从 智库培训中心 Think Tank Training Centre (卑诗省北温哥华市) 继续讨论:
智库培训中心入学要求 Admission Requirements of Think Tank Training Centre
1. 入学要求 Admission Requirements
- 一份完整的在线申请表。请注明申请的学期、专业、全日制或实习。
- 年满19岁的证明或高中毕业证明
- 如果未满19周岁且还未毕业,请提交一份近期的成绩单复印件。
- 如果已经高中毕业,请提交毕业证明材料(成绩单或毕业证的复印件)
- 不可退还的申请费:100加币(完成申请表后即可付费)
- 政府出具的证件照片复印件(如果不是加拿大公民,需要有效的护照,如果是加拿大公民的话,需要驾驶证)
- 近五年就读的高中或大学成绩单(只要是近五年内上过学,就要交成绩单)
- 2-3段的陈述信,陈述申请该校课程的原因。
- 学生本人的视觉艺术作品,包括绘图或绘画,和任何与2D或3D相关的计算机作品:5-10个不同的作品片段。
A completed online Think Tank application form (Apply Now). Please specify the semester to which you are applying, and which Program, Fulltime or Mentorship.
Proof that you are over 19 years of age OR you have graduated from high school.
- If you are under 19/about to graduate, please submit a copy of a recent transcript or report card.
- If you have already graduated: please submit proof of graduation (transcript, report card or copy of diploma).
A non-refundable $100.00 application fee (payable when completing the applicaton form).
A copy of your government-issued photo id (valid passport required for non-Canadian citizens, driver’s licence-type card OK for Canadian citizens).
Transcripts from any other secondary or post-secondary institutions attended in the last five (5) years (ONLY if you have studied in the past five years).
A two to three paragraph statement outlining your motivation for applying to our program.
A visual art portfolio* of your work that includes drawings or paintings and any relevant 2D or 3D computer work: 5 to 10 different pieces. (Please only send us your best work.)
2. 英语水平 English Proficiency
该校不要求学生一定要参加以下一种考试。和Scott Thompson和Joseph Bullock通过电话、网络电话进行面试和现场面试通过后,也可考虑录取。
- Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP-G 2014) Test 会在4月份左右举行。该项考试是为加拿大移民、加拿大公民和到加拿大大学和学院的留学生而设置的。
- Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)成绩达到6分
- Canadian Academic English Language评估总分达到60分
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)网考75分,机考210分,笔试520分
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS):达到6分,各部分最低分不能低于5.5分
- 一份能证明高中或大学在英语学校或加拿大或海外其他学校学习的证明
- 参加的英语考试不包括在以上考试范围内的也可以。
For students whose first language is not English, below are the minimum scores required from any one of the following tests in English proficiency.
We do not require you to go out and take one of these tests. A telephone, Skype, or in person interview with Scott Thompson or Joseph Bullock will also be considered acceptable.
Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP-G 2014) Test taken before or after April 2014 : Level 6 http://celpiptest2014.ca/ is a Canadian English language test for immigration to Canada, Canadian citizenship, and for admission to Canadian universities and colleges.
Equivalent Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) score of 6
Canadian Academic English Language assessment (CAEL): overall score of 60
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): 75 internat based, 210 computer based, or 520 paper based.
International English Language Testing System (IELTS): overall score of 6, with a minimum of 5.5 in each section
or proof of completion of a secondary school or post-secondary education program in English, in Canada or abroad.
Tests not included on this list may also be accepted.
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