AINP AOS 留学生项目对留学专业,学历学制及院校的要求


AINP-AOS-AE-approved-ps-credentials-201807-flyabroad.pdf (148.8 KB)。

UPDATE effective July 10, 2018:

If you are admitted before October 1, 2018 to an Alberta Advanced Education approved:

  • certificate or post-graduate certificate program (minimum one year in length);
  • diploma program (minimum two years in length); or
  • undergraduate bachelor’s degree, graduate level degree or graduate level certificate or diploma program

you are eligible to apply.

If you are admitted to your Alberta credential program on or after October 1, 2018 , your Alberta credential must be on the Alberta Opportunity Stream List of Alberta Advanced Education Approved Post-Secondary Credentials.

Education requirements

At the time your application is postmarked you must have completed a minimum of high school education in your country of origin.

Effective January 1, 2021, candidates (excluding Post-Graduation Work Permit holders) will need to have completed a minimum of high school equivalent to Alberta standards to be eligible for AOS. A summary of future criteria requirements is available on the Planned AOS Criteria Changes webpage.

Post-Graduation Work Permit holders must meet specific education criteria. If you are a Post-Graduation Work Permit holder you must have met the requirements for graduation for an Alberta Advanced Education approved credential issued by an Alberta Advanced Education approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institution

