魁北克技术移民 Arrima 系统邀请记录 Results of invitation exercises

魁北克技术移民在线申请 Arrima 系统邀请记录 Invitations - Arrima Results of invitation exercises

飞出国:截止到 2019年8月20日,魁北克技术移民 Arrima 系统已经进行了3次邀请,当前官方已经公布了两次邀请情况,第一次7月4日,邀请 691 人,是之前提交过魁北克 Mon Projet 在线申请同时当前已经在魁北克的,第二次邀请7月17日,259人,都是已经在魁省获得 job offer 的申请人。


The Ministère will carry out invitation exercises on a regular basis, according to labour market needs and the integration potential of immigrants.

These invitations allow persons invited to submit an application for permanent selection in order to obtain a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate) within an average period of 6 months. These persons can then submit an application for permanent residence to the Government of Canada.

Frequency of invitations

The Ministère frequently carries out invitation exercises. You may be invited to submit an application for permanent selection at any time; that is why it is important to regularly update your expression of interest.

Results of invitation exercises

Pursuant to Section 45 of the Québec Immigration Act and Section 30 of the Act to increase Québec’s socio-economic prosperity and adequately meet labour market needs through successful immigrant integration , the Minister must make public his decision to invite persons to submit an application for selection.

Invitations through Arrima

Invitation dates | Number of invitations (persons) | Extraction from the Arrima bank | Criteria
— | — | — | — | —
July 17, 2019 | 259 | July 15, 2019 at 6:30 am | Criteria
July 4, 2019 | 691 | July 4, 2019 at 6:30 am | Criteria

July 17, 2019

On July 17, 2019, the Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion invited 259 persons to submit an application for permanent selection. These invitations were addressed to:

This exercise made it possible to invite all the persons referred to who had filed an expression of interest on this date and time of retrieval. The persons specified who filed an expression of interest afterwards will be invited during the next exercise.

July 4, 2019

On July 4, 2019, pursuant to Sections 29 and 30 of the Act to increase Québec’s socio-economic prosperity and adequately meet labour market needs through successful immigrant integration , the Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion invited 691 persons to submit an application for permanent selection. In accordance with Section 29 of this Act , these persons met the following criteria:

  • their application for selection submitted under the Regular Skilled Worker Program was finalized, pursuant to Section 28 of the Act ; and

  • they filed an expression of interest with the Minister before December 17, 2019; and

  • they were in one of the following situations:

    • their application, which was finalized under the Act , was submitted to the Minister under Section 5.01 of the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals (CQLR, chapter I-0.2, r. 4); or
    • they were staying in Québec on June 16, 2019 while they held a study or work permit issued pursuant to Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227).

This exercise made it possible to invite all the persons referred to who had filed an expression of interest on this date and time of retrieval. The persons specified who filed an expression of interest afterwards will be invited during the next exercise.

Laws and enforcement regulations

新西兰的永久回头签给无法满足加拿大和澳洲每5年两年移民监的申请人更灵活的选择: 全球独一无二的新西兰永久回头签 New Zealand PRV - Permanent Resident Visa


提交免费在线评估后可以 微信 联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk)或 预约面谈 : https://flyabroad.me/contact/

请问 是不是只发了邀请 还没有发材料清单?



  • 根据9号法案第28条,魁北克常规技术移民申请终结(简单来说,就是经历了魁省一刀切政策的申请人)
  • 在2019年12月17号之前提交了EOI
  • 并且
    • 经历了魁省一刀切政策的、魁北克境内提交申请的人(Section 5.01 A foreign national staying temporarily in Québec may file an application for a selection certificate in Québec)
    • 2019年6月16号的时候持有学习许可或工作签证停留在魁北克

August 19, 2019

On August 19, 2019, pursuant to Sections 29 and 30 of the Act to increase Québec’s socio-economic prosperity and adequately meet labour market needs through successful immigrant integration , the Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration invited 444 persons to submit an application for permanent selection. In accordance with Section 29 of this Act , these persons met the following criteria:

  • their application for selection submitted under the Regular Skilled Worker Program was finalized, pursuant to Section 28 of the Act ; and

  • they filed an expression of interest with the Minister before December 17, 2019; and

  • they were in one of the following situations:

    • their application, which was finalized under the Act , was submitted to the Minister under Section 5.01 of the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals (CQLR, chapter I-0.2, r. 4); or
    • they were staying in Québec on June 16, 2019 while they held a study or work permit issued pursuant to Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227).

This exercise made it possible to invite all the persons referred to who had filed an expression of interest on this date and time of retrieval. The persons specified who filed an expression of interest afterwards will be invited during the next exercise.


September 4, 2019

On September 4, 2019, the Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration invited 32 persons to submit an application for permanent selection. These invitations were addressed to:

  • persons who met the following criteria:
    • they had a validated offer of employment;
  • persons mentioned in Section 26 of the [ Québec Immigration Regulation (CQLR, chapter I-0.2.1, r. 3) ](Légis Québec, r. 3).

This exercise made it possible to invite all the persons referred to who had filed an expression of interest on this date and time of retrieval. The persons specified who filed an expression of interest afterwards will be invited during the next exercise.


  • 因魁省9号法案第28条被终止QSW申请的申请人,且
  • 于2019年12月17日前递交了Arrima EOI申请,且
  • 满足以下两个条件之一
    • 被终止QSW申请的申请人满足CQLR, chapter I-0.2, r. 4的条件,或
    • 申请人在2019年6月16日,持有有效学习或工作许可在魁省停留

September 25, 2019

On September 25, 2019, pursuant to Sections 29 and 30 of the Act to increase Québec’s socio-economic prosperity and adequately meet labour market needs through successful immigrant integration , the Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration invited 169 persons to submit an application for permanent selection. In accordance with Section 29 of this Act , these persons met the following criteria:

  • their application for selection submitted under the Regular Skilled Worker Program was finalized, pursuant to Section 28 of the Act ; and

  • they filed an expression of interest with the Minister before December 17, 2019; and

  • they were in one of the following situations:

    • their application, which was finalized under the Act , was submitted to the Minister under Section 5.01 of the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals (CQLR, chapter I-0.2, r. 4); or
    • they were staying in Québec on June 16, 2019 while they held a study or work permit issued pursuant to Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227).

This exercise made it possible to invite all the persons referred to who had filed an expression of interest on this date and time of retrieval. The persons specified who filed an expression of interest afterwards will be invited during the next exercise.


Compilation of Québec Laws and Regulations (CQLR)


  • 因魁省9号法案第28条被终止QSW申请的申请人,且
  • 于2019年12月17日前递交了Arrima EOI申请,且
  • 满足以下两个条件之一
    • 被终止QSW申请的申请人满足CQLR, chapter I-0.2, r. 4 的条件,或
    • 申请人在2019年6月16日,持有有效学习或工作许可在魁省停留

On October 23, 2019, pursuant to Sections 29 and 30 of the Act to increase Québec’s socio-economic prosperity and adequately meet labour market needs through successful immigrant integration, the Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration invited 89 persons to submit an application for permanent selection. In accordance with Section 29 of this Act, these persons met the following criteria:

  • their application for selection submitted under the Regular Skilled Worker Program was finalized, pursuant to Section 28 of the Act; and
  • they filed an expression of interest with the Minister before December 17, 2019; and
  • they were in one of the following situations:
  • their application, which was finalized under the Act, was submitted to the Minister under Section 5.01 of the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals (CQLR, chapter I-0.2, r. 4); or
  • they were staying in Québec on June 16, 2019 while they held a study or work permit issued pursuant to Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227).

This exercise made it possible to invite all the persons referred to who had filed an expression of interest on this date and time of retrieval. The persons specified who filed an expression of interest afterwards will be invited during the next exercise.


  • 申请人持有有效的job offer
  • 申请人为 Québec Immigration Regulation (CQLR, chapter I-0.2.1, r. 3)中第26条规定的人员.

The Minister invites a foreign national who has filed an expression of interest to file an application for selection, without the invitation criteria being applied, where the foreign national is staying in Québec as a diplomat, consular officer, representative or official, duly accredited, of a foreign country or of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any intergovernmental organization of which Québec or Canada is a member and who carries out official duties in Québec, or is a member of the staff of any such diplomat, consular officer, representative or official.

On October 29, 2019, the Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration invited 73 persons to submit an application for permanent selection. These invitations were addressed to:

  • persons who met the following criteria:
  • they had a validated offer of employment;
  • persons mentioned in Section 26 of the Québec Immigration Regulation (CQLR, chapter I-0.2.1, r. 3) .
    This exercise made it possible to invite all the persons referred to who had filed an expression of interest on this date and time of retrieval. The persons specified who filed an expression of interest afterwards will be invited during the next exercise.


  • 申请人持有有效的job offer
  • 申请人为 Québec Immigration Regulation (CQLR, chapter I-0.2.1, r. 3)中第26条规定的人员(从事外交官,领事官员或政府间组织代表)

On December 12, 2019, the Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration invited 85 persons to submit an application for permanent selection. These invitations were addressed to:

  • persons who met the following criteria:
    • they had a validated offer of employment;
  • persons mentioned in Section 26 of the Québec Immigration Regulation (CQLR, chapter I-0.2.1, r. 3).

This exercise made it possible to invite all the persons referred to who had filed an expression of interest on this date and time of retrieval. The persons specified who filed an expression of interest afterwards will be invited during the next exercise.


  • 因魁省9号法案第28条被终止QSW申请的申请人,且
  • 于2019年12月17日前递交了Arrima EOI申请,且
  • 满足以下两个条件之一
    • 申请人在2019年6月16日,持有有效学习或工作许可在魁省停留

On December 17, 2019, pursuant to Sections 29 and 30 of the Act to increase Québec’s socio-economic prosperity and adequately meet labour market needs through successful immigrant integration, the Ministre de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration invited 220 persons to submit an application for permanent selection. In accordance with Section 29 of this Act, these persons met the following criteria:

  • their application for selection submitted under the Regular Skilled Worker Program was finalized, pursuant to Section 28 of the Act; and
  • they filed an expression of interest with the Minister before December 17, 2019; and
  • they were in one of the following situations:
    • their application, which was finalized under the Act , was submitted to the Minister under Section 5.01 of the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals (CQLR, chapter I-0.2, r. 4); or
    • they were staying in Québec on June 16, 2019 while they held a study or work permit issued pursuant to Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227).

This exercise made it possible to invite all the persons referred to who had filed an expression of interest on this date and time of retrieval. The persons specified who filed an expression of interest afterwards will be invited during the next exercise.