AOLC各省校区开设的酒店管理专业(Hospitality) 课程

加拿大 AOLC 学院 Academy of Learning College Canada 继续讨论:

酒店管理专业可能的就业方向(Possible Hospitality career paths include):

  • 酒店经理 Hospitality Manager
  • 宴会经理 Banquet Manager
  • 餐厅经理 Restaurant Manager
  • 餐饮和会议服务经理 Catering and Conference Services Manager
  • 酒店员工主管 Hotel Clerk Supervisor
  • 预订部主管 Reservations Supervisor


Students will gain a broad range of management and operational skills, as well as practical tools that will assist them in handling situations within the hospitality service environment.

国际酒店管理专业主要培养以下重要技能:(The International Hospitality Management training programs focus on developing essential skills, including):

  • 酒店、餐厅或其他酒店产业的硬件设施管理技能 Skills to manage all physical aspects of a hotel, restaurant or other hospitality properties.
  • 实现有效管理所需要的监督和沟通技能 Supervisory and communication skills for effective leadership.
  • 建立和维护优秀团队的技能 Techniques to develop and maintain high-performance teams.
  • 采购策略和技能 Purchasing strategies and techniques.

AOLC 开设的商科类酒店管理专业课程(Business - Hospitality)

  • 阿尔伯塔省 ALBERTA
  • 新省 new brunswick

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