萨大 AP 预修课程 uSask Advanced Placement

萨斯喀彻温大学(萨大 加拿大萨省大学 uSask U-o-S) University of Saskatchewan 继续讨论:

###萨斯喀彻温大学预修课程 Advanced Placement###

###大学预修课程 Advanced Placement(AP)###


萨大认可学生学习由大学理事会(College Board)主办的预修课程所取得的成绩。萨大认为能把预修课程(AP)学好的学生,与那些学习较少的强化课程的学生相比,进入萨大学习更有优势。

The University of Saskatchewan recognizes the academic excellence of students enrolled in the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) program. We believe that students who are successful in their AP courses will enrol at the University of Saskatchewan with some advantage over students who have taken less intensive programs.

###入学 Admission###



If you are taking AP courses you will be considered for admission on the basis of your Grade 12 subject marks. AP courses are acceptable as equivalents for required high school subjects and AP course grades may be combined with an approved high school curriculum to meet the University’s admission requirements.

Applicants completing AP courses will be considered for Guaranteed Entrance Scholarships on the basis of their preliminary high school grades.


AP课程成绩 AP Course Grade 折抵萨大的分数 U of S Equivalent (%)
5 96
4 86
3 80
2 70
  • AP考试的成绩是5分制

###转学分 Transfer Credit###


可以转学分的学生可以选择拒绝转学分。如果拒绝转学分的话,必须要填写拒绝转学分表格(Decline Transfer Credit Form),并向所在学校的学术顾问报告。如果您选择转学分,这就要取决于学校判断您的学分适合哪些学习课程。如果您重复选择学过的课程,则该门课程的成绩就无效了。

Transfer credit will be awarded for most AP courses with grades of 4 or higher.

Students who are awarded transfer credit may choose to decline the credit. To do so, you must complete the Decline Transfer Credit Form and speak with an Academic Advisor in your College. If you choose to receive the credit, it is then up to your College to determine how this credit will fit into the program of study. If you choose to take a repeat course, the grade may not be used by your college.

The following is a list of transfer credit equivalents

大学预修课程 AP Course 可折抵的萨大成绩 U of S Equivalent
艺术史 Art History Arth 120.3
生物学 Biology Xnsc Jr. 3
微积分AB Calculus AB Math 110.3
微积分BC Calculus BC Math 110.3 + 116.3
化学 Chemistry Chem 112.3
汉语及汉文化 Chinese Language and Culture Chin Jr.3
计算机科学A Computer Science A Cmpt 111.3
计算机科学AB Computer Science AB Cmpt 111.3 + Cmpt Jr.3
英语语言及写作 English Language and Composition Xar Jr. 6 (composition)
英语文学及写作 English Literature and Composition Eng 110.6
环境科学 Environmental Science Geog 125.3
欧洲历史 European History Hist 121.3 + 122.3
法语 French Language One of French: 122.3 + 125 or 128.3 depending on previous education
法国文学 French Literature Fren Jr. 6
德语 German Language Germ Jr. 6
政府&政治:政府&政治对比 Government & Politics: Comparative Gov't & Politics Pols 112.3 (Reviewed Nov 2014)
政府&政治:美国政府&政治 Government & Politics: U.S. Gov't & Politics Pols 249.3 (Reviewed Nov 2014)
人文地理 Human Geography Geog 130.3
拉丁文学 Latin Literature Latn 112.3 + 113.3
拉丁:维吉尔 Latin: Vergil Latn 112.3 + 113.3
宏观经济学 Macroeconomics Econ 114.3
微观经济学 Microeconomics Econ 111.3
音乐理论-Non-Aural Subscore Music Theory--Non-Aural Subscore Mus Jr.3
物理1 Physics 1 Phys Jr. 3 (Reviewed Oct 2014)
物理2 Physics 2 Phys Jr. 3 (Reviewed Oct 2014)
物理1:代数基础 *Physics 1: Algebra Based TBD
物理2:代数基础 *Physics 2: Algebra Based TBD
物理B(截止至2014年不再有效) Physics B (No longer offered as of 2014) Phys 115.3 + Phys 117.3
物理C Physics C Phys 115.3 + Phys 125.3
物理-CMech + Physics C-E&M Physics C-Mech + Physics C-E&M Phys Jr. 3
心理学 Psychology Psy 120.3 + Psy 121.3
西班牙语 Spanish Language Span 214.3
西班牙文学 Spanish Literature Span 306.3
统计学 Statistics Stat Jr.3
工作室艺术(包括艺术2D,3D,绘画) Studio Art (includes Art 2D,3D, Drawing) Art Unsp. 3
美国历史 United States History Hist Jr. 6
世界史 World History Hist Jr. 6
  • 以上表格为萨大2015年公布的。


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