达尔豪斯大学入学要求 Admission Requirements of Dalhousie University

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达尔豪斯大学入学要求 Admission Requirements of Dalhousie University

留学生本科入学要求 Undergraduate Admission Requirement for Internatinal Students


  • 在5门高中专业课程中,以平均分不低于满分的70%的成绩完成中学(例如高中)
  • 高中英语和其他规定的课程的期末成绩不低于满分的70%

You can apply to many Dalhousie programs directly from high school. The general admission requirements for degree programs are:

  • Completion of secondary school (i.e. Grade 12) with a minimum overall average of 70% in five academic Grade 12 courses
  • A final grade of at least 70% in Grade 12 English and any other required subject (see below)


Subjects required for admission to various programs are listed below, as well as the minimum required Grade 12 averages. Admission to many programs at Dalhousie is competitive; meeting the minimum entrance average does not guarantee admission. Normally, 70% or higher is necessary in all required subjects for early admission.

学位 Bachelor of: 英语
数学 Math 科学 Science 其他专业科目 Additional Academic Subjects 最低总平均分 Minimum Overall Average
艺术 Arts 1 4 0.70
英语 Music1 1 4 0.70
商务 Commerce 1 1* 3 0.75
管理 Management 1 1* 3 0.70
科学 Science 1 1** 3 0.75
医学科学 Medical Sciences 1 1** 3 0.80
计算机科学 ComputerScience 1 1** 3 0.70
社区设计 Community Design 1 1* 1 Science 2 0.75
信息学 Informatics 1 1* 3 0.70
工程学 Engineering 1 1** Chemistry and Physics 1 0.70
健康专业 Health Professions 英语
数学 Math 科学 Science 其他专业科目 Additional Academic Subjects 最低总平均分 Minimum Overall Average
保健 Health Promotion 1 Biology or Chemistry 3 70%
运动学 Kinesiology 1 1* 3 75%
护理 Nursing 1 1* Biology and Chemistry 1 75%
娱乐(治疗)Recreation (Therapeutic) 1 4 70%
娱乐管理 Recreation Management 1 1* 3 70%
健康科学 Health Sciences 英语
数学 Math 科学 Science 其他专业科目 Additional Academic Subjects 最低总平均分 Minimum Overall Average
诊断医学超声 Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound 1 1* Physics and Biology 1 75%
核医学技术 Nuclear Medicine Technology 1 1* Physics and Chemistry 1 75%
放射技术 Radiological Technology 1 1* Physics and one of Biology or Chemistry 1 75%
呼吸疗法 Respiratory Therapy 1 1* Chemistry and one of Biology or Physics 1 75%
农业 Agriculture 英语
数学 Math 科学 Science 其他专业科目 Additional Academic Subjects 最低总平均分 Minimum Overall Average
理学学士(农业)&兽医研究 Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) & Pre Vet Studies3 1 1** Chemistry and 1 70%
农业学学士(国际食品业)Bachelor of Agriculture (International Food Business) 1 1* 3 75%
科技学士(景观设计)Bachelor of Technology (Landscape Architecture)2 1 1* Biology 11 3 70%
理学学士(生物兽医学)Bachelor of Science (Bioveterinary Science) 1 1** Chemistry and Physics 1 70%
工程学文凭 Diploma in Engineering3 1 1** Chemistry and Physics3 1 70%
工商管理文凭 Diploma in Business Management4 1 Math 11 Biology 11 or Chemistry 11 or Agriculture 11 and Science 10 4 60%
托管经管文凭 Diploma in Managed Landscapes 1 1* Biology 12 and Chemistry 11 1 60%
植物科学技术文凭 Diploma in Plant Science Technology 1 Math 11 Chemistry 11 and Biology 10 or Science 10 4 60%
兽医技术文凭 Diploma in Veterinary Technology 1 1* Biology and Chemistry 1 60%


International students who meet university entrance requirements in their home country are normally eligible to be considered for admission to Dalhousie.

留学生研究生入学要求 Graduate Admission Requirement for Internatinal Students

指定学习机构 Designated Learning Institution (DLI)

在2014年6月1日之后,申请留学签证需要收到DLI的接收信和DLI编码。达尔豪斯大学的DLI编码是# O19209939282.

To apply for a study permit on or after June 1, 2014, you will need a letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI), as well as the institution’s DLI number. Dalhousie’s DLI number is # O19209939282.

国际同等学历 International degree equivalencies


Qualifications from a number of educational systems around the world are listed below. Normally, they are recognised as equivalent to a Dalhousie University four-year bachelor’s degree if they have been awarded from an institution that is recognised by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The academic standings indicated are normally accepted as equivalent to a Dalhousie University B grade average.

Country Qualifications Academic standing
China (People's Republic) 80 or better 4 year Bachelor's

普通入学标准 Common Admission Criteria

  • 4年制的学士学位
  • 在最后60学分课时的课程中获得最低平均分为3.0(B)的成绩
  • 由公证的大学授予学位
  • Four-year Bachelor’s degree
  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B average) in the last 60 credit hours of study
  • Degree granted by university of recognized standing

英语水平 English language proficiency



Students for whom English is not their first language and who did not complete their previous degree at an English-speaking university will need to submit proof of English language proficiency.

Dalhousie accepts a number of different English proficiency test scores:

考试名称 Test Name 可接受的最低成绩 Minimum Acceptable Score
Internet-based TOEFL 92
Written TOEFL 580
CanTest 4.5 (with no band score lower than 4.0)
CAEL 70 with no band score lower than 60
Dalhousie College of Continuing Education (CCE) A-

具体学院的英语要求 Department-specific English language requirements

生物化学&分子生物学 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 100 600 7.5 A
生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering 100 600 7.5 A
工商管理 Business Administration 105 600 8.0 A+
社区卫生&流行病学 Community Health & Epidemiology 100 600 7.5 A
电子商务 Electronic Commerce 100 600 7.5 A
健康信息 Health Informatics 100 600 7.5 A
信息管理 Information Management 105 600 8.0 A+
跨学科博士专业Interdisciplinary PhD Program 100 600 7.5 A
法学 Law 100 600 7.5 A
微生物学和免疫学 Microbiology and Immunology 100 600 7.5 A
牙周病 Periodontics 100 600 7.5 A
药理学(实习、学生)Pharmacology (intern. students) 100 600 7.5 A
哲学 Philosophy 100 600 7.5 A
生理学和生物物理学 Physiology and Biophysics 100 600 7.5 A
政治科学 Political Science 100 600 7.5 A



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