新省企业家移民商业计划 - 创业创立计划书·飞出国
飞出国:新省企业家移民递交企业家移民 EOI 申请时需要提交商业计划书(Business Establishment Plan) ,登陆新省后申请人需要在此计划书基础上创建并运营企业以满足新省企业家类别转用永居的要求: 新省企业家移民运营企业要求 Eligibility Criteria for Applicant’s Business - NSNP Entrepreneur Stream 。
新省企业家移民申请指南里对 Business Establishment Plan 有着详细的要求,该要求与萨省的商业计划书类似。飞出国给出简单介绍,一般来说商业计划书都需要律师帮助起草,但申请人对商业计划书及新省商业环境了解的越多商业计划书则会越具体越有说服力,也就越容易通过 NSOI 审核。
新省企业家移民指南附件C:企业建立计划书(Business Establishment Plan)·飞出国2019
商业计划书,或企业建立计划书,在这里我们简称 BEP。
新省移民局要求 BEP 内容要有想法,合理,可实施。计划可以满足新省最低投资要求,申请人将在业务管理中发挥积极作用。
BEP 中需要证明已经对新省进行了广泛的研究并考虑了相关的经济,市场和文化因素。同时结合自己的管理优势。
BEP 商业机构计划必须包括详细的行动方案,概述未来两到三年的业务开展计划,包括但不限于开始或购买业务所需的财务方案,开始运营的时间,何时招聘员工,计划出口活动的时间等。
BEP 可以由第三方机构设计但申请人必须参与 BEP 设计并为内容做出贡献。申请人需要了对商业机构计划中列出的任何提案,会议,合作伙伴关系或活动负责。面试时如果不清楚计划书内容很容易被拒签。
请注意,NSNP保留由新斯科舍省政府确定的专业第三方评估 BEP 的权利,费用由申请人承担。在这种情况下,申请人可以选择撤回申请或自费进行评估。由已确定的第三方进行的评估仅关注申请人在准备其拟议业务计划时进行的准备和尽职调查。
商业理念 - 商业机构书 - NSNP企业家
- 业务所属行业/领域:
- 航空航天
- 农业食品/海鲜
- 生物技术
- 文化
- 能源
- 林业
- 信息和通信技术
- 制造业
- 采矿/材料
- 海洋技术
- 零售/服务
- 旅游
- 其他(请注明)
- 提议的业务描述:
- 最低所有权百分比:拥有新斯科舍省企业至少三分之一(33.33%)的股份。提供业务中的所有投资者,包括联系信息。
- 对打算购买现有业务的,请包括业务的合法名称(legal name)以及营业名称(trading name)。还请包括正在考虑对业务运营进行的任何更改的详细信息。例如,将如何改进,升级和/或扩展现有业务?可能包括创造新的就业机会,投资改进和/或升级业务,引入新产品和/或服务。
- 企业所有权信息 - 合伙企业,独资企业,公司,收购,特许经营
- 商业(城市或城镇)的拟议地点
- 地理覆盖范围(地方,区域或国家)的销售和营销计划
- 市场分析和营销策略包括
- 客户分析
- 供应商分析
- 竞争对手分析
- 谁将成为该业务的主要供应商
- 企业如何获得经营空间
- 企业将提供哪些产品或服务
- 企业将使用哪些分销渠道
- 企业营业时间
- 是否打算使用外部专业服务
- 请包括为支持这些计划而进行的研究的全部细节
Exploratory visit 商业考察(购买已有企业) - 商业机构计划 - NSNP企业家
购买现有业务的申请人需要进行商业考察。考察报告必须涵盖企业家移民申请人在加拿大逗留的整个时间,包括在其他省份逗留的时间(如果有的话)。所需信息必须作为 BEP 业务建立计划的一部分提交,包括任何相关文件。不要提交在商考期间收集的小册子,传单,地图或其他宣传材料。
新省商考详情 - 探索访问 - NSNP企业家
- 您的逗留时间。
- 旅行期间访问过的专业商业服务提供商或结算机构的名称,包括邮寄地址,电话号码和电子邮件。
- 活动和/或会议的描述以及它与申请人的商业机构或结算的关系。
- 您在加拿大逗留期间的所有机票,登机牌和酒店收据的副本。
- 在您访问期间联系的相关联系和业务服务提供商收集的名片副本。
- 如果您计划购买现有业务,请考察现有业务地点和与当前所有者会面的详细信息。您应该包括公司名称,位置和当前所有者的姓名和联系方式。
Critical Factors 关键因素 - 商业机构计划 - NSNP企业家
- 确定适用于拟议商业想法的政府法规,例如环境法规,健康法规,市政区划要求和劳动规则。
- 是否有特殊保险要求
- 除了上面提到的那些之外,概述任何总体预期的挑战。
Risk factors 风险因素 - 商业机构计划 - NSNP企业家
NSOI 将考虑提议的业务的任何风险因素的潜在可能性以及您应对这些风险的能力,包括但不限于是否提出外部融资,或者是否建议投资超过个人净资产的50%。
Investment/ Financial 投资/金融 - 商业机构计划 - NSNP企业家
- 建议的投资金额,包括资金的用途
- 预测启动资金和费用
- 投资融资来源。 (必须从自己的资金中提供最低投资额)。如果除了自有资源的投资外还需要信贷,请说明信用额度和来源。
- 如果继承/收购,需提供过去5年的财务报表
- 三年的备考财务报表,包括资产负债表,损益表和现金流量表。必须包括损益表和现金流量表的假设说明,包括估算收入,费用和盈利能力的理由。
Business Relationships 业务关系 - 业务建立计划 - NSNP企业家
- 申请人已联系和/或已与之建立积极工作关系或已签订合同协议的合同专业商业服务提供商的名称,组织,邮寄地址,电话号码和电子邮件。
- 编制或协助编制业务编制计划的人员的姓名,组织名称,邮寄地址,电子邮件和电话号码。
- 在准备商业机构计划时签约或咨询的人员摘要。
Human Capital 人力资本 - 企业建立计划 - NSNP企业家
- 申请人自己对拟议业务(例如,销售,分销,生产,研发)的管理贡献。请包括每周管理和/或在业务中工作的时间估算值。
- 为加拿大人或永久居民创造多少和什么类型的工作。
- 如果是购买已有企业,请描述您将如何向现有员工提供他们已享有的类似条款和条件,包括维持现有工资和雇佣条款。
- 教育要求和工作经验要求?
- 新斯科舍省创业的准备和培训(包括课程名称和机构名称,如适用)。
- 教育背景及其与拟议商业理念的相关性。
- 创业经验及其与拟议商业理念的相关性。
- 如果您没有与您的商业理念直接相关的相关经验或背景,请说明您的知识或经验如何应用于拟议的商业理念。
- 商业机构计划变更请求必须以书面形式提出,并将根据具体情况进行评估。
NSNP-Appendix C-Business Establishment Plan-flyabroad-201901.pdf (70.2 KB)。
Appendix C: Business Establishment Plan - NSNP Entrepreneur flyabroad
The Business Establishment Plan must be a coherent and considered plan for successful settlement and business development in Nova Scotia. The Business Establishment Plan should contain a well thought out idea to ensure that the business has a reasonable chance of success and can be implemented upon arrival. Information presented should demonstrate that the business meets the minimum investment requirements and the applicant will have an active ongoing role in the management of the business.
In developing this Business Establishment Plan the applicant must demonstrate they have conducted extensive research and consider relevant economic, market and cultural factors. The applicant must also take into account his or her management strengths and weaknesses. The Business Establishment Plan must include a detailed Action Plan that outlines the planned actions of the business over the next two to three years, including but not limited to, financial actions required to start or buy business, anticipated start date of the business, when staff will be hired, timing of planned export activities, etc.
There is no penalty for a third party developing a Business Establishment Plan; however, the applicant must be involved in its design and contribute to the content. The applicant must have complete knowledge of his or her Business Establishment Plan and will be held accountable to any proposals, meetings, partnerships, or activity listed within the Business Establishment Plan. In the event that the applicant is unaware of his or her Business Establishment Plan’s contents the applicant may be deemed ineligible.
Please note that the NSNP reserves the right to have Business Establishment Plans assessed by professional third parties identified by the Government of Nova Scotia at the cost of the applicant. In this event, applicants will have the choice to withdraw their application or proceed with assessment at their own cost. The assessment conducted by identified third parties will only focus on the preparation and due diligence conducted by the applicant in preparing their proposed business plan.
The Business Establishment Plan must include all of the following information, including a detailed Action Plan, regardless of whether you are purchasing an existing business or plan to establish a new business.
Business Idea - Business Establishment Plan - NSNP Entrepreneur
- Proposed industry/sector:
- Aerospace
- Agri-food/seafood
- Biotechnology
- Culture
- Energy
- Forestry
- Information and communications technologies
- Manufacturing
- Mining/materials
- Oceans technology
- Retail/services
- Tourism
- Other (please specify)
- Description of your proposed business:
- Minimum ownership percentage: You must demonstrate you will own at least one-third (33.33%) of the business in Nova Scotia. All investors in the business must be listed, including contact information.
- If you are planning to purchase an existing business please include the legal name of the business as well as the trading name. Please also include details of any changes you are considering to the business operation. For example, how will you improve, upgrade and/or expand the existing business? This may include creating new employment, investing in improvements and/or upgrades to the business, introducing new products and/or services.
- Business ownership information – partnership, proprietorship, corporation, acquisition, franchise
- Proposed location for the business (city or town)
- What will be the geographic coverage (local, regional or national) Sales and Marketing Plan
- Market analysis and marketing strategy including
- Who are your customers
- Who are your suppliers
- Who is your competition
- Who will be the major supplier(s) for the business
- How will the business acquire space to operate
- What products or services will you offer
- What distribution channels will you use
- What hours will your business operate
- Do you plan to use outside professional services
- Please include full details of research undertaken to support these plans
Exploratory visit (if business succession) - Business Establishment Plan - NSNP Entrepreneur
The exploratory visit is mandatory for persons purchasing an existing business. Your report on the visit must cover the entire length of your stay in Canada, including time spent in other provinces, if any. The information required must be submitted as part of your Business Establishment Plan, including any relevant documents. Do not include brochures, flyers, maps or other promotional materials collected during the exploratory visit.
Detail - Exploratory visit - NSNP Entrepreneur
- Length of your stay.
- The name of the professional business service providers or settlement organizations visited during your trip,including mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and emails.
- A description of the activity and/or meeting and how it relates to the applicant’s business establishment or settlement.
- Copies of all airline tickets, boarding passes and hotel receipts during your entire stay in Canada.
- Copies of business cards collected from relevant contact and business service providers contacted during your visit.
- Details of visit to existing business location and meetings with current owners if you are planning to purchase an existing business. You should include the business name, location and the current owner’s names and contact details.
Critical Factors - Business Establishment Plan - NSNP Entrepreneur
- Identify government regulations that will be applicable to the proposed business idea such as environmental regulations, health regulations, municipal zoning requirements, and labour rules.
- Are there special insurance requirements?
- Outline any overall anticipated challenges in addition to those identified above.
Risk factors - Business Establishment Plan - NSNP Entrepreneur
NSOI will consider the potential for any risk factors of your proposed business and your ability to address these risks, including but not limited to whether you are proposing external financing, or whether you are proposing to invest more than 50% of your personal net worth.
Investment/ Financial - Business Establishment Plan - NSNP Entrepreneur
- Proposed investment amount including how the money will be spent
- Forecasted start-up funds and expenses
- Source of financing for investment. (You must provide the minimum investment amount from your own funds). If credit will be required in addition to investment from own resources, please specify the amount of credit and from what sources.
- If a succession/takeover, financial statements for the last 5 years should be provided
- Three years’ pro-forma financial statements including balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. Assumption notes for income statement and cash flow statement including a rationale for estimated revenue, expenses and profitability must be included.
Business Relationships - Business Establishment Plan - NSNP Entrepreneur
- The name, organizations, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and emails of contracted professional business service providers who the applicant has contacted and/or has established an active working relationship or paid contractual agreement with.
- The name, organization name, mailing address, email and telephone number of the person who compiled or assisted in the compilation of the Business Establishment Plan.
- A summary of people contracted or consulted in preparation of the Business Establishment Plan.
Human Capital - Business Establishment Plan - NSNP Entrepreneur
- Management contribution you will make with respect to the proposed business (e.g., sales, distribution, production, research and development). Please include an estimate of the hours you will spend managing and/or working in the business on a weekly basis.
- How many and what type of jobs to be created for Canadians or Permanent Residents.
- If it is business succession, describe how you will offer to the existing staff similar terms and conditions to what they already enjoy, including maintaining existing wages and employment terms.
- What will be the educational requirements and experience?
- Preparation and training for entrepreneurship in Nova Scotia (including course titles and institution names, if applicable).
- Educational background and its relevance to the proposed business idea.
- Entrepreneurial experience and its relevance to the proposed business idea.
- If you have no relevant experience or background directly related to your business idea please explain how your knowledge or experience can be applied to the proposed business idea.
Business Establishment Plan change requests:
If, after arrival in Nova Scotia, you realize that a change in your Business Establishment Plan is necessary, you may make a Business Establishment Plan change request.
- Business Establishment Plan change requests must be made in writing and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Applicants will be expected to demonstrate genuine attempts to purchase or establish the business as per their original Business Establishment Plan and must provide detailed documentation to demonstrate that they have made a fair attempt to fulfill their original Business Establishment Plan.
You are not guaranteed to receive approval for a Business Establishment Plan change even if the proposed changes meet program criteria.
提交免费在线评估后可以 微信 联系飞出国( flyabroad_hk
)或 预约面谈 : http://flyabroad.me/contact/ 。