参加考试的时间尚未公布,可以取消预约的考试信息。
  • 必须直接通过Prometric在线或电话预约考试信息。
  • 必须提供首次预约考试信息时获得的16位确认编码。
  • 在线重新预约或取消考试信息时,请点击预约/重新预约/取消/确认按钮,然后,按照步骤重新预约或取消考试信息。
  • 如果打算电话预约考试信息,请查看上述电话号码相关链接。
  • 120个小时期限后,将不能变更或取消预约的考试信息。
  • 在这种情况下,必须在预约的考试日期和时间内按时参加考试,否则,将失去所有的考试费。
  • 在预约的考试日期和时间之前120个小时之内,请仔细阅读 MCC有关取消考试预约的政策cancelling your examination appoin


  • 如果不打算参加考试但是希望申请费可以退还,则必须请求撤回MCCEE报名申请。
  • 如果在预约的考试时间之前120小时内,你的退出考试申请 能够被接收,那么,将会有部分退款。
  • 如果不打算在预约的考试时间参加考试,希望可以延后考试时间,请参考上述变更或取消预约的考试信息


  • 如果没有按照预约的考试日期和时间准时参加考试,考试费用将不能全部退还。


  • 如果打算报考指定年份秋季MCCQE第一部分考试,必须首先参加并通过同一年5月份的MCCEE考试。
  • 如果打算报考指定年份春季MCCQE第一部分考试,必须首先参加并通过上一年11月份的MCCEE考试。


退出考试 飞出国###


如果尚未通过Prometric预约考试信息,现在打算退出考试,则必须通过 physiciansapply.ca个人账户递交考试退出申请。




注意: 如果在120小时退出考试期限内没有通过Prometric取消预约的考试信息,没收所有考试费用。



  1. 点击左边部分的考试
  2. 点击中间部分底部退出考试,然后按照步骤进行操作。






  • physiciansapply.ca个人账户退款金额是申请费减去退出考试管理费,这些退款将会留在个人账户中,将来可以使用。
    • 如果打算取出退款,必须通过physiciansapply.ca个人账户向我们发送相关信息,收到消息后,会将退款退回到你原来支付使用的信用卡。





Prometric – the MCC’s service provider for scheduling and administering the MCCEE

  • Once your application to take the MCCEE has been accepted, you will be required to schedule your examination appointment (i.e. your examination date, time and centre) through Prometric, the service provider that the MCC has contracted for scheduling and administering the computer-based MCCEE.
  • If you need to change your examination appointment after having scheduled it, you will also be required to do this through Prometric.
    • Instructions for scheduling, rescheduling and cancelling an examination appointment, as well as Prometric’s contact information, are all provided below.

The MCC’s collaboration with Prometric allows us to offer our candidates increased accessibility to the examination: up to two-to-three-week testing windows per year, with more than 500 examination centres in 80 countries throughout the world.

Examination dates and centres

  • The MCCEE is offered up to five times per year in January, March, May, September and November, during two-to three-week testing windows.
  • Review the confirmed MCCEE session dates and the list of countries in which Prometric operates test sites (i.e., examination centres).
  • Although there are more than 500 Prometric test sites in approximately 80 countries, seats will not necessarily be available in all test sites and/or all countries on all published MCCEE examination dates.
  • When scheduling your appointment through Prometric, you will be asked to select the country in which you would like to take the examination.
    • You will then be provided with the cities in which Prometric operates test site(s) in your chosen country, and then with the available MCCEE sittings (i.e., dates and times) for that test site.
    • If there are no sittings for that test site, or if you do not like the available sittings for that test site, you can go back and select another test site and/or another country, or wait until additional examination sessions and dates become available before scheduling.
  • Scheduling is on a first-come, first-served space availability basis.
    • Seating is limited in all test sites.

How to schedule your examination appointment

  • Once your application to take the MCCEE is deemed complete and is accepted, you will receive an email message from the MCC confirming that you are eligible to sit the MCCEE.
    • This email message will provide you with Prometric’s website address and your Authorization to Test (ATT) Number.
  • Your Authorization to Test (ATT) Number is required to schedule your examination appointment (i.e., date, time and centre) through Prometric.
  • You must schedule your examination appointment directly through Prometric, either online or by telephone.
    • You are encouraged to schedule your examination sitting online, through the Prometric website.
  • The Prometric website will take you through the process for scheduling your examination appointment online.
  • If you wish to schedule by telephone, see the Prometric call centre telephone number list.
  • At the time of first scheduling your examination appointment, space permitting, you can schedule online or by telephone, up to 120 hours (i.e., up to five days) before the examination sitting date and time.
    • After the 120-hour deadline has passed, the examination date and time are no longer available for scheduling.
  • Once the scheduling of your examination appointment is completed, Prometric will provide you with a 16-digit Confirmation Number that you should note and conserve.
    • If you schedule your appointment online, the Confirmation Number will be provided to you on-screen as well as by email.
      • If you schedule by telephone, you will be provided with the Confirmation Number at that time and will also receive an email confirming your appointment.
  • Should you later need to reschedule or cancel your examination appointment, or to view the details of your examination appointment on the Prometric website, you will need to provide your Confirmation Number in order to have access to rescheduling, cancelling or viewing your examination appointment.

Changing or cancelling a scheduled examination appointment

  • You can change (“reschedule”) or cancel a scheduled examination appointment, without penalty, up to 30 days before the date and time of the scheduled examination appointment.
  • If necessary, and for a fee of $50 US paid to Prometric, you may still reschedule or cancel a scheduled examination appointment after the 30-day deadline and up to 120 hours (i.e., up to five days) before the date and time of the scheduled examination appointment.
  • You can reschedule your appointment if you choose to take the examination at another time and if scheduling has been opened for the session dates you would prefer.
    • You can cancel your appointment if you have decided to take the examination at another time and wish to schedule a new date later or if the examination session date on which you would like to take the examination has not yet been opened for scheduling.
  • You must reschedule or cancel your examination appointment directly through Prometric, either online or by telephone.
    • You will be required to provide the 16-digit Confirmation Number you obtained at the time of first scheduling your examination appointment.
  • To reschedule or cancel your examination appointment online, click on the “Schedule, Reschedule, Cancel or Confirm an Exam” button on the Prometric website (see link above), and you will be guided through the steps for rescheduling or cancelling your examination appointment.
  • If you wish to reschedule or cancel your appointment by telephone, see the above link for the telephone numbers.
  • You will not be permitted to change or cancel your scheduled examination appointment after the 120-hour deadline has passed.
    • In this case, you would be required to take the examination on the date and time of your scheduled examination appointment or forfeit the full examination fee paid.
  • See the MCC’s policy on cancelling your examination appointment less than 120 hours before the date and time of your scheduled appointment.

Withdrawing your MCCEE application

  • You would only request to withdraw your MCCEE application if you no longer wish to take the examination and wish to request a refund of your examination fee.
    • If your request to withdraw is received up to 120 hours before the date and time of your scheduled examination appointment, a partial refund would be provided.
  • If you no longer wish to take the examination on your scheduled appointment date but still wish to take the examination at a later date, please see Changing or cancelling your scheduled examination appointment above.

Absence on the day of your scheduled examination appointment

  • If you are absent from the examination on the date and time of your scheduled appointment, you will forfeit the full examination fee paid. See absence from the examination for additional information.

MCCEE candidates intending to apply for the MCCQE Part I

  • If you wish to apply for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part I (MCCQE Part I) in the fall of a given year, you must take and pass the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) no later than the May session of that same year.
  • If you wish to apply for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part I (MCCQE Part I) in the spring of a given year, you must take and pass the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) no later than the November session of the previous year.



Exam appointment not yet scheduled with Prometric

If you have not yet scheduled an examination appointment with Prometric, and wish to withdraw from the exam, you must submit an exam withdrawal request through your physiciansapply.ca account. See Exam withdrawal request below for instructions.

Exam appointment already scheduled with Prometric

If you already scheduled your examination appointment with Prometric, and wish to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please contact Prometric directly. For more information, see Changing or cancelling a scheduled examination appointment.

If you no longer wish to take the examination, and you have cancelled with Prometric 120 hours before your scheduled examination appointment, you must submit an exam withdrawal request through your physiciansapply.ca account. See Exam withdrawal request below for instructions.

Note : All fees will be forfeited if you did not cancel, with Prometric, the scheduled examination appointment before the 120 hour deadline.

Exam withdrawal request

You must submit an Exam Withdrawal request through your physiciansapply.ca account as follows:

  1. Click on Examinations in the left panel
  2. Click on Withdraw from an exam at the bottom of the centre panel and follow the steps

Processing of exam withdrawal request

Once your request is submitted, it can take a minimum of 15 days to be processed.

Partial refund eligibility

You will be eligible for a partial refund only if you cancelled your examination appointment with Prometric before the 120 hours deadline.

Partial refund:

  • The application fee will be returned to your physiciansapply.ca account minus a withdrawal administration fee and the reimbursed funds will remain on your account for future use.
    • If you wish to obtain a refund, you must submit a message through your physiciansapply.ca account informing us of this and once we receive your message, the refund will be applied to the original credit card you used to make payment.

Please note that all funds on a candidate’s account that remain in an inactive state for three (3) full calendar years will be forfeited as of Dec. 31 of the third full calendar year.

Late withdrawal or absence on the day of exam

All fees will be forfeited if you did not cancel, with Prometric, the scheduled examination appointment before the 120 hours deadline or if you are absent on the day of the examination.

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