从 极光学院 Aurora College(西北地区史密斯堡市) 继续讨论:
###极光学院留学生课程 Aurora College###
###教育学学士 Bachelor of Education###
- 学院:教育学院
- 授课方式:课堂面授
- 学制:4年制(学士)/3年制(文凭)
- 开课时间:每年的秋季
- Department: School of Education
- Delivery Method: Classroom
- Program Duration: 4 year degree / 3 year diploma
- Start Date: Fall of each year
课程 Program
北美本土文学 | Literature of Native North America |
加拿大西部文学 | Western Canadian Literature |
北美土著图像 | Images of Indigenous North America |
教育的法律和体制背景 | Legal and Institutional Contexts of Education |
文化营地III | Culture Camp III |
周极星世界概论 | Introduction to the Circumpolar World |
周极星世界的人们和文化I | Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World, I |
NWT教学概论 | Intro to Teaching in the NWT |
艺术教育K-9 | Arts Education K-9 |
信息技术在教育环境下应用的调查 | A Survey of Information Technology Applications in Educational Environments |
大学预科 - 回应文学 | University Prep - Responding to Literature |
文化营地 | Culture Camp |
物理和户外活动(K-9) | Physical & Outdoor Activity (K-9) |
当代社会的土著人 | Aboriginal Peoples in Contemporary Society |
教师的信息技术技能 | Information Technology Skills for Teachers |
英语语言艺术教学概论 | Introduction to the Teaching of English Language Arts |
科学教育(K-9) | Science Education (K-9) |
NWT第一民族 | First Peoples of the NWT |
未实习学生的观察/志愿活动 | Pre-Internship Student Observations/Volunteering |
文学和写作 - 解读叙事 | Literature and Composition - Reading Narrative |
地理 - 全球环境系统概论 | Geography - Introduction to Global Environmental Systems |
实习I | Internship I |
儿童文学K-9 | Children's Literature K-9 |
健康概念 | Health Concepts |
综合语言艺术 | Integrated Language Arts |
学习者与学习 | Learners and Learning |
文化营地II | Culture Camp II |
本土教育和跨文化教育 | Aboriginal and Cross-Cultural Education |
文学和写作 - 阅读文化 | Literature and Composition - Reading Culture |
Methods in K to 9 Mathematics I | Methods in K to 9 Mathematics I |
Methods in K to 9 Mathematics II | Methods in K to 9 Mathematics II |
实习II | Internship II |
社会研究&本土研究的小学教学 | Teaching Social Studies & Aboriginal Studies in Elementary School |
北方学校的课程与教学 | Curriculum and Instruction For Northern Schools |
特殊儿童教学 | Teaching Exceptional Children |
在NWT学校创造有效的学习环境 | Creating Effective Learning Environments in NWT Schools |
本土语言教育的文学和戏剧 | Literacy and Drama in Aboriginal Language Education |
课堂评估学习 | Assessing Learning in Classroom |
音乐概论 | Introduction to Music |
教育学学士毕业论文 | Bachelor of Education Capstone Project |
加拿大西部土著文化传统 | Aboriginal Intellectual and Cultural Traditions in Western Canada |
历史记忆的土著叙述 | Aboriginal Narratives of Historical Memory |
语言学概论I | Introduction to Linguistics I |
###护理学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Nursing###
- 学院:健康和人类服务学院
- 授课形式:课堂面授
- 学制:4年
- Department: School of Health & Human Services
- Delivery Method: Classroom
- Program Duration: 4 Years
课程 Program
NWT第一民族 | First Peoples of the NWT |
批判性阅读与写作I(ENGL100) | Critical Reading and Writing I (ENGL100) |
普通心理学 | General Psychology |
非护理选修课 | Non-Nursing Elective |
护理实践III:促进健康和治疗 | Nursing Practice III: Promoting Health and Healing |
护理实践IV:促进健康和治疗 | Nursing Practice IV: Promoting Health and Healing |
健康科学III | Health Science III |
健康科学IV | Health Sciences IV |
巩固实践经验II | Consolidated Practice Experience II |
健康与康复V:复杂的健康威胁/治疗方案 | Health and Healing V: Complex Health Challenges/Healing Initiatives |
健康与康复VI:全球健康问题 | Health and Healing VI: Global Health Issues |
健康与康复VII:促进社区和社会健康(NURS 350) | Health and Healing VII: Promoting Community and Societal Health (NURS 350) |
专业实习IV:护理咨询(NURS 341) | Professional Practice IV: Nursing Inquiry (NURS 341) |
关系实习III:差异连接 | Relational Practice III: Connecting Across Difference |
护理实习V:促进健康和康复 | Nursing Practice V: Promoting Health and Healing |
护理实践VI:提高社区与社会卫生(NURS 351) | Nursing Practice VI: Promoting Health of Communities and Society (NURS 351) |
巩固实践经验III(NURS 370) | Consolidated Practice Experience III (NURS 370) |
专业实习V:护理领导 | Professional Practice V: Leadership in Nursing |
专业实习VI:护理研究(NURS 360) | Professional Practice VI: Nursing Research (NURS 360) |
护理实习VII:参与领导 | Nursing Practice VII: Engaging in Leadership |
巩固实习经验IV(NURS470) | Consolidated Practice Experience IV (NURS470) |
巩固实习经验V(NURS475) | Consolidated Practice Experience V (NURS475) |
护理实习VIII(NURS491) | Nursing Practice VIII (NURS491) |
健康与康复I:生活健康 | Health and Healing I: Living Health |
健康与康复II:健康指标 | Health and Healing II: Health Indicators |
专业实习I:护理专业概论 | Professional Practice I: Introduction to the Profession of Nursing |
专业实习II:护理学科概论 | Professional Practice II: Introduction to the Discipline of Nursing |
关系实习I:自我与他人 | Relational Practice 1: Self and Others |
护理实习I:护理实习概论 | Nursing Practice I: Introduction to Nursing Practice |
护理实习II:了解客户 | Nursing Practice II: Coming to Know the Client |
健康科学I | Health Sciences I |
健康科学II | Health Sciences II |
巩固实习经验I | Consolidated Practice Experience I |
健康和康复III:健康威胁I 康复方案 | Health and Healing III: Health Challenges I Healing Initiatives |
健康与康复IV:健康威胁/康复方案 | Health and Healing IV: Health Challenges/Healing Initiatives |
专业实习III:护理道德 | Professional Practice III: Nursing Ethics |
关系实习II:创造健康 - 促进关系 | Relational Practice II: Creating Health - Promoting Relationships |
###工商管理证书&文凭 Business Administration Certificate & Diploma###
- 学院:工商&领导学院
- 授课形式:课堂授课
- Department: School of Business & Leadership
- Delivery Method: Classroom
课程 program
实习 | Practicum |
个人财务 | Personal Finance |
独立研究 | Independent Studies |
自动会计 | Automated Accounting |
公共政策制定 | Public Policy Making |
公共财政 | Public Finance |
逻辑、区域和公共问题 | Logical, Regional, and Public Issues |
社区经济发展概论 | Introduction to Community Based Economic Development |
合作社工作安置I | Co-op Work Placement I |
合作社工作安置II | Co-op Work Placement II |
社区发展概论 | Introduction to Community Development |
发展和北方社区 | Development and Northern Communities |
社区发展规划进程 | Community Development Planning Process |
财务会计概论A | Introduction to Financial Accounting A |
统计 | Statistics |
人力资源管理 | Human Resources Management |
土地索赔和自治 | Land Claims and Self Government |
组织行为学 | Organizational Behaviour |
合同法 | Contract Law |
管理会计概论B | Introduction to Managerial Accounting B |
宏观经济学 | Macroeconomics |
基本市场营销 | Basic Marketing |
管理学原理 | Principles of Management |
管理会计概论A | Introduction to Managerial Accounting A |
金融数学 | Mathematics of Finance |
商业数学 | Mathematics of Business |
电子表格 | Spreadsheets |
微观经济学 | Microeconomics |
小型企业管理 | Small Business Management |
计算机应用概论 | Introduction to Computer Applications |
商务通讯 | Business Communications |
###环境&自然资源技术文凭 Environment & Natural Resources Technology Diploma###
- 学院:艺术&科学课程
- 授课形式:课堂面授
- 学制:2年
- Department: Arts & Science Programs
- Delivery Method: Classroom
- Program Duration: 2 Years
课程 Program
水源保护 | Source Water Protection |
野外宿营介绍 | Introductory Field Camp |
通信和技术写作 | Communications and Technical Writing |
生态 | Ecology |
野生生物 | Wildlife Biology |
技术员应用数学 | Applied Math for Technicians |
环境科学概论 | Introduction to Environmental Sciences |
现场安全预防性维护 | Field Safety Preventative Maintenance |
森林和牧场植物学 | Forest and Range Botany |
原住民索赔和自治 | Aboriginal Claims and Self Government |
GPS和地图 | GPS and Mapping |
北极海洋科学 | Arctic Marine Sciences |
数据管理和统计 | Data Management and Statistics |
水资源管理 | Water Resources Management |
淡水渔业 | Freshwater Fisheries |
野生动物管理 | Wildlife Management |
野生动物保护技术 | Wildlife Techniques |
环境管理 | Environmental Stewardship |
环境评估和管制过程 | Environmental Assessment and the Regulatory Process |
技术项目 | Technical Project |
通信和项目管理 | Communications and Project Management |
地理信息系统 | Geographic Information Systems |
西部基地野外宿营 | Western Arctic Field Camp |
森林及消防管理 | Forest and Fire Management |
地质学 | Geology |
###行政管理证书&文凭 Office Administration Certificate & Diploma###
- 学院:工商&领导学院
- 授课形式:课堂面授
- 学制:1年证书课程和2年文凭课程
- Department: School of Business & Leadership
- Delivery Method: Classroom
- Program Duration: One year for Certificate and Two years for Diploma
课程 Program
计算机基本概论 | Basic Introduction to Computers |
商务数学 | Business Math |
项目 | Project |
办公程序 | Office Procedures |
实习 | Practicum |
演示和桌面出版 | Presentations and Desktop Publishing |
商务英语 | Business English |
记录管理 | Records Management |
键盘输入II | Keyboarding II |
行政管理行业的工作实习I | Office Administration Industry Work Placement I |
行政管理行业的工作实习II | Office Administration Industry Work Placement II |
行政管理行业的工作实习III | Office Administration Industry Work Placement III |
行业工作地定位 | Orientation for the Industrial Workplace |
商务通信 | Business Communications |
记录和信息管理 | Records and Information Administration |
高级计算机应用 | Advanced Computer Applications |
人力资源和薪资管理 | Human Resource and Payroll Administration |
财务会计和报告程序 | Financial Accounting and Reporting Procedures |
ABE数学120 | ABE Mathematics 120 |
ABE数学130 | ABE Mathematics 130 |
ABE数学140 | ABE Mathematics 140 |
ABE职业/毕生的事业120/130 | ABE Career/Lifework 120/130 |
ABE英语130 | ABE English 130 |
ABE英语140 | ABE English 140 |
会计理论 (Yellowknife/North Slave校区) | Simply Accounting (Yellowknife/North Slave Campus) |
簿记II | Bookkeeping II |
文字处理 | Word Processing |
键盘输入I | Keyboarding I |
电子表格 | Spreadsheets |
###社会工作文凭 Social Work Diploma###
- 学院:健康&人类服务学院
- 授课形式:课堂面授
- 学制:2年
- Department: School of Health & Human Services
- Delivery Method: Classroom
- Program Duration: 2 years
课程 Program
社会工作实习II | Social Work Practice II |
社会工作实习I(SW348) | Social Work Practicum I (SW 348) |
咨询 - 理论与技能(SW440) | Counselling – Theories and Skills (SW 440) |
当代社会福利政策 | Contemporary Social Welfare Policy |
社会工作实习II | Social Work Practicum II |
NWT第一民族 | First Peoples of the NWT |
批判性阅读与写作I(100 ENGL) | Critical Reading and Writing I (ENGL100) |
批判性阅读与写作II(ENGL110) | Critical Reading and Writing II (ENGL110) |
社会工作实习I | Social Work Practice I |
反压迫性的社会工作实习 | Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice |
文化营 | Culture Camp |
人际关系(SW389) | Human Relations (SW 389) |
社会工作实习的沟通技巧(SW390) | Communication Skills in Social Work Practice (SW 390) |
儿童福利的社会工作实习(SW414) | Social Work Practice in Child Welfare (SW 414) |
普通心理学 | General Psychology |
社会福利和社会工作概论(SW100) | Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work (SW 100) |
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