ACS 职业评估申请指南 - Skills Assessment Guidelines for Applicants

10. 工作经验 - 飞出国






工作推荐信 - flyabroad


  • 工作的起止日期(明确具体年月日);
  • 所履行的职责(用于确定该工作经验与被担保职业的相关度);
  • 工作的具体小时数,并注明全职/兼职,每周工作不少于个20小时;
  • 工作的城市;
  • 公司信头,并由推荐人签字;
  • 可以作为有效复件的认证。


  • 不明确具体完成日期的工作推荐信不符合评估要求。
  • 如果工作经验来自目前所从事的工作,那么截止日期将参考工作推荐信中的日期或递交评估申请的日期。
  • ACS将会以具体年月的形式报告每段工作经验的时间长度。
  • 为避免工作经验的时间长度被缩短,你必须提供工作起止时间的具体日期。
  • 对工作经验和被担保职业相关度的评估主要依据工作推荐信中对职责的描述。
  • 如果有任何不明确或易于被误解的日期或职责,该工作片段都会不符合评估要求。
  • 任何学历要求必须获得的工作经验都不符合评估要求。







  • 不明确申请人与推荐人的关系;
  • 附有推荐人名片的简单纸张推荐信;
  • 简单纸张推荐信,有公证人的盖章和签字,但是没有推荐人的签字。

合格工作推荐信参见: 工作推荐信范本


Work experience must be at a professional ICT level and relevant to the nominated occupation (ANZSCO) to be assessed as suitable.

Only employment completed after the date you have met the ACS suitability criteria will be counted as

Skilled Employment and eligible for migration points.

Work experience used to meet the suitability criteria is NOT counted as Skilled Employment and NOT

eligible for migration points.

At least 65% of the duties detailed in the employment reference must be relevant to the nominated occupation for the experience to be deemed closely related to the nominated occupation (ANZSCO).

Please refer to the ANZSCO Code Information document for detailed descriptions of course units and employment duties.

Please Note: work experience can only be assessed according to the information provided in the employment reference. The following list details the required information that must be provided in an employer reference to assess your work experience. If these requirements are NOT met or are unclear in the employment reference, the employment episode will be assessed as not suitable.

Employment References

Each employment reference must contain:

  • Start and Finish Dates of Employment - these should be specific dates in a DD/MM/YY format
  • Description of Duties Performed - Required to determine the relevance of the experience to the nominated occupation
  • Hours worked - Full time or Part time –must be a minimum of 20 hours per week
  • Country where Employment was undertaken
  • Company Letterhead and signed by the author
  • Certification as a valid copy

Please Note:

  • If the employment reference has no date indicating when it was written, it will be assessed as not suitable.
  • If your experience is “Current”, it MUST be dated and the “To Date" will be taken from the employment reference date or the submission date of your application - whichever comes first.

The ACS will report on the length of each episode of experience. This will be calculated and reported on in years and months format.

  • Specific start and finish dates are required for the correct calculation of your experience. If only the month and year is detailed this may result in the calculation of experience being shortened as we are unable to determine if full months have been worked at the start and finish of your experience.
  • Relevance to your nominated occupation is determined by the description of duties in your work reference.
  • If dates or duties are unclear or open to misinterpretation, the work episode will be assessed as not suitable.
  • Work experience carried out as part of a qualification is not assessed as suitable experience.

Full-time work is considered to be 20 hours or more per week and must be stated in the reference. Any experience that is less than 20 hours per week will not be considered in an assessment.

All references must contain specific information from the employer regarding the duties you performed and the skills applied on the job. References that do not state specific details of duties will be assessed as not suitable.

The country in which the employment was performed must be stated clearly in the reference. If you have worked in multiple countries for one company, the employment reference must clearly show the specific dates and corresponding locations where the employment was completed. An example of the required breakdown is provided in the example employment reference on the following page

References need to describe your duties and responsibilities as stated by your employer. Generic job descriptions are not acceptable and will be assessed as not suitable.

References must be dated and signed by your employer or a person authorised by your employer. The name, position and contact details of the person making the reference must be clearly indicated.

The following job references are NOT suitable:

  • If the referee’s relationship with the applicant is unclear
  • Plain paper reference with the referee’s business card
  • Plain paper reference, with a stamp and signature of Notary Public but doesn’t state the referee’s signature is witnessed

Example of a suitable employment reference: Employment Reference Example
