飞出国:毕业3年内的卑诗省院校毕业的自然,应用,健康科学专业的硕博留学生毕业生可以不需要 BC job offer 且不需要打分直接申请 BCPNP 。Skills Immigration - International Post-Graduate 与 EEBC 卑诗省省提名硕博毕业生快速通道类别 Express Entry British Columbia-International Post Graduate 不一样的地方在于不需要满足加拿大联邦EE要求。
2018年 BCPNP SI IPG 申请的核心是完成BC院校这几类紧缺专业的硕士或博士,随便读个课程不符合条件。自身优秀还是有很多移民途径的。
Do you have a graduate degree in the sciences from an eligible B.C. institution? Consider advancing your career in B.C.’s growing technology, health care, and applied sciences sectors.
The Skills Immigration (SI) – International Post-Graduate category of the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) can help you gain permanent residence in B.C. You don’t need a job offer to apply.
Want a faster way to apply for permanent residency? See if you qualify for Express Entry BC — International Post-Graduate.
Which graduate degrees are valid?
You must have graduated in the last three years with a master’s or doctorate (PhD) degree in the natural, applied or health sciences:
- agriculture
- biological and biomedical sciences
- computer and information sciences and support services
- engineering
- engineering technology
- health professions and related clinical sciences
- mathematics and statistics
- natural resources conservation and research
- physical sciences
Please see the BC PNP IPG & EEBC IPG Eligible Programs of Study Document (PDF, 1MB) for a complete listing of eligible programs of study.
Am I eligible?
To qualify for this category, you must:
- have, or be eligible for, legal immigration status in Canada
- have completed a valid graduate program of study at an eligible post-secondary institution in B.C. in the last three years.
- show your intent and ability to live in B.C.
How does it work?
To start the process, please create a profile with our online application system, BCPNP Online. As an International Post-Graduate applicant, you can apply directly via BCPNP Online.
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/。