阿德勒大学课程 Adler University Programs

阿德勒大学(卑诗省温哥华市) Adler University 继续讨论:

阿德勒大学课程 Adler University Programs

1. 临床心理学博士 Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology

入学要求 Admissions

  • 心理学方面的本科学历或认可机构的同等学历,同等学历意味着至少有60学分的心理学课程
  • 平均分是4分的本科或研究生课程,至少需求达到3.25分
  • 完成统计学、研究方法、神经科学、认知、变态心理学、社会心理学、发展心理学、测试和测量理论,人格和学习方面的高级课程
  • 有心理学或相关领域的实习或工作经验
  • 提交研究生考试成绩记录
  • 面对面写作测试和面试(申请的最后一步)
  • An honours baccalaureate degree in psychology or the equivalent from an accredited institution. Equivalency means at least 60 credits of coursework in psychology.
  • A GPA of 3.25 or higher on a 4.0 scale for all undergraduate or graduate course work.
  • Completed senior courses in statistics, research methods, neuroscience, cognition, abnormal psychology, social psychology,
    developmental psychology, tests and measurement theory, personality and learning.
  • Practicum or work experience in psychology or a related field is highly desirable and is considered in the evaluation of applicants.
  • Submission of the Graduate Records Exam general score.
  • Approved applicants will be evaluated through an in-person writing sample and interview as the final step in the application process.

2. 咨询心理学文学硕士 The Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology

入学要求 Admission Requirements

  • 获得国家认证机构公认的的大学本科学历或国外同等学历
  • 平均分是4分的本科或研究生课程,至少需要达到3分
  • 完成对等的12学期学分的心理学课程(普通心理学、变态心理学、人格理论和研究方法),成绩达到C级以上
  • 社会科学方面的课程可能具有等同性
  • 本科课程的辅导经验证明、危机培训和其他委员会要求的经验证明
  • 面试(申请的最后一步)
  • Hold a baccalaureate degree earned from a college or university regionally accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or an equivalent degree from a foreign university
  • A GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale for undergraduate and graduate coursework
    Completion of the equivalent of 12 semester credit hours in psychology with grades of “C” or better. Courses must be general or introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, theories of personality, and research methods.
  • Equivalent coursework in other social sciences may be considered.
  • Documented evidence of existing counselling experience through undergraduate coursework, crisis line training and other experience deemed relevant by the admissions committee.
  • Approved applicants will be invited for an interview as the final step in the admissions process

学位要求 Degree Requirements

  • 获得58学分,包含所有必修课程
  • 临床实习最低700小时
  • 150小时的社会正义实习
  • 硕士临床资格考试顺利通过
  • 成功完成硕士论文
  • 平均分不低于3分并不少于两个C级水平(或6学分)
  • 提交毕业申请并支付所有的学杂费
  • 获得老师毕业批准和咨询心理学董事会的文学硕士学位
  • Satisfactory completion of 58 credit hours, including all required courses
    700 minimum clock hours of a Clinical Practicum
  • 150 clocks hours of a Social Justice Practicum
    Successful completion of the Master’s -Clinical Qualifying Examination
    Successful completion of M.A. Thesis
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and no more than two “C” grades (or 6 credit hours)
  • Submission of graduation application and full payment of all outstanding tuition and fees
  • Faculty approval for graduation and recommendation to the Board of Trustees for the conferral of the Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology

3. 组织心理学文学硕士 Master of Arts in Organizational Psychology

入学要求 Admission Requirements

  • 获得认可机构的本科学位或同等学历
  • 平均分是4分的本科或研究生课程,至少需要达到3分
  • 完成对等的12学期学分的心理学课程(普通心理学、变态心理学、人格理论和研究方法),成绩达到C级以上
  • 有偿或无偿机构工作的经验
  • A baccalaureate degree or equivalent from an accredited institution.
    A GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale for all undergraduate or graduate course work.
  • The equivalent of 12 semester credit hours in baccalaureate level psychology with a grade of C or better. These courses must include introductory psychology, research methods and two other courses in the fields of psychology or organizational studies.
  • Experience in an organizational setting in either paid or volunteer positions.

4. 辅导心理学 Counselling Psychology

入学要求 Admission Requirements

  • 认可机构的本科学位或等同学历,最好是心理学或辅导心理学相关的
  • 平均分是4分的本科或研究生课程,至少需要达到3分
  • 至少12学期学分的本科对等课程,课程需要是心理学方面的,必须包含极少心理学、变态心理学、研究方法和人格心理学的第四个基础课程
  • 高度认可有着辅导方面的课程或工作经验的申请人
  • 面对面的书面测试和面试(申请的最后一步)
  • A baccalaureate degree or equivalent from an accredited institution, preferably in psychology or counselling-related discipline
  • A GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale for all undergraduate or graduate course work
    The equivalent of at least twelve semester credit hours in baccalaureate level psychology coursework with a grade of C or better. These courses must include introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, research methods and a fourth foundational course preferably in personality psychology.
  • Coursework or volunteer work involving the use of counselling related skills or demonstrating counselling capacity is highly desirable and is considered in the evaluation of applicants.
  • Approved applicants will be evaluated through an in-person writing sample and interview as the final step in the application process.

学位要求 Degree Requirements

  • 获得54学分,包含所有必修课程
  • 临床实习最低700小时
  • 150小时的社会正义实习
  • 硕士临床资格考试顺利通过
  • 成功完成硕士论文
  • 平均分不低于3分并不少于两个C级水平(或6学分)
  • 提交毕业申请并支付所有的学杂费
  • 获得老师毕业批准和咨询心理学董事会的咨询心理学硕士学位
  • Satisfactory completion of 54 credit hours, including all required courses
  • 700 minimum clock hours of Clinical Practicum
  • 150 clock hours of Social Justice Practicum
    Successful completion of the Master’s Clinical Qualifying Examination
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and no more than two “C” grades (or 6 credit hours)
  • Submission of graduation application and full payment of all outstanding tuition and fees
  • Faculty approval for graduation and recommendation to the Board of Trustees for the conferral of the Master of Counselling Psychology


入学要求 Admission Requirements

  • 认可机构的本科学位或等同学历,最好是心理学或辅导心理学相关的
  • 平均分是4分的本科或研究生课程,至少需要达到3分
  • 完成对等的12学期学分的心理学课程(普通心理学、变态心理学、人格理论和研究方法),成绩达到C级以上
  • 在工作室艺术方面有18个学期学分
  • 有原始作品集:在三个或更多不同的媒体方面有15个例子,能够展示个人能力
  • 拥有咨询详相关的课程和工作经历是被高度认可的
  • 面对面书面测试和面试(申请过程中的最后一步)
  • A baccalaureate degree or equivalent from an accredited institution, preferably in psychology or counselling-related discipline.
  • A grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale for all undergraduate or graduate course work.
  • The equivalent of at least twelve semester credit hours in baccalaureate level psychology coursework with a grade of C or better. These courses must include introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, research methods, and developmental psychology.
    The equivalent of 18 semester credit hours in studio art which demonstrates proficiency and disciplined commitment in art making.
  • A portfolio of original art work: 15 examples in three or more different media demonstrating competence with art materials.
  • Coursework or volunteer/work experience that involves the use of counselling related skills and demonstrates counselling capacity is highly desirable and is considered in the evaluation of applicants.
  • Approved applicants will be evaluated through an in-person writing sample, a portfolio reviewa nd an interview as the final step in the application process.

学位要求 Degree Requirements

  • 成功修完60学分,,包括必修课
  • 不低于700小时的临床实习,其中包含350小时的直接客户接触、100小时的临床检测和150小时的社会工作实习
  • 累计平均绩点不少于3份,同时至少有两门课程得到6学分并且达到C级
  • 通过硕士临床资格考试
  • 提交毕业申请并支付所有的学杂费
  • 获得老师毕业批准和咨询心理学董事会的咨询心理学:艺术治疗硕士学位
  • Satisfactory completion of 60 credit hours, including all required courses.
  • Satisfactory completion of 700 minimum clock hours of Clinical Practicum, which includes 350 direct client contact hours and 100 hours of clinical supervision, and 150 hours of Social Justice Practicum
  • A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher and no more than two courses or six credits with a final grade of “C.”
  • Successful completion of the Master’s Clinical Qualifying Examination.
  • Submission of completed graduation application and full payment of all outstanding tuition and fees.
  • Faculty approval for graduation and recommendation to the Board of Trustees for the conferral of the Master of Counselling Psychology: Art Therapy degree.

6.公共政策及管理 Public Policy and Administration


Adler University’s Master of Public Policy and Administration program is uniquely designed to prepare graduates who can lead government and community efforts that advance social change—crucial to creating more equitable, just and healthy communities throughout Canada and globally.

7.公共政策及管理 Public Policy and Administration


Adler University’s Master of Public Policy and Administration program is uniquely designed to prepare graduates who can lead government and community efforts that advance social change—crucial to creating more equitable, just and healthy communities throughout Canada and globally.


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