昆士兰 BPEQ 工程师认证申请指南 - Board of Professional Engineers Queensland

昆士兰 BPEQ 工程师认证申请指南

1. 对于在昆士兰190和489清单上的工程师职业,担保的要求之一是需要申请人有BPQE认证(Applicants must have registration with the Board of Professional Engineers Queensland (BPEQ) unless working in Queensland under the supervision of a BPEQ Engineer)

2. BPEQ: Board of Professional Engineers Queensland ,在昆士兰从事执业工程师的注册机构,注册领域涵括25个工程领域(包括EA评估的工程师领域)
Engineers Australia has been approved to assess competencies in the following areas of engineering:

  • General Areas of Engineering:

Aerospace,Biomedical,Building Services,Chemical,Civil,Electrical,Environmental,Information, Telecommunications and Electronics,Management,Marine,Mechanical,Naval Architecture,Petroleum,Structural

  • Specific Areas of Engineering:

Fire Safety,Heritage and Conservation,In-Service Inspection of Amusement Rides and Devices,Pressure Equipment Design Verification,Subdivisional Geotechnics
Geotechnical Engineers who do not operate in the Geotechnical (Mining) sector must apply to Engineers Australia for assessment of their qualifications and competencies. Although, Engineers Australia does not have a general area of engineering called Geotechnical it will assess general Geotechnical Engineers in the area of civil engineering.

3. BPEQ申请流程及材料(以下仅对EA评估通过的申请人做说明):

  • 申请材料:EA评估函复印件和Form 2签字原件
  • 申请费:申请费55.6澳币,注册年费205.30澳币,在Form 2上填写信用卡信息支付
  • 注册期限:截止到2015/12/24前递交注册申请的需要交年费205.30澳币,注册有效期至2016/06/30;2015/12/25-2016/05/31期间递交的交半年费103.35,注册有效期至2016/06/30;2016/06/01-2016/06/30期间递交的交年费205.30澳币,注册有效期至2017/06/30;2016/06/30之后递交的费用另行通知
  • 递交方式:纸质递交至

Board of Professional Engineers of Qld
Level 15, 53 Albert Street

Phone: 61 (07) 3198 0000;
Email: [email protected]

4. 以上流程和材料准备飞出国已和BPEQ 确认。



BPEQ and Professional Engineers 澳洲工作经验是关键。

What they need to be eligible is:

  • 4 year Bachelor of Engineering degree from Australia, or an Overseas degree which is under the Washington Accord or they need to have completed a Stage one Competency Assessment with Engineers Australia in the Professional Engineer category
  • Have worked in Australia for more than 12 months as a Professional Engineer
  • Provide their most recent CV
  • Have 3 referees that they have worked with for more than 12 months who are already registered or who are eligible to become registered. At least 2 of these referees must be domestic
  • Have a minimum of 150 hours over the past three years for their CPD Log


233914现在关闭 如果等下一年的明年开放要求要BPEQ是不是要提前做好 还是233914根本没有BPEQ

BPEQ 昆州工程师职业认证与昆士兰州担保

  1. 对于在昆士兰190和489清单上的工程师职业,担保的要求之一是需要申请人有BPQE认证(Applicants must have registration with the Board of Professional Engineers Queensland (BPEQ) unless working in Queensland under the supervision of a BPEQ Engineer)
  2. BPEQ: Board of Professional Engineers Queensland , 在昆士兰从事执业工程师的注册机构,注册领域涵括26个工程领域(包括EA评估的工程师领域)

Your guide to migrating to Queensland: engineering registration

5 February 2018

It is a requirement of the Professional Engineers Act (QLD) that professional engineering services in Queensland or for Queensland are carried out by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) or alternatively by a person who carries out the services under the direct supervision of a RPEQ who is ultimately responsible.

BSMQ requires offshore applicants applying under engineering occupations to obtain evidence of registration (where specified against their occupation on the QSOL) with the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (BPEQ). If you are an onshore applicant and do not have BPEQ registration, you can only currently work in a professional engineering role in Queensland under direct supervision of a RPEQ who is ultimately responsible.

Queensland is currently the only Australian jurisdiction to apply a comprehensive registration system for engineers. However, other states are said to soon follow suit.

There are currently 26 areas of engineering recognised by BPEQ. BPEQ works with professional organisations to define these areas of engineering, which range from aeronautical to civil engineers, chemical to naval architects. The registration system ensures a high standard of practice exists within Queensland across all areas of engineering.

If you are required to have the BPEQ registration, you must obtain it prior to lodging an Expression of Interest in SkillSelect.

For more information about BPEQ registration, please contact them:

Street address: Level 15, 53 Albert Street Brisbane 4000

Contact number: 07 3210 3100

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.bpeq.qld.gov.au

Please note that onshore and offshore applicants must still have a skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority. A Skills Migration Assessment does not meet the assessment criteria for BPEQ registration. See Engineers Australia for more information about skills assessments and the National Engineering Register.

Areas of Engineering

AusIMM has been approved to assess competencies in the following areas of engineering:

  • Mining
  • Environmental
  • Geotechnical (Mining)
  • Metallurgical

CASA Instrument of Authority – if you hold a CASA Instrument of Authority you will be registered in the following area of engineering:

  • Aeronautical

Engineers Australia has been approved to assess competencies in the following areas of engineering:

General Areas of Engineering:

  • Aerospace
  • Biomedical
  • Building Services
  • Chemical
  • Civil
  • Electrical
  • Environmental
  • Information, Telecommunications and Electronics
  • Management
  • Marine
  • Mechanical
  • Naval Architecture
  • Petroleum
  • Structural

Specific Areas of Engineering:

  • Fire Safety
  • Heritage and Conservation
  • In-Service Inspection of Amusement Rides and Devices
  • Pressure Equipment Design Verification
  • Subdivisional Geotechnics

Geotechnical Engineers who do not operate in the Geotechnical (Mining) sector must apply to Engineers Australia for assessment of their qualifications and competencies. Although, Engineers Australia does not have a general area of engineering called Geotechnical it will assess general Geotechnical Engineers in the area of civil engineering.

Further information on areas of engineering can be found at: http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/nerb/regulatory-schemes/assessment-for-rpeq.cfm

IChemE has been approved to assess competencies in the following area of engineering:

  • Chemical Engineering

Institution of Fire Engineers, Australia (IFE) has been approved to assess competencies in the following area of engineering:

  • Fire Engineering

Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland Division (IPWEAQ) has been approved to assess competencies in the following area of engineering:

  • Civil Engineering - Public Works

Professionals Australia has been approved to assess competencies in the following areas of engineering

  • Civil
  • Structural
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • IT&T
  • Management

Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) has been approved to assess competencies in the following area of engineering:

  • Naval Architecture

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me


昆州 BPEQ 申请流程 - 飞出国

填写好 Form 2 Application for Registration v4 Feb 18.pdf,连同NER注册信函复印件一同寄给BPEQ。

将以上材料通过快递寄给 BPEQ,地址:

Board of Professional Engineers of Qld
Level 15, 53 Albert Street
Phone: 61(07)32103100


飞出国注:申请表及其他材料的准备相对是容易的,EA 的 NER 申请是申请过程中的核心环节,后面飞出国会根据实际经验进行说明,先附上官方的信息,打算了解更多细节请联系飞出国。

A guide to the National Engineering Register

About NER Search

Engineers Australia (EA) recently introduced a new registration framework called the National Engineering Register (NER).

When you are listed on the NER it becomes a badge of professionalism, demonstrating professional recognition and public trust.

Registration and application fees:

  • EA Members pay an assessment fee of AU$335.50 (GST incl.) which includes registration on the NER for the remainder of the current membership subscription year.
  • Non-members pay an assessment fee of AU$555.50 (GST incl.) which includes registration on the NER for the remainder of the current financial year (30 June). Thereafter an annual fee of AU$166 (GST incl.) will apply.
  • Overseas EA members pay a GST exclusive assessment fee of AU$305 which includes registration on the NER for the remainder of the current membership subscription year.
  • Overseas non-members pay a GST exclusive assessment fee of AU$505 which includes registration on the NER for the remainder of the current financial year (30 June).
  • The Chartered assessment fee for EA members seeking Chartered includes the NER registration fee for the balance of the current EA membership subscription year in which Chartered is obtained.
  • An NER renewal fee will be invoiced with your EA membership renewal annually. The current annual fee is AU$97 (GST incl.).

Already on the Register?

If you are already on the NER and wish to add a further area of practice, apply here .

The cost for members to add an additional area of practice is AU$335.50 (GST incl) and for overseas members AU$305.50

Registered Professional Engineers Queensland (RPEQ)

Queensland is currently the only Australian jurisdiction to apply regulatory registration for engineers. Being listed as a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) is a formal recognition of the qualification (or equivalent), experience and competency of an engineer. Only those who have been assessed in the occupational category of Professional Engineer are eligible to become RPEQ.

If you are a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng), you automatically qualify for a letter of assessment from Engineers Australia. You can download your letter of assessment from MyPortal.

If you are registered on the National Engineering Register (NER) in the occupational category of Professional Engineer, you also qualify for a letter of assessment. You can download your letter of assessment from MyPortal.

You will need your letter of assessment when making an application to become an RPEQ with the Board of Professional Engineers Queensland.

If you need further information, contact the Member Services Team at [email protected] or on +612 6270 6555 or Toll Free: 1300 653 113.

Member services are available Mon–Fri 8:30am–6pm AEST

Documents, forms and support links



Stamp order

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me


申请 EA NE R注册(National Engineering Register)- 飞出国

NER 工程领域 * 飞出国

  1. 航空工程Aerospace Engineering
  2. 化学工程 Chemical Engineering
  3. 电气工程 Electrical Engineering
  4. 信息通信电子工程 Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Enigneering
  5. 结构工程 Structural Engineering
  6. 生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering
  7. 土木工程 Civil Engineering
  8. 环境工程 Environmental Engineering
  9. 机械工程 Mechanical Engineering

NER 申请条件(以下三种情况之一) * 飞出国

  1. EA Chartered Member特许会员
  2. EA会员,要求近7年内有5年NER工程领域的工作经验
  3. 非EA会员,要求近7年内有5年NER工程领域的工作经验

EA NER 申请材料及申请流程 * 飞出国

学历评估 * 飞出国


工作经历陈述 Work Experience Statement * 飞出国

  1. 可以在之前EA职评的CV和CDR基础上对应下面的指南和competence worksheet来补充,其中worksheet可以选择一同递交,但不是必须

  2. NER注册主要看申请人近七年的履历,其中要求近七年内有五年与注册工程领域相关的工作经验,按照时间倒序(先写当前工作)来阐述,需要说明每份工作的公司名称,公司地点和地址,申请人职位,工作起始日期和结束日期,每份工作的职责以及工作成就,工作成就可以包括:

    • 申请人所参与的项目,设计的产品,开发的系统,提供的工程服务等
    • 申请人所解决的工程问题,所面临的工程挑战机遇等
    • 申请人所进行的工程质量改进
    • 申请人所使用的专业技术,专业知识等
    • 申请人所达到的工程结果
    • 申请人工程领域的创新
    • 申请人其他相关的工程职责

NER CPD - 飞出国


NER 推荐人信息 - 飞出国

  1. 提供两个推荐人信息,需要能证明申请人的工作,且能配合面试
  2. 推荐人需要和申请人认识12个月以上,且推荐人需要有工学学历且有5年工程经验(需要是和申请人一致的专业,比如申请人注册是土木,那么推荐人也得是土木领域的),推荐人需要是申请人的上司,mentor,或者是职位高的同事,且推荐人最好是EA的特许会员或者同级别职称(总结说来,就是尽量找本专业的推荐人,专业知识不错的,毕竟要面试)
  3. 推荐人之一是当前公司的,另外一个推荐人得是近五年内工作单位的,如果近五年内都是在一家单位,两个推荐人都可以是当前单位的
  4. 需要提供推荐人的职称,姓名,单位名称,职位,与申请人专业上的工作关系,电话,邮箱

Profesisonal Indemnity Insurance Self-assessment - flyabroad


EA NER 面试 - 飞出国

  1. EA会通过skype与申请人面试(英文),时长15分钟,问的问题都是和项目工程相关的,面试不难
  2. 推荐人会需要配合面试(面试一般是英文,如果推荐人不能英文面试,EA可以安排中文面试),EA会通过skype与推荐人面试确认申请人的工程工作内容

NER 费用及审理周期 - 飞出国

  • NER申请费用:550澳币申请费,166澳币注册费
  • NER审理周期为 3-4周:大致为递交材料后,EA会初步审核是否需要补料,并确认推荐人是否能英语面试,然后发邮件预约推荐人面试(15分钟),面试完没问题的话,EA会邮件通知是否通过NER注册。

BPEQ 注册期限 - 飞出国

  • 截止到2017/12/24前递交注册申请的需要交申请费59.55澳币,年费219.95澳币,注册有效期至2018/06/30;
  • 2017/12/25-2018/05/31期间递交的交半年费110.70,注册有效期至2018/06/30;
  • 2018/06/01-2018/06/30期间递交的交年费219.95澳币,注册有效期至2019/06/30;
  • 2018/06/30之后递交的费用另行通知(费用是通过Form 2里面填写信用卡信息,BPEQ扣款完成)

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
