阿省战略招聘类别下技工类别 AINP Strategic Recruitment Stream Compulsory and Optional Trades Category

阿省战略招聘类别下的 Compulsory and Optional Trades Category - 飞出国

以下标准适用于在阿省从事 [Alberta Compulsory or Optional Trade] (Page not found)行业的主管、领班和商人。

These criteria apply to all supervisors, foremen and tradespeople working in a compulsory or optional trade (PDF) in Alberta.

申请人需满足的条件 - 飞出国

  • 打算长期定居阿省;
  • 还需要满足:持有有效的阿省资格证书(a valid Alberta Qualification Certificate in a compulsory or optional trade)或者 阿省AIT认可的技工证书(a valid Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) Recognized Trade Certificate in a compulsory or optional trade)
  • 递交申请时,必须居住在阿省并且持有有效的工作许可;
  • 递交申请时,当前正在为雇主工作,或者,如果当前不为雇主工作的话,在近2年内为雇主工作了至少6个月;
  • 对于从事NOC C level的Parts Technician职位的申请人,需要满足最低语言标准。
  • You must intend to and be able to live and work permanently in Alberta.
  • You must have:
    • a valid Alberta Qualification Certificate in a compulsory or optional trade (PDF), or
    • a valid Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) Recognized Trade Certificate in a compulsory or optional trade (PDF)
  • You must be residing in Alberta at the time of application and show that you have a valid work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to work in Alberta in the trade in which you are certified.
  • You must show, at the time of application, that you are either currently working in your trade for an Alberta Employer or have previously worked in your trade with an Alberta Employer for a minimum of six months in the past two years.
  • If you are working as a Parts Technician (see AIT definitions for this occupation here and here), you are working in a NOC C (semi-skilled) level occupation. You are required to meet language requirements for semi-skilled occupations. The minimum language scores you must meet are set out on the Semi-Skilled Worker Category criteria page. There are three accepted language tests you can choose from. Your test result cannot be more than two years old at the time you submit your AINP application.

阿省战略招聘类别 Compulsory and Optional Trades Category : Government of Alberta | Alberta.ca
