Apegs 萨省工程师协会职业认证申请指南

飞出国:用于加拿大萨省技术移民的 APEGS Member-In-Training 定义。

Member-In-Training 学历满足工程师要求,但还没满足工作经验要求,没有参加职业实践测试或提供相关工作证明。申请人取得 member-in-training 资格只能做 professional member 的助手,不能独立完成工程师资格。


A member-in-training is an engineer-in-training or geoscientist-in-training who has met the academic requirement to become a professional member including direct confirmation of graduation, but who has not met the work experience requirement, written the Professional Practice Exam or provided references. A member-in-training can only practice engineering or geoscience work under the direct supervision of a professional member. The professional member takes responsibility for the work of the member-in-training.

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) and APEGS licensing

Engineering and Geoscience are regulated professions in Saskatchewan. If you plan to immigrate to Saskatchewan and work as an engineer or geoscientist then you must obtain your member-in-training license with APEGS to be eligible to apply for SINP.

First, you must submit your application for engineer-in-training or geoscientist-in-training along with all the required documents. You are expected to follow the same process as everyone else, and your application will be processed in the order that it was receivedby APEGS.

APEGS will let you know if an academic review is required. In most cases an academic review will be required, and it may take up to one year from the time a completed application (including all documentation) has been submitted until you receive the result of your academic review. If your academic review result is a denial, then you are not eligible for licensure at this time. The possible outcomes of the academic assessment are explained on the international engineering graduates page.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
