AACA 澳洲建筑师职业评估及材料清单 - Architects Accreditation Council of Australia Inc

AACA 澳大利亚建筑师资格协会负责澳大利亚移民部的 232111 Architect 建筑师职业评估,232111 建筑师职业属于 SOL 职业,可以申请 189 独立技术移民也可以申请州担保或雇主担保技术移民。

AACA 建筑师职业评估重点评估申请人建筑专业学历/澳大利亚境内认可的建筑学学历。不评估工作经验。评估时也不需要雅思。用于移民目的的 AACA 职业评估有效期3年,评估周期 12-14 周,大概是3-4个月的样子。

2017年上半年用于移民的职业评估费用 1050 澳币。AACA 当前还采用纸质提交方式。

海外建筑专业学历 - 飞出国

  1. 申请人需持有等相当于澳洲建筑学学士或更高的学历。
  2. 课程设置要等澳大利亚建筑师的认可的建筑师专业课程。认可的建筑师课程,要求必须在澳大利亚的建筑师学校完成至少5年的全日制学习,并且以优异的成绩完成规定的学习。核心课程要包括:设计、技术、专业进修、历史和通信。Design, Technology, Professional Studies,History and Communication 。
  3. 如果除了海外学历外,如果申请人还拥有澳大利亚建筑学研究生学历,并希望评估时能对这些资质也进行考虑,则需要提交相关的文件材料。

AACA 只评估 coursework 的学历(除了成绩单还需要提供课程大纲),AACA 要求申请人获得5年(10学期)的建筑学学位,包含下面7方面核心内容:

  • 设计研究和设计一体化 Design Studies and Design Integration
  • 文档和技术研究 Documentation and Technical Studies
  • 历史与理论研究 History and Theory Studies
  • 实践和项目管理,实施和用户研究 Practice and Project Management, Implementation and User Studies
  • 环境研究 Environmental Studies
  • 通讯研究 Communication Studies
  • 选修 Elective Studies

能否通过 AACA 评估还要看具体院校,毕业年份,课程设置等。“AACA considers applications for Provisional Assessment on a case-by-case basis.”。


  1. 申请表:申请表涉及到申请人签字
  2. 申请费:1050澳币, 办理汇票,汇票的收款人为:AACA
  3. 学历公证件:本科毕业证及本科学位证公证件
  4. 成绩单盖章件:本科成绩单中英文学校盖章,可以是学校的教务处或档案处盖章,需体现学分或学时
  5. 课程大纲描述:申请人专业课程核心专业课描述,整理好后,再打印中英文件到信头纸上去学校盖章
  6. 毕业论文摘要:本科/硕士毕业论文摘要,并注明论文所花费的时间
  7. 实习摘要:本科/硕士期间的实习课程的摘要,注明是上课期间完成还是课外完成,以及实习的周期,并列明实习中主要完成的任务
  8. 护照复印件:提供护照首页复印件


2 个赞



1 个赞


我也在看类似的问题 但是没有相对应的一些解答,好惆怅

我看都是同济的ok,其他学校呢 不知道如何。


我之前也是看了各种帖子,说通过率低,不到50%啥的,还有很多国外论坛上的外国人也在吐槽。我想还是因人而异吧,case by case

嗯 我看了很多帖子 现在比较纠结的是 我老公本科不是5年制的那种 是四年 后续读了建筑的硕士 我是怕学历方面有问题 会不会


An accredited academic qualification in Architecture typically requires a minimum of 5 years/10 semesters full-time coursework and involves the satisfactory completion of 7 prescribed core areas of study:

  • Design Studies and Design Integration
  • Documentation and Technical Studies
  • History and Theory Studies
  • Practice and Project Management, Implementationand User Studies
  • Environmental Studies
  • Communication Studies
  • Elective Studies

Your academic qualification(s) must show evident equivalence in all core areas of study in order to receive a positive Provisional Assessment and be assessed as equivalent to an Australian accredited qualification inArchitecture, ‘suitable’ for the occupation of ‘Architect’in Australia.

The Australian and New Zealand Architecture Program Accreditation Procedure (ANZ APAP) describes the procedure for accrediting Australian Architecture programs and provides the benchmark for the Provisional Assessment of academic qualifications in Architecture. It is available on the AACA website at


国内清华大学,同济大学还有东南大学五年制建筑本科可以通过 AACA 评估。

@greatwqf 哪个学校?

AACA 从堪培拉搬到悉尼了,邮寄资料的要注意。

AACA’s office is moving from Canberra to Sydney.

Our new postal address is:
PO Box A2575

啊好的,举得 如果说连起来的学程 什么 应该是符合,4年本科+3年硕士


AACA 都是 Case By Case 的。日本,新西兰,新加坡,加拿大 5 年制建筑学本科澳洲直接认可。本硕是不是可以连起来考虑不清楚。

The AACA considers applications on a case by case basis. Therefore, we do not to provide advice on a qualification until a full application together with supporting documentation and payment of the fee has been received. Details about AACA’s Provisional Assessment process is provided in the Explanatory Notes accompanying Form PA.

Mutual recognition agreements are in place between Australia and New Zealand registration authorities, for recognition of architecture qualifications and registration. Further details are available from International Issues.

Under the APEC Architect Agreement mutual recognition agreements for eligible experienced architects exist between:

  • Australia and Japan
  • Australia, New Zealand and Singapore
  • Australia, New Zealand and Canada



建筑老八校: 清华大学、东南大学、同济大学、天津大学、华南理工大学、重庆建筑大学(已并入重庆大学)、哈尔滨建筑大学(已并入哈尔滨工业大学)和西安建筑科技大学。

哎 我老公都是在台湾完成学业的 ,台湾自己的论坛上 很少建筑师移民的,只能在这里寻求下帮助。不知道他的学校能不能得到认可。



Can you tell me whether my overseas qualification is recognised by AACA?

The AACA considers applications on a case by case basis. Therefore, we do not to provide advice on a qualification until a full application together with supporting documentation and payment of the fee has been received. Details about AACA’s Provisional Assessment process is provided in the Explanatory Notes accompanying Form PA.

用于移民目的的 AACA 职业评估有效期3年,评估周期 12-14 周,大概是3-4个月的样子。评估时不需要雅思。

Can I send my application and documents to AACA electronically?

Please carefully review the Explanatory Notes which accompany the Form being submitted to determine submission format. Currently, applicants submitting Form PA & Form V are required to provide documents which are in hardcopy and are certified in accordance with the outlined requirements. Applications for Form S2 are accepted electronically. Form CA require partial hardcopy submission.

If my overseas qualification is assessed as not suitable for the occupation architect for migration purposes, will AACA advise me how I can upgrade my qualifications to be able to meet the requirements?

Assessment of Overseas Qualifications is a two-stage process. Stage One – Provisional Assessment: based on academic qualifications obtained by coursework. Stage Two – Final Assessment: a detailed assessment of applicants’ experience gained through academic or professional practice. If unsuccessful in Stage Two, advice is provided on areas of deficiencies.

I had a Provisional Assessment a few years ago but my qualifications were found to be not suitable. Now that I have more experience I’d like to apply again.

If you are resident in Australia and have completed a Provisional Assessment you may be eligible to undertake Overseas Qualifications Assessment Stage 2 – Final Assessment.
If you are not resident in Australian and you wish to reapply for an assessment of your qualification for the purpose of migration, you may do so if you have completed additional qualifications in studies related to Architecture.

I’d like to have my qualifications assessed but am waiting for my university to provide one of the required documents. Can I submit my application now and send the remaining document later?

Applications must be complete when submitted, with all supporting documents in the required format. Clear instructions about documentation is provided in the Explanatory Notes which accompany AACA’s application forms.

How long is my skills assessment valid for?

For the purpose of migration, assessments are valid for three years.

What is the level of English language competency required by AACA?

For a Provisional Assessment AACA has no English language requirement. For a Final Assessment a standard English proficiency test is required if the qualification obtained was not undertaken in English. An IELTS Test Certificate (scoring 6.5 or above) or a letter from an employer certifying English language proficiency is sufficient evidence.

How long does it take to process an application for skills assessment?

Generally a maximum of 12-14 weeks to process applications once complete applications are received. If documentation is not complete, not properly certified or translated, or the fee is not paid in the prescribed way, the assessment may take longer as assessments cannot be completed until all documentation requirements have been fully met.

I’ve recently completed an accredited Australian architecture qualification, having previously completed a Bachelor of Architecture overseas. I’d like to have my qualifications assessed for migration purposes. What type of assessment do I apply for and what documents should I provide?

If your qualification is listed as an Accredited Australian Architecture Qualification, you should apply for a verification of your Australian qualification using Form V, found of the Forms & Fees page.

How long does it take to process an application for verification of an Australian qualification for migration purposes?

Applications for verification of Australian qualifications for migration purposes usually take no more than four weeks to complete, provided the fee and complete documentation is provided in accordance with AACA’s requirements. The requirements are set out in the Explanatory Notes which accompany the application form – Form V.


