BC企业家移民 - 区域试点项目 Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot Program - 飞出国
飞出国:原定于2019年1月发布细节的 BC 区域试点项目已经推迟到2019年3月份发布申请细节。
The Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot Program Guide will be available at WelcomeBC.ca/PNP in March 2019. The contents of this Entrepreneur Immigration Pocket Guide may change when the Regional Pilot Program Guide is released. In the event of any discrepancy between the Pocket Guide and the BC PNP program guides, the information in the program guides shall be considered correct.
The information in this guide is effective February 1, 2019.
BC-PNP-Entrepreneur-Immigration-Pocket-Guide-flyabroad-20190201.pdf (353.1 KB)。
BC省提名计划(BC PNP)企业家移民(EI)区域试点支持区域社区吸引企业家到偏远社区创造就业机会并在区域中心定居,并为当地经济做出贡献。
为何选择区域试点 - 飞出国BC偏远地区商业移民试点项目
BC EI 区域试点是社区和省之间的伙伴关系,重点是吸引来自世界各地的积极创业者在区域社区建立新的业务,以满足社区的特定需求。这些新业务将在优先领域创造就业机会,创造令人们融入社区的令人兴奋的新机遇。
EI区域试点项目的特点 - 飞出国BC偏远地区商业移民试点项目
- 积极的社区角色 - 参与社区将在此过程中发挥关键作用。他们将积极参与吸引外国企业家为他们的社区。他们还将与当地合作伙伴合作,利用他们的社区网络来支持社区中外国企业家的定居。
- ** BC PNP转介** - 参与社区可以将外国企业家转介到BC PNP。外国企业家必须访问社区,他们的拟议业务与经济优先事项保持一致,并为社区带来显着的经济利益。
- 社区礼宾 - 参与社区可以联系该计划,以获取专门的社区礼宾服务,他们可以支持社区满足其移民需求。
- 邀请函&优先排序 - 由参与社区推荐的外国企业家可以在一个单独的池中注册试点。对注册进行评分,如果受邀,则优先考虑申请。邀请函至少每月发出一次。
社区资格 - 飞出国BC偏远地区商业移民试点项目
有关注册社区的列表,请参阅[EI区域试点 - 社区概况](https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-BC/BC-PNP-Entrepreneur-Immigration/EI-Regional-Pilot-Community -Profiles)页面。
申请人标准 - 飞出国BC偏远地区商业移民试点项目
- 对社区进行商业考察
- 投资最低100,000加币
- 最低个人净资产为300,000加币
- 在BC企业占有最低51%的所有权(必须新建)
- BC企业为当地创建至少1个新全职工作岗位
作为探索性访问的一部分,外国企业家将向社区指定的联系人展示他们的商业理念。联系人将准备一份推荐表格作为申请人BC PNP注册的一部分。
The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Entrepreneur Immigration (EI) Regional Pilot supports regional communities to attract entrepreneurs with a desire to start businesses, create jobs and settle in regional centres, and contribute to their local economy.
Why a Regional Pilot?
Many regional communities across B.C. are facing a number of challenges related to their changing human capital needs. Although across B.C. the fertility rates are below replacement levels and the population is aging, regions are facing the additional challenge that young people are leaving for larger centers to find opportunities. This pilot is designed to support shared prosperity across the province.
The EI Regional Pilot is a partnership between communities and the province, focused on attracting motivated entrepreneurs from around the world to establish new businesses in regional communities to meet the community’s specific needs. These new businesses will create jobs in priority sectors creating exciting new opportunities that keep people in the community.
As each community has the best knowledge of their local business environment, they are perfectly situated to identify the business opportunities and settlement support services that are available to the newly arrived entrepreneurs, therefore giving them a good start in their journey to building successful businesses and grow the local economy.
The EI Regional Pilot is designed to attract and support entrepreneurs with a desire to start a new business and settle in regional communities. Thus, the personal net worth and investment criteria have been reduced. This is reflective of the lower costs to start a business and settle in communities with less dense populations and the intent of capturing a new, more inclusive market segment not currently targeted by the Entrepreneur Immigration category of the program.
In addition, the requirements for community support ensure that immigrant entrepreneurs can flourish and succeed in the communities where they reside and establish their businesses.
What does the EI Regional Pilot look like?
Key features of the EI Regional Pilot:
- Active community role – participating communities will have a key role in the process. They will be actively involved in attracting the foreign entrepreneur for their community. Working with their local partners, they will also use their community network to support the settlement of the foreign entrepreneur in the community.
- BC PNP referrals - participating communities can refer foreign entrepreneurs to the BC PNP. The foreign entrepreneur must have visited the community and their proposed business is aligned with the economic priorities and provides significant economic benefit to the community.
- Community concierge – participating communities can contact the program to access the services of a dedicated community concierge who can support communities with their immigration needs.
- Invitations & prioritization – foreign entrepreneurs who are referred by a participating community can register in a separate pool for the pilot. Registrations are scored and if invited, applications are prioritized. Invitations are issued at least monthly.
Community eligibility
To be eligible for the EI Regional Pilot, communities must have a population of fewer than 75,000, be located beyond 30 km of a municipality of more than 75,000, and demonstrate their capacity to support foreign entrepreneurs through an established network of settlement and business support agencies.
This initiative is intended to maximize the economic benefits of immigration to B.C. to support shared prosperity across the province.
Immigration and pilot-specific training will be offered to community representatives and must be completed before confirming the enrollment. Communities will then be in a position to host exploratory visits and issue referrals for potential applicants.
For a list of enrolled communities, please see the EI Regional Pilot - community profiles page.
Applicant criteria
The criteria targets entrepreneurs with a desire to start a business and settle in regional communities (populations of fewer than 75,000):
- exploratory community visit
- minimum of $100,000 in eligible business investments
- minimum personal net worth of $300,000
- minimum of 51% ownership
- minimum of 1 new job created
As part of the exploratory visit, the foreign entrepreneur will present their business idea to the community’s designated contact person. The contact person will prepare a referral form for submission as part of the applicant’s BC PNP registration.
The Regional Pilot is intended for entrepreneurs who are starting a new business. Entrepreneurs wishing to purchase existing businesses are able to register/apply under the Entrepreneur Immigration category of the program.
Pilot timeline
The pilot will be delivered for an initial two year period, and will be carefully monitored to assess the community’s capacity and its impact, ensuring continued integrity both for the BC PNP and communities.
In early 2019, enrolment registration will open. Please check back for further details.
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