从 维多利亚大学 University of Victoria (卑诗省维多利亚市) 继续讨论:
维多利亚大学入学要求 Admission Requirements of University of Victoria
硕士学位入学要求 Admission to a master’s degree
- 申请人最近两年的学习成绩平均分达到“B”(或等同于维多利亚大学分制的30分水平)。
- 实习、无成绩的课程,或根据学生生活或学习表现而得到学分,或在维多利亚大学不认可的学校获得的学分都不能用来判断申请人的平均分或完成的学历的。
- 用来计算入学平均分的课程就不能计入硕士学位课程的学分。
- 许多专业院系的入学要求比硕士学位的入学要求还要高。
Admission to any master’s degree requires that you have completed an acceptable bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an academic institution recognized by the University of Victoria.
- You must have earned the equivalent of a “B” average over the last two years (or equivalent of 30 UVic units) of your degree to be considered.
- Practica, non-graded (pass-fail) courses, credit granted on the basis of life or work experience, or credit earned at institutions not recognized by the university will not be used in determining an applicant’s grade point average or units completed.
- Any courses used in the calculation of the entering average cannot be used as credit toward a graduate degree program.
- Many academic departments require a higher average for admission to a master’s degree.
博士学位的入学要求 Admission to a PhD degree
Admission to a doctoral program requires that you have completed an acceptable master’s degree or equivalent to those offered in Canada. If you have a first-class average in the last two years of a bachelor’s degree, you may be considered.
英语水平要求 Language proficiency
托福TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language):
For the internet-based TOEFL (IBT), we require a minimum of 90 with the following minimum section requirements: Listening 20; Speaking 20; Reading 20; Writing 20. The minimum acceptable TOEFL score is 575 on the paper-based test. Individual departments may set a higher standard.
雅思 IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
平均分要达到6.5分,各科成绩不能低于6.5分。只接受雅思 Academic考试成绩。
A minimum Overall Band Score of 6.5, with no score of less than 6.0 on each individual component on the Academic IELTS is required. Note than any IELTS test, other than the Academic test, will not be accepted.
MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery)
A score of 90 on the MELAB will be accepted as proof of English proficiency.
留学生要求 International applicant info
申请截止日期 Application deadlines
- 9月份入学 - 在12月15日前申请
- 1月份入学 - 在4月15日前申请
- 5月份入学 - 在10月15日前申请
Although application deadlines are set by the individual departments, if you are an international applicant, it is advised that you apply well in advance of the deadline for your entry point to allow time for processing and to apply for a visa. The suggested timelines are as follows:
- September entry point - apply by December 15
- January entry point - apply by April 15
- May entry point - apply by October 15
Individual departments may have earlier deadlines, make sure to review your program information.
留学生最低入学要求 Minimums from other countries
These are the minimum standards required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies for admission to a master’s degree program. Individual programs may have higher requirements.
国家 Country | 最低学历 (硕士学习) Minimum credential (for master's studies) | 规定的最低成绩 Minimum required grades |
中国 China | 4年制的学士 Four-year bachelor | 80%; “B” |
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