黑人 艾哈迈德·胡森 就任加拿大新移民部长会有哪些变化 Ahmed Hussen becomes Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

加拿大更换移民部长,索马里人 艾哈迈德·胡森 (也叫 阿哈姆德·胡生)就任加拿大新移民部长。

索马里人 艾哈迈德·胡森 (阿哈姆德·胡生)1975或1976年出生,2017年1月10日被指派为联邦移民部长,年轻的移民部长。

胡森 1993 年作为难民移民来到加拿大,后在约克大学获得文学学士学位(历史),渥太华大学获得法学学位。

胡森 2013 年在多伦多执业,涉及的领域有刑法、移民法和人权法。2015年10月19日,胡生当选安省约克—南威士顿选区的联邦议员。一年后当了移民部长,坐直升机呢。


Ahmed Hussen becomes Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

The new Minister of IRCC following today’s cabinet shuffle is Ahmed Hussen.

Hussen came to Canada when he was a child, as a refugee from Somalia.
He is a lawyer and has experience working in immigration law. He’s been very active in community activities.

Based on his background I would expect he is very sensitive to all issues surrounding immigration.

Minister McCallum is leaving politics, he will be appointed Canada’s Ambassador to China

