


The 2019-20 ACT Occupation List will apply to all Canberra Matrix applications submitted on or after 1 July 2019. If you submitted a Canberra Matrix on or before 30 June 2019, your Matrix score for a nominated occupation is valid for six months.

Occupation Caveats: The following caveats apply to certain ‘open’ occupations on the ACT Occupation List. If you wish to nominate an ‘open’ occupation but you cannot comply with any ‘caveat’, the occupation is deemed to be ‘closed’. If your occupation is closed, you cannot claim Canberra Matrix points in the ‘Nominated Occupation’ category; or in the employment / spouse employability category.

** Employment Caveat. Minimum one year ACT employment contract (in the nominated occupation). The employment must be with an Australian medium to large enterprise (50 plus employees) located in the ACT; or an academic appointment at an ACT tertiary institution.

## Minimum one year employment contract with an ACT employer in the nominated occupation.

^^ Australian Registration or licencing is required.

其实在之前公布的堪培拉担保职业清单上,已经说明带有星标 ( ** )或者井号 ( ## )的open职业如果不能满足额外要求(额外要求指的是ACT雇主offer或者ACT工作经验),则等同于closed职业,此次更新明确的在该额外要求的open职业的状态栏标注Only Open if caveat is met,参考如下部分截图

有额外要求的open职业除开以上截图显示的, 常见的包括 研发经理,大学讲师,农业顾问/科学家,化学家,环境顾问/科学家,地质学家,生命科学家,生物化学家,动/植物学家,电信工程师等

堪培拉此次更新对于其他open职业没有影响,没有做任何变动,常见open职业包括 销售市场经理,广告经理,公关,建筑师,景观设计师,平面设计,网页设计师,城市区域规划师,土木工程师,结构工程师,农业/航空/环境工程师,工程技师 等等都没有变化。



Currently, the ACT can nominate eligible applicants for a permanent Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa. From 16 November 2019, the ACT will be considered regional for skilled migration purposes and gain access to the following provisional visas:

• Skilled Work Regional (provisional) subclass 491 visa program – the 491 visa applicant must be nominated by a state / territory government, or eligible close family member, and is valid for five years.
• Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Subclass 494 program. ACT employers will have access to sponsor skilled workers for a five-year work visa.

Holders of the 491/494 regional visa may transition to permanent residence after three years of living and working in regional Australia if they meet the Home Affairs eligibility criteria.

ACT 491 NOMINATION: The 491 eligibility criteria and guidelines will be published on this website when it is available.

澳洲ACT堪培拉州担保Matrix 60分就可以收到邀请,你还在等什么?!