什么是澳大利亚成人移民英语计划 Adult Migrant English Program?



The Adult Migrant English Program, or AMEP, helps you settle into Australia by improving your language and employability skills. Whether you want to study, find work or talk to new friends and neighbours, this program is the ideal starting point. The AMEP is funded by the Australian Government.



If you answer ‘yes’ to the questions below, you can enrol in the free* Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) with Navitas English:

  • are you aged over 18 years (some under 18s may be eligible)?
  • are you a migrant or humanitarian entrant who arrived in Australia in the last five years?
  • do you have a permanent visa, or an eligible temporary visa?
  • do you have little or no English skill (below a functional level of English)?


  1. AMEP通过在澳洲的13个注册的培训机构提供课程,培训机构需要确认移民身份以及签证信息以便入学。AMEP课程可以选择全日制,非全日制,早晚周末课程或者远程上课模式。
  2. AMEP课程将会包括基本的英语听说读写,澳洲文化习俗,衣食住行上与人交谈,用于电脑的基本英语,如何用英语求职以及学习深造。课程过程中也会有双语助教协助课堂教学。
  3. 移民在AMEP上课期间,学龄以下儿童可以享受免费的托儿服务。Free childcare is available for pre-school aged children.
  4. AMEP课程可以分成两类,一类是更加侧重于求职或者学习深造,一类是更加侧重于日常生活沟通,一般在入学时会进行基本测试来判断适合哪个类别。


根据《 2020年移民(教育)修正案(扩大英语授课)法》对AMEP的最新改革,已于2021年4月19日生效,包括:

  • 之前AMEP课程规定是510小时,改革后无小时限制,即使之前已经完成510小时AMEP学习的还可以继续学习
  • 之前对于移民的英语水平界定是雅思低于functional English(等同于雅思4.5)水平的可以参考AMEP课程,改革后是雅思低于vocational English (等同于雅思5)水平的都可以参加AMEP课程。
  • 之前对2020年10月1日之前首次抵澳的合格移民的注册,开始和完成AMEP课程有时间限制,改革后取消了时间限制,也就意味着即使已经在澳洲住了五年了,还可以参加AMEP课程

Update 05/03/2021 - Major changes to the AMEP program have been activated. From 4 March 2021:

  • The current 510-hour limit on free English tuition has been removed
  • Eligibility has been extended from functional English to vocational English
  • Time limits for enrolling, starting and completing English tuition for eligible visa holders who were in Australia on or before 1 October 2020 has been removed .

What does this mean for you?

  • You can continue to learn English and digital skills with us until you feel ready for the workplace.
  • Anyone who has completed their 510 hours can continue learning with us.
  • Anyone that has been in Australia for more than five years can come back or join us.

移民,公民,移民服务和多元文化事务部长Alex Hawke表示这些改革将给更多的移民学习AMEP课程的机会,因此能帮助他们又更好的英语水平以及适应新的生活。