


  1. 对于文凭、高级文凭或者副学士学位(Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree Level),判定是否属于ICT Major/Minor时,增加新的要求,即:必须包括一个完整学年的ICT课程 ,才会被认定为major in computing。


  • 如果上述学历的学制是1年,那么所有课程都必须是ICT类课程;

  • 如果学制是2年,则至少50%的课程必须为ICT类课程

  • 如果上述学历的学制短于1年,则会被认定为ICT Insufficient

Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree Level: A Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree qualification is deemed as having a major in computing if it contains one full academic year worth of ICT content. For example:

• If your Diploma is of duration 1 year, 100% of the ICT units should be ICT.

• If duration is 2 years, then at least 50% of content must be ICT

• If any Diploma is of duration less than 1 year, it will be considered ICT Insufficient.

*** 旧版指南对于文凭、高级文凭或者副学士学位没有要求必须包括一个完整学年的ICT课程。

  1. 对于硕士学历(Post Graduate qualification Level),判定是否属于ICT Major/Minor时,对于ICT课程内容的要求发生变化。最新指南不再区分申请人本科学历是否为ICT相关专业,都将按照相同标准进行评估 ,即:对于2年的硕士学历(比如研究生文凭或硕士学位),如果所学课程中至少有50%为ICT类课程,则会被认定为majoring in computing。

Post Graduate qualification Level: A 2-year post graduate qualification (such as Graduate Diploma or Masters) is deemed as having a major in computing if at least 50% of the qualification is ICT. Qualifications are assessed to the equivalent of a 2-year AQF Level 8 and above award. An Australian postgraduate degree with only 12 subjects requires at least 67% ICT content.

*** 旧版指南基于申请人本科是否为ICT专业做了区分:

  • 对于不要求 基于ICT本科入学的硕士学历(包括研究生文凭或硕士),所学课程中至少有50%为ICT类课程,则会被认定为majoring in computing;

  • 对于要求 基于ICT本科入学的研究生学历(包括研究生文凭,硕士以及博士学历),其所读的研究生学历至少有33%的ICT课程,则会被认定为majoring in computing。


  1. 关于工作证明材料(payment evidence)要求,修改了原来的措辞,最新说明更加清晰易懂:
  • 至少包括2种不同类型的证明文件 来证明每份工作的开始 时间

  • 至少包括2种不同类型的证明文件 来证明每份工作的结束 时间,如果当前在职,则提供最新的证明即可


Payment Evidence must include

• at least two different types of documentary evidence from the beginning of each employment

• at least two different types of documentary evidence from the end (or most recent if still employed) of each employment.

• For example, if your employment with company “ A” is from 01 March 2018 to 20 July 2022 then you are required to provide two different types of payment evidence that confirm the start date in March 2018 and two different types of payment evidence that confirm the end date in July 2022. The two different types of payment evidence could be payslips and bank statement showing salary credits from company “ A ”.

  1. 针对没有所得税的国家,新增认可的工作证明材料种类:政府颁发的明确显示雇主姓名和就业日期的工作或居住许可(或者其他由政府颁发的证明居住地的文件)。

For countries which do not have income tax, we may accept government issued work permit/residence permit (or other government issued documentation confirming residency) clearly showing the employer’s name and employment date in lieu of the secondary payment evidence.

  1. 关于ACS官方申请材料清单,也有如下更新:
  • 将整个材料清单分为两个section:Section 1为个人相关文件,section 2明确了各个类别的申请人需要提供的材料;

  • 关于个人相关文件,明确必须提供包括护照首页、身份证、VEVO issued document/immicard/出生公证、简历在内的至少三种身份证明;其他情况可提供的材料包括曾用名公证、加急申请证明、移民代理表等

  • 值得注意的是,对于General Skills Assessment(skills)和RPL类别,增加了对于提供推荐人声明(Statutory declaration)的进一步要求和涉及到公司更名的情况的要求:

    • 如果原公司无法找到推荐人出具推荐信,那么需要提供推荐人声明,并且,需要原公司附信确认将不会为申请人出具带有工作职责描述的推荐信;

    • 如果为某个公司工作的过程中,公司名称发生变化,则需要出具公司更名证明信。