
爱德华王子岛建筑师协会 Architects’ Association of Prince Edward Island - 飞出国

会员类型 - 飞出国


  • 1)注册会员 - 在爱德华王子岛的建筑师会员。
  • 2)等级会员 - 此类会员没有建筑执业资格但是目前是助理职位并在接受建筑师的培训,并且对这个职业及其目标和活动有兴趣。
  • 3)互惠会员 - 来自爱德华王子岛之外地区的建筑师。
  • 4)学生会员 - 此类会员在正规大学学习建筑学,尚未毕业。
  • 5)执业证持有者 - 此类会员是注册建筑师但没有执业资格,则需要另一个执业资格证。执业证的申请需要所有负责人或合作者的建筑许可证,责任保险的证明。AAPEI会记录所有执业证持有者。
  • 6)退休会员 - 此类会员已不做建筑师的工作同时又是信誉良好的互惠成员。会员会自动成为退休状态。
  • 7)荣誉会员 - 此类会员工作表现良好或有任何与建筑相关的艺术工艺。更多信息,请联系AAPEI。
  • 8)许可证 - 有两种许可证,临时的和特殊的。
    • 临时许可证适用于特殊项目并且建筑师与当地公司有联系。
    • 特殊许可证适用于在爱德华王子岛不是建筑执业资格的建筑师或者是依然是建筑师但在做其他种类的工作。


Within the Architects’ Association of PEI there are numerous categories of membership.

  1. Registered Members – Member architects located in Prince Edward Island.

  2. Graduate Member – An individual that is not entitled to practice architecture but who is in training in an assistant’s role to become an architect, who wishes to remain involved with his/her profession, and who is interested in supporting the profession and its aims, objectives, and activities.

  3. Reciprocal Members – Member architects from jurisdictions outside Prince Edward Island.

  4. Student Member – An individual enrolled as a member who is studying architecture at an accredited university and has not yet graduated.

  5. Certificate of Practice Holders – Registration as an architect does not entitle an architect to practice. A separate Certificate of Practice must be granted. Application for a Certificate of Practice includes requiring licensure for all principals/partners who practice architecture with application for license for each, as well as proof of liability insurance. AAPEI maintains records of all current Certificate of Practice holders.

  6. Retired Members – Individuals who have ceased the practice of architecture while Registered/Reciprocal members in good standing. Membership is automatic upon retirement from active practice.

  7. Honorary Members – Individuals who have rendered the profession special and valuable service or who have practised with distinction any of the arts crafts allied to architecture. For more information, contact AAPEI.

  8. Licenses – There are also two categories of licenses, temporary and special.

  • Temporary licenses are for a specific project and the architect must associate with a local firm.
  • Special licenses are for an architect who is not practicing architecture on Prince Edward Island, but who may be giving a course at the university, or doing some other type of work in which he/she is still calling him/herself an Architect but is not practicing architecture.

If you are an architect trained in a foreign country, please check under the Resources and Information link and click on Broadly Experienced Foreign Architect program on the CACB link.

成为会员 - 飞出国


Become a Member

To become a member of AAPEI, depending on the category of membership, you may download applications for the following:

Click to Download Fee Schedule 2014/15


Completed application forms should be mailed, emailed or faxed to

Architects’ Association of PEI
Attn: Bill Chandler, Registrar
P.O. Box 1716, Charlottetown PE C1A 7N4
Fax: 902.566.9214

实习建筑师项目 - 飞出国







更多信息请访问 RAIC.


Intern Architect Program

The Intern Architect Program (IAP) is a national program, which ensures that future Canadian architects are best prepared for possible practice. To facilitate the transition between formal education and architectural registration / licensure – an internship process was put in place.

This program ensures that the intern architect gains enough experience to meet recognized standards of practical skill and practice architecture in a way that protects the health and safety of the public.

AAPEI administers the program for Island intern architects. All provincial associations require that an intern architect gains a minimum of 5600 hours of work experience in specified areas of architectural practice. The intern architect is responsible for maintaining a continuous record of this work experience in the Canadian Experience Record Book, which is certified by the employer, reviewed with a mentor, and approved by the association.

In addition, the intern architect is required to pass the Examination for Architects in Canada.

The Examination for Architects in Canada (ExAC)tests the minimum standards of competency acquired by an Intern Architect during the Internship period, to ensure both public safety and the professional and skilled delivery of architectural services.

ExAC is an examination developed in French and English, that meets international standards for the development, administration, scoring and reporting of licensing examinations.

Further information is available from RAIC.
