AITSL ANZSCO 241411 中学教师 Secondary School Teacher - 评估要求

Atstl 澳洲教师职业评估申请表- 通用信息 继续讨论:

AITSL ANZSCO 241411 中学教师 Secondary School Teacher - 评估要求


1. 教育: 申请人需要完成至少等同于澳洲4年全日制大学教育(或等同的兼职),并且获得等同与澳洲学士学位及以上。

2. 专业要求: 申请人需要在大学完成至少1年与提名职业相关的全日制初始教师教育资格(或等同的兼职),其中需要包含至少45天的针对13-18岁的中学生的监管教学实践。


3. 英语要求:

基本要求: A类雅思,读写7,听说8。其他内容参考通用信息的介绍。

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA – Secondary School Teacher (ANZSCO 241411)

All applicants, regardless of where they completed their training, will be assessed against three criteria: Educational, Professional, and English language proficiency. Applications must meet all three assessment criteria to obtain a successful outcome.

    Study assessed by AITSL as comparable to at least four years full-time (or part-time equivalent) higher education (university) level study in Australia, that results in a qualification/s comparable to the educational level of an Australian bachelor degree or higher.
    An initial teacher education qualification relevant to the secondary school teacher occupation of at least one year full-time study (or part time equivalent) at the higher education (university) level. The qualification must include a minimum of 45 days of supervised teaching practice with students across the age range of 13 - 18 years in a secondary school setting.
    The professional qualification/s must be assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian bachelor degree or higher.


我在国内本科读的是生物,08年-17年一直在美国,先后读了动物科学硕士、教育学硕士和教育学博士,期间也在本校读了教师资格证课程+实习+教师资格证考试,并拿到了教师资格证。但是我校的实习是all level (K-12)的,一共12周分成小学6周中学6周。所以不满足45天同一setting的实习期要求。请问我的情况能否通过职业评估?

不可以哦 在读个澳洲学历吧
我在澳洲读的教学硕士 当时就有美国来的 当地人老师 为了在澳洲教书也要读澳洲的学历
因为澳洲对教育比较苛刻,认识要认同他们 受过他们教育的人才有资格教育他们的人
