- 1、旨在为小学教师提供强大的教育背景,提供教师资格初步准备,使学生符合当今对专业教育者的要求;
- 2、该课程不接受在职学生,学生必须在入学后三年内完成所有课程的学习,达到平均累计分数不低于2.67分且无C以下科目;
- 3、在校期间学生需完成所有安排的实习任务方可正常毕业:第一学年11/12月实习5周、3/4月实习5周;第二学年11/12月实习5周、3/4月实习5周。
注:科学课程不包含心理学。 -
- 4、学习过本科阶段教授的6学分英语或法语课程。
同类课程: 若申请人不符合学术/教师资格条件,同等课程的学习经历也可纳入考虑范围(如古罗马文学代替历史、交际学代替英语)并附成绩单。
- 对于16个月课程申请者: 在申请前不满足3学分入学要求且有正当原因申请者,可由教育学士评选委员会决定是否获得学术豁免权;
- 2)对于两年制课程申请者:在申请前不满足3学分入学要求且有正当原因申请者,在8月20日之前可由教育学士评选委员会决定是否获得学术豁免权。
This program is designed to give elementary school teachers a strong background in inclusive education. The special education focus is designed to provide initial teacher preparation consistent with the needs of today’s professional educator.
This program cannot be taken through part-time study and must be completed within three years of initial registration. Students must successfully complete all courses with a CGPA of 2.67 or higher with no grade less than C-. Students must also successfully complete a supervised practicum throughout the year. Students are required to teach in an elementary school that is assigned to them. The first year practicum consists of a five week session in November/December and a five week session in March/April. The second year practicum consists of a five week session in November/December and a five week session in March/April. Students must successfully complete these practicum sessions in order to graduate.
Academic/ Teacher Certification Requirements (Elementary):
Please check back often for up-to-date requirements.
In Nova Scotia a three (3) credit hour course identifies a course which is usually one semester (half year) in length; a six (6) credit hour course usually takes place over a full academic year.
For admission to our Elementary Bachelor of Education program, and for eventual teacher certification by the Nova Scotia Department of Education, applicants must have the following academic prerequisites. (Italicized statements are copied directly from the Nova Scotia Department of Education regulations.)
- Six (6) credit hours in university social studies coursework from any one or combination of the following disciplines: History (with a preference for local and Canadian History), Geography, Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Law, Classics, African Canadian Studies, Mi’kmaq Studies, Acadian Studies and/ or Philosophy.
- Six (6) credit hours in university science coursework from any one or combination of the following disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology/Earth Sciences, Oceanography and Environmental Studies.
NOTE: Psychology is not recognized as science.
- Six (6) credit hours in university Mathematics coursework with a preference for a course in fundamental concepts.
Comment - Most institutions have a mathematics course designed for those who intend to become elementary school teachers. MATH 1533, Mathematical Concepts I, and MATH 1543, Mathematical Concepts II, are available online from Acadia or any Fundamental Concepts in Math course would be acceptable. NOTE: For additional information regarding the mathematics requirement please click here.
- Six (6) credit hours in university English coursework if undergraduate degree is delivered in English or six (6) credit hours in university French coursework if undergraduate degree is delivered in French.
Comment - Whenever possible, applicants should attempt to exceed this certification guideline. In particular, and whenever possible, applicants should consider taking courses in Children’s Literature, drama, writing and composition, oral communication, and linguistics.
Cognate Coursework: If you do not meet all the academic/ teacher certification requirements, a maximum of 6 credit hours of cognate coursework may be recognized in fulfillment of the individual subject field requirements. Cognate coursework refers to work in a credited course that is significantly similar, or analogous, in its content to the discipline for which credit is allocated; for example, Classics as History, Communications as English, etc. If cognates are a consideration, we will assess your transcripts upon receiving your application.
Academic Exemption:
For admission to the 16 month consecutive program, if a candidate has met all but 3 credit hours of the admissions requirements prior to the start of the program and has justifiable reasons for requesting an academic exemption, he or she may be granted an exemption with the understanding that this credit will need to be completed to meet Nova Scotia teacher certification requirements. Each request for an exemption is evaluated on an individual basis by the B.Ed. Selection Committee.
For admission to the 2 year program, it is normally expected that all applicants will have the required 24 credit hours of coursework discussed above; however, in a small number of cases we occasionally make an exception. If an applicant has met all but 3 credit hours of the admissions requirements prior to August 20 of the year in which admission is sought and has justifiable reasons for requesting an academic exemption, he or she may be given an extension to complete the required coursework. Each request for an exemption is evaluated on an individual basis by the B.Ed. Selection Committee.