- 学期开始于一个为期8周的新闻训练营,旨在为学生提供良好新闻学原理的大学课程。 学生将会学到成为专业记者依靠的的不是工具,而是技能;
- 训练模块:
- 新闻探究;
- 报道基础;
- 广播写作和报道;
- 新闻与社会
- 完成基础训练模块学习的学生可以和新闻学荣誉学士大四学生一起参加研讨会;
- 注:不是每年都会提供以下所有的课程研讨,课程安排将依照每年的学生兴趣和入学情况;
- 研讨会(任选其2):
- 报刊研讨;
- 无线电研讨;
- 电子报道研讨;
- 电视研讨;
- 创新研讨;
- 投资研讨;
- 高级无线电研讨;
- 高级电视研讨;
- 工作研究;
- 杂志研讨;
- 高级电子报道研讨
- 任选其1:
- 电子报道研讨;
- 高级电子报道研讨
- 学生须在指定机构实习1个月;
- 四年级的学生将在四月份结束一年制学士学位课程的学习,并于六月份开始主修课程;
- 实习:
- 新闻专业实习
One-Year Bachelor of Journalism
Basic Training
- The program begins with an 8-week boot camp that gives you a crash course in the tenets of good journalism. You’ll learn what separates a professional journalist isn’t the tools, but the skills.
- Training Modules
- Journalism Research
- Reporting Fundamentals
- Broadcast Writing and Reporting
- Journalism & Society
- turStudents complete the training module and are then integrated with 4th year students from the Bachelor of Journalism (honours) for the workshop blocks.
- Please Note: not all the workshops will be offered each year. course offerings will depend upon interest and enrolment each year.
- Students must select two of the following workshops:
- Newspaper Workshop ;
- Radio Workshop;
- Digital Reporting Workshop;
- Television Workshop;
- Creative Nonfiction Workshop;
- Investigative Workshop;
- Advanced Radio Workshop;
- Advanced Television Workshop;
- Directed Work Study Workshop;
- Advanced Digital Reporting Workshop;
- Magazine Workshop
- plus one of the following:
- Digital Reporting Workshop;
- Advanced Digital Reporting Workshop
- Students will do a month-long internship at an approved news outlet.
- Students pursuing the two-year masters end the one-year bachelor portion in April and begin the masters component in June.
- Internship
- Journalism Internship
学校官网 One-Year Bachelor of Journalism | University of King's College
国王学院大学 University of King's College(新省哈利法克斯市)