新西兰移民监,永久回头签及入籍要求 Application for New Zealand Citizenship

新西兰 RV 和 PRV - 飞出国

大部分新西兰移民最先获得的是 RV(Resident Visa),2年每年注满184天后可以申请 PRV(Permanent Resident Visa),再住3年,满足5年注满1350天要求可以申请人入籍获得 Citizen。

新西兰移民监与澳洲和加拿大有很大不同,通过技术移民或商业移民项目移民新西兰后首先获得的是 Residence Visa (RV) 可以享受一切移民的权利(包括无限期居住,工作,学习,享受居民福利等)但不能长期离开新西兰,再次进入新西兰需要申请新西兰入境许可 Entry Permission,如果没有合法入境许可 RV 身份可能就要丢了。

新西兰移民监 - 飞出国

用不同签证类别申请新西兰居民签证(RV)移民监不同,持新西兰居留签证(RV)两年时间内,满足下列5个对新西兰的贡献之一的就可以申请新西兰永居居民签证(PRV Permanent Resident Visa),俗称永居回头签:

  1. 每年都在新西兰境内呆够了184天以上的时间;或;
  2. 是新西兰的税务居民,两年内每年在新西兰居住41天并且有打税记录;或;
  3. 在新西兰投资一百万纽币达到2年,或;
  4. 在新西兰购买或新建了一个企业并成功运营一年以上,占有25%以上股份,或
  5. 已经在新西兰成功定居,包括已经自购房产超过12个月或近2年内工作9个月,同时主申在申请 PR 前1年在新西兰居住41天以上,其他家庭成员近2年每年在新居住184天

新西兰入籍要求 - 移民转公民 - 飞出国



在申请新西兰入籍前5年内已经在新西兰累计居住 1350 天且每年居住 240 天,无犯罪记录,有英语交际能力(提供雅思或豁免英语成绩的证明,可能有入籍面试)。



需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


新西兰移民签证延期 Variation of resident visa travel conditions - 飞出国

飞出国:新西兰 RV 是永久居留,如果不出新西兰的话会永久有效,但如果需要离开新西兰,可能需要申请旅行条件以便可以顺利进入新西兰。新西兰 RV 有效期是2年,如果2年内每年注满184天可以申请永久回头签,以后不再受居住条件限制。

如果达不到永居回头签(PRV)申请条件,则申请人可能获得1年的延期签证(近2年内有1年在新西兰境内居住满 184 天)

You can stay in New Zealand indefinitely on a resident visa, but you need travel conditions to leave and return as a resident. If you plan to travel after your travel conditions expire, and you’re not eligible for a Permanent Resident Visa yet, you can apply for a variation of travel conditions.

You can apply for a variation of travel conditions to allow you to leave New Zealand and return as a resident if you can’t meet the criteria for a Permanent Resident Visa just yet. Permanent Resident Visas allow you to travel any time you like, so you should check if you’re eligible before applying for a variation of travel conditions.

Variation of travel conditions criteria

Variations of conditions are granted based on the situation of the person who was the principal applicant when you applied for residence.

Non-principal applicants can only apply for a variation of conditions at the same time or after the principal applicant, unless a non-principal applicant exception applies. Non-principal applicants are usually granted the same travel conditions as the principal applicant.

The time you can extend your travel conditions will depend on your situation.

You may need to include evidence to support your application.


You’ve spent enough time in New Zealand

If you’ve spent 184 days or more in New Zealand as a resident in at least one of the two years before you apply for a variation of conditions, you may be able to extend your travel conditions for 12 months.

You don’t need to provide any evidence with your application.

Tax residence status

If you’re a New Zealand tax resident, you may be able to extend your travel conditions for 12 months.

We’ll consider you’re a New Zealand tax resident, if in the 2 years immediately before you apply for a variation of travel conditions:

  • you spent 41 days or more in New Zealand as a resident in at least one of the years
  • Inland Revenue confirms you had tax residence status for at least 12 months.

You’ll need to include evidence of your tax residence status when you apply, which may include:

  • a statement from Inland Revenue
  • a completed ‘Confirmation of Tax Resident Status’ endorsed by Inland Revenue.

If you have tax residence in another country, even if it’s one that New Zealand has a double tax agreement with, we won’t consider that you have New Zealand tax residence status.

Confirmation of Tax Resident Status (INZ 1006)PDF 237KB

Partners of New Zealand citizens

If you’re the partner of a New Zealand citizen, you may be able to extend your travel conditions for 2 years .

We’ll consider you’re the partner of a New Zealand citizen, if one of the following applies:

  • you have a resident visa based on your relationship with your partner and you can provide evidence your relationship is ongoing
  • you have a resident visa in your own right, and can provide evidence you’ve been living with your partner in a genuine and stable relationship for at least 12 months.

The evidence you need to provide will depend on the reason your New Zealand resident visa was granted. If it was granted:

  • based on the relationship with your partner, you’ll need to provide a letter of support from your partner and evidence that you are still living together
  • for another reason, you’ll need to provide evidence that your partner is a New Zealand citizen and evidence you’ve been living with them for at least 12 months.

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