A2 旅游证件
A2.1 被认可的旅游证件的类型
- a:A2.1.1和A2.1.5定义下的护照和身份证明;
- b:A2.5和A2.10下标准要求的护照;
A2.1.1 护照的定义
- a.由国家政府签发的;
- b.新西兰政府认可的;
- c.区分持有人的身份以及国籍的;
- d.已经签注的;
- e.有效期内的;
A2.1.5 身份证件的定义
- a.身份证件并不是护照,而是由政府签发给公民证明身份的证件;
- b.表明身份而不仅仅区分国籍;确保持证人进入签发国家的权利;
- c.紧急旅游证件或者难民证件(1992年护照法案下签发);国际组织签发的证件。
A2.1 Types of acceptable travel document
Acceptable travel documents are standard passports or certificates of identity that:
- a.come within the definitions in A2.1.1 and A2.1.5 below; and
- b.meet the criteria set out in A2.5 to A2.10.
A2.1.1 Definition of ‘passport’
- A passport is a document that:
- a.is issued by or on behalf of the government of any country; and
- b.is recognised by the New Zealand government as a passport; and
- c.purports to establish the identity and nationality of the holder; and
- d.confers on the holder the right to enter the country of the government of which has issued the document; and
- e.has not expired.
A2.1.5 Definition of ‘certificate of identity’
- a.A certificate of identity is a document (other than a passport) issued by the government of any country to any person for the purposes of facilitating that person’s entry into or exit from any country.
- b.A certificate of identity:
- ipurports to establish the identity but not the nationality of a person; and
- iiconfers on that person a right to enter the country whose government has issued the document.
- c.A certificate of identity includes:
- iany emergency travel document or refugee travel document issued under the Passports Act 1992; and
- iiany travel document issued by any international organisation for the time being specified by the Minister for the purpose of this definition.
- a.情况真实并未篡改或者损害的;
- b.在发行的国家有效期;
- c.新西兰政府官方认可的文件;
- d.来往新西兰有效;
- e.新西兰永居的情况下,允许申请人足够的时间入境新西兰;
- f.对于在新西兰短暂停留的人的有效期至少为3个月,签发政府驻新西兰使馆签发续签至少1个月有效期。
A2.5 Criteria for acceptable travel documents
- a.authentic and not unofficially altered or tampered with; and
- b.valid in the country of issue; and
- c.issued by an official source recognised by the New Zealand Government;
- d.and valid for travel to and from New Zealand; and
- e.in the case of people coming to New Zealand permanently, valid for enough time to allow them to travel to New Zealand; and
- f.in the case of people coming to New Zealand temporarily, valid either:
- ifor at least 3 months beyond the date they intend to depart; or
- iifor one month beyond the date they intend to depart, if the issuing government has consular representation in New Zealand that is able to issue and renew travel documents.
A2.10.1 英国
- a.证明有权回英国居住的证件;
- b.在新西兰之后登陆第三国家的签证;
- c.表明居住权或者返回原国籍权利的证明;
- d.新西兰居住签证;
A2.10.5 当前使用的英国护照
- a.1983年后签发的证明英国公民身份的护照;
- b.1983年后签发的证明持证人是英国公民/英国海外公民,规定归属地的名字,必须拥有表明在境外领土居住的相关的签发证件。;
- c.自1983年1月1日签发的护照认为持证人为英国海外公民。必须拥有表明居住权或者回原籍国的文件。
- d.表明持证人受英国保护的护照。必须拥有表明居住权或者回原籍国的签发文件。
- e.表明持证人为英籍人士的护照。必须拥有居留权证明,或者签发证件来表明持证人拥有在英国的居住权,或者拥有表明居住权或者回原籍国的签发文件。
- f.在1987年7月1日之后签发的护照认为持证人为英国国民(海外国民)必须有相关的签发证件表明持证人拥有香港的永久居住身份证件号码(xyz)表明其在香港的永久居住权,或者返回英国的入境证明。
- g.1988年8月后签发的可机读的护照:颜色为暗红色,封页有EC字样。有权在英居住的英籍人士,英国海外公民拥有津贴证明,或者表明在英居住的签发文件。
- h.1988年8月后签发的可机读的护照不同于g类的是封页并无EC字样。必须签发cedfg项提及的护照。
A2.10 Acceptable travel documents
A2.10.1 United Kingdom
- a.the endorsement ‘Holder is entitled to readmission to the United Kingdom’, usually on page 5 (page 6 for British Subject or British Dependent/Overseas Territories Citizen); or
- b.a visa to enter a third country after travelling to New Zealand; or
- c.a separate certificate indicating right of abode in or re‐entry to the home country; or
- d.a residence class visa for New Zealand approved on the basis that the need to seek deportation would be unlikely to arise.
A2.10.5 British passports in current use
(a) Passports issued since 1 January 1983 that describe the holder as a British Citizen on page 1,All passports of this type are acceptable for entry to New Zealand;
(b) Passports issued since 1 January 1983 that describe the holder as a British Dependent/Overseas Territories Citizen and state the name of the dependent territory,Must have an endorsement (usually on page 5) indicating the right of abode in the dependent territory concerned;
(c) Passports issued since 1 January 1983 that describe the holder as a British Overseas Citizen,Must have an endorsement indicating the right of abode in or re‐entry to the home country;
(d) Passports that describe the holder as a
British Protected Person,Must have an endorsement indicating the right of abode in or re‐entry to the home country;
(e) Passports that describe the holder as a
British Subject on page 1,Must have a Certificate of Entitlement and/or the endorsement ‘Holder has the right of abode in the United Kingdom’ (usually on page 5) or
must have an endorsement indicating right of abode in or re‐entry to the home country;
(f) Passports issued after 1 July 1987 that describe the holder as a British National (Overseas),Must have either: the endorsement ‘the holder of this passport has Hong Kong permanent identity card number (xyz) which states the holder has the right of abode in Hong Kong’ or
a Returning Resident entry certificate for the UK;
(g) Machine‐readable passports issued after July 1988 that are:burgundy red in colour and
bear the words ‘European Community’ (EC) on the front cover,(in the cases of British subjects with the right of abode in the UK and British Dependent/Overseas Territory Citizens) must have a Certificate of Entitlement and/or any endorsement indicating right of abode in the UK;
(h) Machine‐readable passports issued after July 1988 that are similar to those in(g) but without the words 'European,Must be endorsed as in (c), (d), (e), (f), (g)
A2.10.10 南斯拉夫
- i一般护照
- ii外交护照
- iii公务护照
- iv旅游护照(8页,没有封页和有效日期,仅限南斯拉夫旅游);
A2.10.10 Yugoslavia
a.The following documents from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) are acceptable:
- i standard passport ii diplomatic passport iii official passport
- iv Emergency Travel Document (folded sheets consisting of 8 pages, no cover and valid only for travel to Yugoslavia).
b.Passports of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) (red cover) are valid until the date specified in the passport or until 31 December 1999 at the latest.
a 被认可的旅游签证是由香港政府签发给暂住者的证明。
- i不具有旅游签证
- ii不能获得国家护照。
b 持证人来新西兰短暂旅游,且在12月内可以再次入境香港;
A2.10.15 Hong Kong
a.Acceptable travel documents are Hong Kong ‘Documents of Identity for Visa Purposes’ issued by the Hong Kong Government to temporary residents who:
- ido not possess any other travel document; and
- iiare unable to obtain a national passport.
b.If the holder is coming to New Zealand for a temporary visit, the document must confirm the right of re‐entry to Hong Kong for at least 12 months.
c.Hong Kong SAR Passports are acceptable travel documents for travel to New Zealand.
A2.10.20 印度尼西亚
- a.地方有效声明(见10页)包括新西兰及持证人第三方旅游国家。
- b.由印度尼西亚共和国签发的入境许可;有效不少于3个月。
A2.10.20 Indonesia
Indonesian Passports for Aliens (also known as Indonesian Stateless Person Passports or Indonesian Stateless Travel Documents) are acceptable, provided that:
a.the territorial validity statement on page 10 includes New Zealand and all other countries on the holder’s itinerary; and
b.a re‐entry permit issued by the Republic of Indonesia is:
- ivalid for no less than 3 months beyond the predicted date of departure from New Zealand; and
- iiendorsed on page 11 or a subsequent page.
A2.10.25 Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau
Certificates of identity issued by the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau governments are acceptable, although holders are subject to visa requirements.
A2.10.30 Palestine
Passports issued by the Palestinian Authority are acceptable as certificates of identity.
- a持澳门SAR护照去新西兰被认可。
- b自1999年12月20日之后由澳门特别行政区签发给中国公民在澳的永居护照是澳门SAR护照。
- C持证人需要有去新西兰的签证。
- A持澳门SAR旅游许可证去新西兰是被认可。
- B这类的签证由澳门政府自1999年12月20日之后签发给在澳合法永居但并未有澳门SAR护照的人士。
- C持证人需要有去新西兰的签证。
A2.10.35 Macau
(Portuguese) Macau Certificate of Identity
a.The Passaporte Para Estrangeiros (Aliens Passport) issued by the Portugese authorities in Macau, also known as the Macau Certificate of Identity, is acceptable.
b.The inside cover of the document states that the holder is authorised to return to Macau, a right which must be valid for three months past the planned date of departure in New Zealand.
c.The differences between the Macau Certificate of Identity and the Portuguese passport are as follows:
Green‐grey cover----Dark green or burgundy cover;
Includes an English translation-----In Portuguese and French only;
Inside cover states that the holder is not a Portuguese subject;
Issued for 2 years----Issued for 5 years;
Macao Special Administrative Region Passport
- a.Macao SAR passports are acceptable for travel to New Zealand.
- b.These passports have been issued by the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China since 20 December 1999 to Chinese nationals who are permanent residents of the Macao SAR.
- c.Holders require visas to travel to New Zealand.
Macao Special Administrative Region Travel Permit
- a.Macao SAR Travel Permits are acceptable as Certificates of Identity for travel to New Zealand.
- b.These documents have been issued by the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China since 20 December 1999 to those legal permanent residents of Macao who are not entitled to a Macao SAR passport.
- c.Holders require visas to travel to New Zealand.
- a台湾的标准的绿色封皮的护照被认可(见A2.30)。
- b个人身份号码印在护照传记页,表明持证人是台湾永久居民,入境新西兰是合法的,有效期三个月,无需办理旅游签证。
A2.10.40 Taiwan
- a.Taiwan standard passports, with a green cover are acceptable (see A2.30).
- b.A personal identity number printed within the visible section of the biographical page of the Taiwan passport demonstrates that the holder is a permanent resident of Taiwan and is eligible to enter New Zealand as a visitor for up to three months without the need to obtain a visitor visa.
- a持联合国科索沃旅游证件去新西兰被认可。
- b联合国科索沃旅游证件由联合国在科索沃代表团签发给在科索沃,南斯拉夫联盟共和国居住的合法居民,以促进这个省份人民的自由运动、
- c由硬质封皮和32页组成,印有UNMIK旅游证件/旅行证件字样,可机读条形码,附有照片,个人信息,持证人签名以及个人指纹。
- d持有此护照的人要求有由海牙签证办公室签发的入境新西兰的临时签证,以及新西兰移民局在英办公室签发的住宅类签证。
A2.10.45 Kosovo
- a.UN Kosovo Travel Documents are acceptable certificates of identity for travel to New Zealand.
- b. UN Kosovo Travel Documents are issued by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), to
- persons who are registered habitual residents of Kosovo, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in order to
- facilitate the free movement of the people of the province.
- c. They consist of a hard covered passport book of 32 pages entitled "UNMIK Travel
- Document/Document de Voyage", with a machine readable strip, and bear a photograph, biodata,
- signature and thumbprint of the holder.
- d. Holders of these documents are required to obtain visas for travel to New Zealand from the Hague
- visa office for temporary visas, and from the INZ London Branch for residence class visas.
A2.10.50 Greek passports
As of 1 January 2007 only Greek passports issued on and after 1 January 2006 by the Hellenic Police are acceptable.
- a北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国。
- b台湾:外交、公务护照(参照A2.30)
A2.15 Unacceptable travel documents
If necessary, an immigration officer may seek advice from the Intelligence, Risk and Integrity Division regarding a person who holds an unacceptable travel document and applies for a visa.
Unless otherwise specified, any travel documents issued by the countries or sources listed in this section are unacceptable and visas must not be endorsed in them.
A2.15.1 Countries not recognized by the New Zealand Government
Travel documents from the following countries are unacceptable because they are issued by regimes that the New Zealand Government does not recognise:
- Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
- Taiwan: diplomatic and official passports (but see A2.30).
- a世界服务机构。
- b毛利Tetiti群岛王国。
A2.15.5 Unofficial sources of issue
The following is a non‐exhaustive list of travel documents that are unacceptable because they have been issued by an unofficial source:
- ‘World Service Authority’
- ‘Maori Kingdom of Tetiti Islands’.
A2.15.10 Yugoslavian collective passports
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) is issuing a collective passport for up to 50 people which does not meet the requirements of the Immigration Act 2009 and is therefore unacceptable.
A2.15.15 Slovenian collective passports
The collective passport issued by the Republic of Slovenia does not meet the requirements of the Immigration Act 2009 and is therefore unacceptable.
- a不确定持证人的国籍。
- b不表明持证人的身份。
A2.15.20 Kiribati investor passports
Kiribati investor passports are unacceptable because they neither:
- a.confirm the nationality of the passport holder; nor
- b.clarify the status of the passport holder.
I 并未确定持证人再次入境证件签发国家的权利。
II 并未确定持证人的国籍。
eTPPP类护照和汤加的标准护照的区别如下:标准护照:持证人的名字在汤加籍人士之后。TPPP: 持证人的名字在汤加保护人士之后。
A2.15.25 Tongan Protected Person’s Passport (TPPP)
a.The travel document called a “Tongan Protected Person’s Passport” (“TPPP”), introduced by the Tongan Government in 1983 is unacceptable because:
i it does not confirm the right of re‐entry to the country of issue; and
iiit does not confirm the holder’s nationality.
b.Applicants must be informed that TPPPs are unacceptable to the New Zealand Government for the reasons given in (a) above.
c.However, applications from TPPP holders may be dealt with on the basis of the primary and residential status of the applicant.
d.If a visa application is approved in principle, the visa must be endorsed in an alternative acceptable passport or certificate of identity, but not in the TPPP.
e.The differences between TPPPs and standard Tongan passports are as follows:
- Inside front cover holder’s name is followed by the words ‘a Tongan subject’----Inside front cover
holder’s name is followed by the words ‘a Tongan Protected Person’;- Page facing inside front cover
the words ‘A Tongan Subject by birth/by naturalisation’ do appear 3 lines from the bottom of the page------Page facing inside front cover the words ‘A Tongan Subject by birth/by naturalisation’ do not appear anywhere on the page;f.The distinctions set out in paragraph (e) apply even though standard Tongan passports may be presented in two formats:
with soft cover and a green border pattern on the inside front cover (passports issued since mid‐1984); and
with hard cover and no green border pattern (passports issued until mid‐1984).
- a前苏联在亚美尼亚发行的外交护照和公务护照(苏联的标准护照签发有效期到2000年1月7日)
- b前苏联在阿塞拜疆发行的外交和公务护照(苏联在阿塞拜疆的护照是具有有效期限的,直到有效日期)
- c前苏联在白俄罗斯发行的外交和公务护照(也是前苏联白俄罗斯标准护照)
- d带有前苏联标志的在爱沙尼亚发行的外交和公务护照(有效期内持前苏联护照回爱沙尼亚无效)
- e带有前苏联标志的在格鲁吉亚发行的外交,公务,以及标准护照(有效期内持这些护照回格鲁吉亚仍然有效)
- f带有前苏联标志的在哈萨克斯坦发行的外交,公务,以及标准护照(有效期内持这些护照回哈萨克斯坦仍然有效)
- g带有前苏联标志的在吉尔吉斯斯坦发行的外交,公务以及标准护照(有效期内持这些护照回吉尔吉斯斯坦仍然有效)
- h带有前苏联标志的在拉脱维亚发行的外交,公务以及标准护照(持这些护照回拉脱维亚无效)
- i带有前苏联标志的在立陶宛发行的外交,公务以及标准护照(持这些护照回立陶宛无效)
- j带有前苏联标志的在摩尔多瓦发行的外交,公务以及标准护照(有效期内持这些护照回摩尔多瓦有效)
- k带有前苏联标志的在塔吉克斯坦发行的外交,公务以及标准护照(有效期内持这些护照回塔吉吉斯坦有效)
- l带有前苏联标志的在土库曼斯坦发行的外交,公务护照。前苏联的标准护照的有效期到2001年12月31日。
- M带有前苏联标志的在乌克兰发行的外交,公务护照(有效期内持这些护照回乌克兰有效)
- N带有前苏联标志的在乌兹别克斯坦发行的外交,公务以及标准护照(回乌兹别克斯坦的永久居民持这些护照有效)
A2.15.30 Former USSR
The following passports are no longer valid:
- a.Diplomatic and service passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Armenia. (USSR standard passports issued in Armenia are valid till 01.07.2000.)
- b.Diplomatic and service passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Azerbaijan. (USSR standard passports issued in Azerbaijan are valid till the expiry date.)
- c. Diplomatic and service passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Belarus, also USSR
- standard and Belarus standard passports issued in Belarus which do not bear multiple exit stamps.
- d. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Estonia (USSR
- passports are not valid for return to Estonia).
- e. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Georgia
- (however, these passports can still be used to return to Georgia within the validity of the
- passports).
- f. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Kazakhstan
- (however, these passports can still be used to return to Kazakhstan within the validity of the
- passports).
- g. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Kyrgyzstan
- (however, these passports are valid for return to Kyrgyzstan within the validity of the passports).
- h. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Latvia (USSR
- passports are not valid for return to Latvia).
- i. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Lithuania (USSR
- passports are not valid for return to Lithuania).
- j. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Moldova
- (however, USSR standard passports are valid for return to Moldova within the validity of the
- passports).
- k. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Tajikistan
- (however, these passports are valid for return to Tajikistan within the validity of the passports).
- l. Diplomatic and service passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Turkmenistan. Standard
- USSR passports are valid till 31.12.2001.
- m. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in the Ukraine
- (however, these passports are valid for return to the Ukraine within the validity of the passports).
- n. Diplomatic, service and standard passports with the former USSR symbol issued in Uzbekistan
- (however, these passports are valid for return of permanent residents to Uzbekistan).
** A2.15.35索马里旅游证件**
A2.15.35 Somali travel documents
There is currently no authority in Somalia that is recognised by the New Zealand Government as being competent to issue passports on behalf of Somalia. As a result Somali passports are not acceptable travel documents for travel to New Zealand and visas must not be endorsed in them. Endorsement should be made in an INZ Certificate of Identity, or another acceptable travel document.
- A不明确持证人的国籍。
- B不明确持证人的身份。
A2.15.40 Nauru investor passports
Nauru investor passports are unacceptable because they neither:
- a.confirm the nationality of the passport holder; nor
- b.clarify the status of the passport holder.
A2.15.45 2006年1月1日前签发的希腊护照
A2.15.45 Greek passports issued before 1 January 2006
As of 1 January 2007, only passports issued by the Passport Division of the Hellenic Police on and after 1 January 2006 will be acceptable. Passports issued before this date are not acceptable, regardless of the date of expiry, unless E2.5 applies.
- A科威特17护照。
- B阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国护照。
- C联合国东帝汶过渡政府(UNTAET)旅行证件。
- D伊拉克年代系列的护照。
- E巴勒斯坦难民持有的埃及旅游证件,除非其中包括入境签证,才允许持有人入境埃及。
A2.15.50 Additional travel documents which are unacceptable
The following travel documents do not meet the requirements of ‘the definition of passport or certificate of identity’ under section 4 of the Immigration Act 2009 and are therefore unacceptable:
- a.Kuwait article 17 passports.
- b.Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan passports.
- c.United Nations Transitional Administration for East Timor (UNTAET) travel documents.
- d.Iraqi S series passport.
- e.Egyptian travel documents issued for Palestinian refugees, unless they include an entry visa that allows the holder to enter Egypt.
A2.15.20 旅游证件的失效
- A签证形式很少使用,除非当申请人持有的旅游证件被移民官不认可。
- B它不适用给在西新西兰的申请人发放签证,只适用前往新西兰(被认可的护照或者身份证明)。
A 2.20 When acceptable travel documents are not available
The Minister of Immigration has approved two forms to be used when an acceptable passport or certificate of identity is not available.
A2.20.1 Visa form
- a.The visa form is rarely ever used and must be used only when the applicant is believed to hold an acceptable travel document which is not available to the immigration officer.
- b.It must not be used for granting visas to applicants who are in New Zealand and is only acceptable for travel to New Zealand when accompanied by an acceptable passport or certificate of identity.
- a当一个人没有任何有效旅行证件时,需要出具身份证明件,但须是被新西兰认可的。这并不包括那些能够从自己国家拿到护照的人。
- b保证留在新西兰的签证符合这种形式,仅限在新西兰有效。
- c居民签证须背书,不允许旅行。
- d永久居民签证可以相当于身份证明件,然而持证人应被告知并不适用于出境新西兰。
- e居民签证和永久居民签证可能等同于由内部事务部门签发的国籍证明件或身份证明件。
- 举例:海关工作人员使用新西兰身份证明件,用于海员紧急登陆。文件不被认可或不适用也只是作为身份证明件。移民官使用新西兰身份证明文件形式。
- I难民未被授予难民证明文件。
- ii到达边境的人没有证明文件。
- iii特殊紧急情况下,特殊的人道主义元素。
A2.20.5 Certificate of identity form
- a.The certificate of identity form must be used only when a person does not have any other acceptable form of travel document available, but is to be granted permission to be in New Zealand. This does not include persons who are able to obtain a passport from their own country of citizenship no matter how long or difficult it may be to do so.
- b.Visas to stay in New Zealand may be endorsed in this form, and it is valid only for use in New Zealand.
- c.Resident visas endorsed in a certificate of identity must not allow travel.
- d.Permanent resident visas may be endorsed in a certificate of identity, however the holder of the document should be advised that the document can not be used for travel out of New Zealand.
- e.Resident visas and permanent resident visas may be endorsed in a Document of National Identity (DONI) Certificate of Identity as issued by the Department of Internal Affairs.
Examples: Customs staff use the INZ Certificate of Identity form for seamen coming ashore in an emergency, whose documents are either unavailable or unacceptable as certificates of identity. Immigration officers use the INZ Certificate of Identity form:
- (i)in cases involving refugees who have not been granted a refugee document; or
- (ii)in cases involving persons who have arrived at the border without documentation; or
- (iii)in other emergency cases, usually with an exceptional humanitarian element.
- A被认可的身份证明件包括根据联合国难民公约签发的难民旅行证件(详见A2.1.5)
- B政府文件承诺授予持证人在有效期内入境的权利。
A2.25 Refugee travel documents
- a.Acceptable certificates of identity include refugee travel documents issued in terms of the United Nations Convention on Refugees (see A2.1.5).
- b.The government that issues such a document is committed to granting the holder the right of entry or re‐entry while the document is valid.
- I启用新西兰分支和外交部以及贸易办公室来遵守新西兰与台湾没有官方接触的承诺。
- Ii促进和台湾私人,商业以及旅游的关系。
A2.30 Taiwan passports
A2.30.1 Background
a.The New Zealand Government recognises the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, and consequently New Zealand has no official contacts with the present authorities in Taiwan.
b.However, under an agreement with the People’s Republic of China, New Zealand may allow the entry of bona fide private permanent residents of Taiwan travelling on Taiwan passports (see A2.10.40).
c.The instructions in the following subsections have been prepared to:
ienable INZ branches and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade offices to observe New Zealand’s commitment to have no official contacts with Taiwan; and
iifacilitate private, business and travel links with Taiwan.
A2.30.5 Visa Unit, New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office (NZCIO)
The Visa Unit of the NZCIO facilitates temporary applications by Taiwanese, but the fact that it does so does not indicate official New Zealand recognition of the Taiwan authorities.
- A申请到访新西兰的台湾政府代表,为与新西兰当局商讨或参加国际会议,如果MFA准许了这个访问,申请可以通过。
- B台湾政府部门或者官员申请到访新西兰参加会议,官方须提及MFA(北亚业务),复件发给NZCIO。
- C台湾政府部门或者官员出于个人角度申请到访新西兰同样须官方提及MFA(北亚业务),复件发给NZCIO。如果这些申请合理的通过,这些到访者在新西兰会被描述他们作为官方代理的角色。
- D台湾政府部门或者官员出于个人角度申请到访新西兰度假,须官方提及MFA,除非他们是内阁级或更高级别的游客(在台湾可能是内阁部长或者官员)
- E外交(深蓝色封页,护照号码前D字前缀)和官方(棕色封面,护照号码前F字前缀),持台湾护照入境新西兰不被认可,持有此类护照的签证申请者须持标准的台湾护照(绿色封皮)。
- F持护照号码前G字前缀的护照申请签证不被认可,申请人须被告知要持可选择的文件。如有任何疑问,INZ办公室应该从NZCIO在台北的签证咨询,情报,风险和完整性部门完成签证签注。
A2.30.10 Visits by ministers, officials or those representing Taiwan in other capacities
- a. Applications for visits to New Zealand by Taiwan government representatives, for discussions with New Zealand authorities or to attend international conferences, may be approved if MFAT has cleared the visit.
- b. Applications from Taiwan government Ministers or officials to attend meetings in New Zealand in
- their official capacities must be referred to MFAT (North Asia Division), copied to NZCIO.
- c. Applications from Taiwan government Ministers or officials to visit New Zealand in a private
- capacity should also be referred to MFAT, copied to NZCIO, if it can be reasonably expected that
- such visitors will be portrayed in New Zealand as acting in their official roles.
- d. Applications by Taiwan government Ministers and officials to visit New Zealand privately for
- genuine holiday purposes need not be referred to MFAT except when they are made by Cabinet
- level visitors and above. (In Taiwan both Ministers and officials may hold Cabinet rank.)
- e. Diplomatic (dark blue cover with a D prefix to the passport number) and Official (brown cover with
- an F prefix to the passport number) Taiwan passports are not acceptable for travel to New Zealand,
- and visas issued to such passport holders may be endorsed only in standard Taiwan passports
- (these have a green cover).
- f. Taiwan passports with a G prefix to the passport number are not acceptable for visa endorsement
- and applicants presenting the G prefix passport should be advised to present an alternative
- acceptable document. In the event of any doubt INZ offices should seek advice from NZCIO Visa
- Unit in Taipei or the Intelligence, Risk and Integrity Division in New Zealand, prior to visa
- endorsement.
A2.35 New Zealand citizens
A2.35.1 Evidence of New Zealand citizenship
See also Immigration Act 2009 s 13(2)
a.To establish his or her right to enter New Zealand, a New Zealand citizen must prove his or her citizenship and establish his or her identity by complying with border requirements.
b.The only acceptable evidence of New Zealand citizenship at a port of entry is:
i a current New Zealand passport; or
ii a valid endorsement in the person’s foreign passport, or electronic record, indicating the fact of New Zealand citizenship (see A20.5); or
iii a returning resident’s visa (RRV) issued on the basis of New Zealand citizenship under the Immigration Act 1987 in a valid foreign passport, until the expiry of the passport in which the RRV is endorsed.
Note: A New Zealand citizen’s foreign passport issued by a country that has legislation appearing to forbid dual nationality is considered to be valid unless the issuing country specifically declares it to be invalid.
- A这种情况 是紧急情况或者需要同情,如死亡或者严重的疾病。
- B没有足够的时间签发新西兰护照。
A2.35.5 New Zealand citizens returning without passports
In certain circumstances, an INZ branch or MFAT post may request that the immigration officer at a port of entry in New Zealand not demand to see a passport of a New Zealand citizen, but only if:
- a.the situation is one of emergency or requiring compassion (eg, death or serious illness); and
- b.there is not enough time for a New Zealand passport to be issued.
A2.35.10 Procedures for New Zealand citizens returning without passports
a.An immigration officer at the INZ branch or MFAT post must verify that the traveller is a New Zealand citizen from passport records held at the post or branch or by other means.
b.An immigration officer must contact the INZ branch responsible for the relevant port of entry, requesting that an immigration officer not demand to see a New Zealand passport from a particular passenger when they arrive in New Zealand.
c.An immigration officer must provide the following details of the passenger:
iflight number and date of arrival; and
iifull name; and
iii place of birth; and iv date of birth; and
vNew Zealand passport number (if available); and
vi other identification carried.
d.An immigration officer must also provide:
iconfirmation that the passenger is a New Zealand citizen; and
iithe name and designation of the immigration officer making the request; and
iiithe INZ branch or MFAT post location.
e.Officers with Schedule 1‐3 delegations are authorised to determine these requests and must notify their decisions to the New Zealand Customs Service before the passenger’s arrival, and if possible, to the initiating branch or post and/or the passenger.