卑诗省提名企业家移民 BC PNP Entrepreneur Immigration stream

飞出国:卑诗省提名企业家移民2016年后进行了政策调整,并与2016年9月进一步细化指南。2016年最新 BC PNP Entrepreneur Immigration 类别要求申请人具有 60 万加币净资产,投资 20 万加币,创造1个新就业。申请人需要3年以上高级管理经验。

根据 BC PNP 官方对管理经验的要求,申请人需要有3年以上的企业主管理经验或4年以上高管经验或1年企业主及2年高管经验的组合管理经验。

  • more than three years of experience as an active business owner-manager, or
  • more than four years of experience as a senior manager, or
  • a combination of at least one year of experience as an active business owner-manager and at least two years of experience as a senior manager.

BC-PNP-Entrepreneur-Immigration-Program-Guide-20160901-flyabroad.pdf (681.7 KB)

BC PNP 企业家移民 2017 年申请要求 - 飞出国

飞出国:2015年7月2日起BC省提名企业家移民实行企业家移民注册系统(Entrepreneur Immigration Registration),简称 EIR。

EIR 系统根据申请人各项条件进行评分,满分为200分。评分高的申请人优先获得邀请函(ITA),获得邀请函的申请人需要在4个月内提交全套材料,审核通过后将获得2年的工作签证,登陆BC省的20个月内完成创业和投资,经审核通过即可获得 BC省提名资格并获得加拿大永久居民身份。

评分项-BC企业家 分数
Experience 24
Net 12
Personal 30
Jobs 36
Adaptability 18
Business 80
最高分-飞出国 200

BC省企业家移民个人资产须由BC省移民局指定的第三方会计事务所审核。2015年11月25日,BC省提名企业家移民进一步更新相关说明。February 17, 2017 BC 官方又对指南进行了细节调整。

卑诗省企业家移民申请要求 - 飞出国

  • 个人净资产 60 万加币,具有经商或高级管理经验
  • 在 BC 新创立或购买现有企业,至少投资 20 万加币,创建一个新全职就业机会
  • 在 BC 省居住并参与日常管理

满足上述基本要求后可以进入 Entrepreneur Immigration Registration 系统,系统根据申请人管理经验,净资产,个人情况,创造就业,适应能力,及所运营企业都有单独打分,BCPNP 不定期按分数高低筛选,获得 ITA 邀请后提交具体资料。2017年2月17日BCPNP企业家移民邀请 19 人,最低分数 130 分。


Entrepreneur Immigration - Program Requirements

Am I Eligible?

If you are interested in immmigrating to B.C. and are ready to invest in and actively manage a business in the province, the Entrepreneur Immigration stream may be a fit for you.

Eligibility Requirements

The following are mandatory requirements of the BC PNP Entrepreneur Immigration stream.

Please carefully review the [Entrepreneur Immigration Program Guide](BC-PNP-Entrepreneur-Immigration-Program-Guide-20170217-flyabroad.pdf) for a thorough description of program requirements.

  • personal requirements
    • personal net worth of at least $600,000
    • demonstrated business and/or management experience
  • The BC PNP will not nominate you if you:
    • are prohibited from entering Canada
    • have not been lawfully admitted in the country of current residence
    • are in Canada and are out of status
      • if your status has expired, and you cannot demonstrate you have applied for restoration of status within the 90-day eligibility period, you will be considered out of status
    • are working in Canada without authorization
    • have an unresolved refugee claim in Canada
    • are under a removal order in or outside of Canada
  • business requirements
    • establish a new business or purchase and improve an existing business
  • investment requirements
    • make an eligible personal investment of at least $200,000 in the business
  • job requirements
    • create at least one new full-time job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in the business
  • general nomination requirements
    • active and ongoing management of the day-to-day business operations
    • demonstrated residence in B.C.
  • fees
    • $300 registration fee
    • $3,500 application fee
    • $1,000 for each key staff application

It is your responsibility to demonstrate that you meet the program requirements.

An Entrepreneur Immigration Registration is not an application to the Entrepreneur Immigration stream or a guarantee that you will be invited to apply.

The BC PNP may refuse your application if the information in your registration is materially different from your application.

BC-PNP-Entrepreneur-Immigration-Program-Guide-20170217-flyabroad.pdf (647.2 KB)。

BC PNP Entrepreneur Immigration

February 17, 2017 update - flyabroad:

  1. Minor edits throughout to reflect the BCPNP Online application process; and for grammatical accuracy and consistency
  2. Added disclaimer regarding website and program guide content (inside cover)
  3. Added wording regarding unpaid representatives (page 7)
  4. Updated wording regarding translation services for in-person interviews (page 55)
  5. Clarified time frame of expiry with regards to requesting work permit extensions (page 58)
  6. Added wording regarding timing of review requests and subsequent BC PNP submissions (page 60)
  7. Clarified wording regarding submitting complete requests for review (page 60, 61)


继 2017-02-17 更新指南后,卑诗省提名企业家移民 Entrepreneur Stream 3月29日再次更新指南,详见附件。



March 29, 2017:

  1. Minor edits throughout for grammatical accuracy and consistency, and for alignment with the BCPNP Online application system
  2. Movement of content throughout this guide
  3. Updates across the Changing Representatives section (page 9)
  4. Updates across the Misrepresentation section (new) (page 10)
  5. Updates across the Withdrawing your Registration section (page 10)
  6. Updates across the General Nomination Requirements section (page 11)
  7. Updates across the Personal Requirements section (page 12)
  8. Updates across the Business Requirements section (page 15)
  9. Updates across the Minimum Investment Requirements section (page 17)
  10. Updates across the Job Requirements section (page 20)
  11. Updates across the Key Staff Requirements section (page 22)
  12. Additions and updates across the Partnership with a Co-Registrant section (page 24)
  13. Updates across the Preparation Before you Register section (page 27)
  14. Updates across the Registering with the BC PNP section (page 29)
  15. Updates across the Registration Scoring section, including changes to point allocations (page 32)
  16. Additions and updates across the Business Concept Scoring section, including changes to point allocations (page 44)
  17. Updates to the Invitation to Apply section (page 56)
  18. Updates across the Applying to the BC PNP section (page 60)

BC-PNP-Entrepreneur-Immigration-Program-Guide-20170329-flyabroad.pdf (641.9 KB)

2019年又与BC PNP企业家移民并行施行,这个政策相对比较稳定,申请门槛低,但现在是打分制,我还是要进行预打分再提交,申请周期比之前也大大缩短!