A. NAATI 认证考试 - NAATI Accreditation by Testing

Naati 翻译职业评估 National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters 继续讨论:

A. NAATI 认证考试 - NAATI accreditation test

1. NAATI 认证考试适用于以下5个级别的认证

  • Advanced Translator
  • Professional Translator
  • Paraprofessional Translator
  • Professional Interpreter
  • Paraprofessional Interpreter

2. 申请 NAATI 考试

  • 申请人需要填写 Form A - Application for Accreditation by Testing 申请;
  • 递交申请后大约需要2周的时间来处理,申请被处理到后,考点会通过电邮或电话联系申请人告知考试日期,时间和考点,同时邮寄一份纸质的确认函;
  • 申请人通常需要在成功支付申请费后的12周内完成考试;
  • 考试完成后,大约需要10周才会出结果。


  • 完整填写的申请表,加上见证人声明;
  • 身份证明,可以是护照,驾照或澳洲州或地区的身份卡的认证件;
  • 如果是澳洲拱门或永居,提供居住证明;
  • 参加认证考试的资格证明;
  • 2张护照规格的照片,需要见证人批注。


  • 身份证明,可以是护照,驾照或澳洲州或地区的身份卡的认证件;
  • 完整填写的申请表,加上见证人声明;
  • 2张护照规格的照片,需要见证人批注。

Accreditation tests may be arranged throughout the year at the mutual convenience of the candidate
and the NAATI testing venue. Candidates who decide to apply for an accreditation test need to complete
the Form A ‘Application for Accreditation by Testing’ which can be downloaded from the NAATI website www.naati.com.au

As a guide:

  1. The eligibility requirements for a specific level of testing must be met. This includes providing all the supporting documents required for the application.
  2. Once an application has been lodged, it will normally take two weeks to process.
  3. Once the application is processed the testing venue will contact the candidate by email or telephone to schedule the date, time and location of the test.
  4. Confirmation of date, time and location of the scheduled test will be sent by post.
  5. Candidates must usually sit their test within twelve weeks of the date that payment for the application is successfully processed. This period may be greater at times of high demand for accreditation testing.
  6. Test results will normally be issued within ten weeks after the test is sat. This means that
    they may take more than 10 weeks in some circumstances.

The following are required for a complete application if this is your first application to NAATI:

  1. A correctly completed application form including a completed Witness Declaration.
  2. Proof of your identity in the form a certified copy of your passport, driver’s licence or Australian state or territory ID card.
  3. Proof of your residency status if you are an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident.
  4. Proof of your eligibility to sit the accreditation test.
  5. Two passport photos endorsed by a witness.

If this is not your first application to NAATI, that is you already have a five digit NAATI number, then your application need only include:

  1. Proof of your identity in the form of a certified copy of your passport, driver’s licence or Australian state or territory issued ID card
  2. A correctly completed application form including a completed Witness Declaration.
  3. Two passport photos endorsed by a witness.

If there is anything missing from the application there will be a delay in scheduling the test.

3. 各类语言适用的考试类型


  • 星号 * : 当前没有针对此语言的认证考试。
  • 井号 # :
  • ‡: 此语言只有准专业口译一项认证考试。
    • Accreditation testing for this language is currently unavailable. Please contact the NAATI National Office for more information.
  • Please see Page 12 for information on the special arrangements for these languages.

  • ‡ Accreditation testing is only available for Paraprofessional Interpreting in this language. To obtain a NAATI Credential in translation in this language, please refer to the NAATI Recognition Information Booklet.

4. 海外考点( testing venues outside of Australia and New Zealand)

在澳洲和新西兰境外,只提供 专业笔译认证考试。海外考试相关的信息需要直接联系 NAATI 的国家办公室。海外考试只提供考试场所,不提供任何关于申请流程和参加考试的信息和支持。海外考试时只能携带纸质词典,不允许携带电子词典。下表为各国家的考点:

  • Only Professional Translator accreditation tests are available at testing venues outside of Australia and New Zealand.
  • Any correspondence about overseas testing must be with NAATI’s National Office. Overseas testing locations provide test supervision only and will not provide any information or support on the application process or sitting a test.
  • Because of issues with checking the acceptability of electronic dictionaries at overseas testing venues only paper-based dictionaries will be able to be used at test venues outside of Australia and New Zealand.

其中带 ‡ 标记的考点的每年只举办2次考试:

  • 第一次: 3月的第一周考试,申请截止日期为上一年的12月11号;
  • 第二次: 9月的第一周考试,申请截止日期为当年的6月30号。


Test dates – Venues marked with a ‡ are limited to two test sessions per year.

SESSION TEST DATE (a fixed date within the period) APPLICATION CUTOFF
1 First week in March 11 December
2 First week in September 30 June

Candidates will need to ensure they are available to sit the test at any time during the week. It is likely
that tests will start at 9am local time.

If you intend to apply to sit a test in September 2015 NAATI would need to receive your complete
application by 30 June 2015. For the March 2016 session NAATI would need to receive your complete
application by 11 December 2015.

For other overseas test venues, testing will be conducted once per month. The exact date and time for
testing will be advised by the test venue once the application has been received. NAATI expects that
there will be no more than eight weeks from your application being processed until when you will sit a

Test availability – Professional Translator accreditation tests are able to be sat in all testing venues.
Professional Interpreter accreditation tests are not available at overseas locations, except New Zealand.

5. 澳洲和新西兰考点

6. 准专业口译考试


  • 学历等同于至少4年的澳洲中学学历(10年级),并且
  • 掌握2门语言。

To be eligible to sit for NAATI Paraprofessional Interpreter tests candidates must have the following:

  • Education equivalent to at least four years of Australian secondary education (Year 10); and
  • Proficiency in both languages.
    In cases where a person’s education has been interrupted for any reason, these criteria may be waived,
    or alternative criteria substituted, at the discretion of NAATI.




Section 1: 社会和文化意识问题 - 5分


Section 2: 职业道德 - 5分


Section 3: 对话口译 - 2 X 45 = 90分


For All Testing Except Hazaragi, Mandarin and Vietnamese

Typically it will take about 40 minutes to complete the test

Section 1: Social and Cultural Awareness - (5 marks)

The questions in this section are designed to assess the extent to which the candidates understand how
social and cultural factors and/ or socio-political issues affect situations where an interpreter would
typically work.

Four oral questions will be put to the candidate based on the social and cultural awareness of interpreting.
The first two questions will be asked in English and must be answered orally in English. The next two
questions are asked in the Language Other Than English (LOTE) and must be answered orally in the
Language Other Than English (LOTE).

Section 2: Ethics of the Profession - (5 Marks)

The questions will be designed to elicit the candidate’s awareness of the ethics of the profession.
Four oral questions will be put to the candidate based on the Code of Ethics for Translators and
Interpreters. The first two questions will be asked in English and must be answered orally in English.
The next two questions are asked in the Language Other Than English (LOTE) and must be answered
orally in the Language Other Than English (LOTE).

Section 3: Dialogue Interpreting - (2 X 45 = 90 marks)

There will be two dialogues, of approximately 300 words each, between an English speaker and the
Language Other Than English (LOTE) speaker. The dialogues will be divided into suitable segments,
which will not normally exceed 35 words in length.



Part One: 笔试

Section 1: 社会和文化意识问题 - 5分


Section 2: 职业道德问题 - 5分


Sections 1 和 2 笔试题目都是英语,申请人可以用英语回答,也可以用其他语言回答。但是2部分需要用同样的语言回答。

Part Two: 对话口译 - 2 X 45 = 90分



  • 社会文化考试最少2.5分;
  • 职业道德考试最少2.5分;
  • 每个口语对话最少29分;
  • 2个口语对话加起来最少63分;
  • 总成绩至少达到70分。

For Hazaragi, Mandarin and Vietnamese Testing

The test will be divided into two parts. Part One will involve providing written answers to the Social and
Cultural Awareness and Ethics of the Profession questions. Part Two is providing oral interpretations for
Dialogue Interpreting. The two parts may be conducted on the same day or over two days. Please note

Part One: Written Questions

The written part of the Paraprofessional Interpreter test must be completed in 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Section 1: Social and Cultural Awareness - (5 marks)

The questions in this section are designed to assess the extent to which the candidates understand how
social and cultural factors and/ or socio-political issues affect situations where an interpreter would
typically work.

Four written questions will be put to the candidate based on the social and cultural awareness of

Section 2: Ethics of the Profession - (5 Marks)

The questions will be designed to elicit the candidate’s awareness of the ethics of the profession.
Four written questions will be put to the candidate based on the Code of Ethics for Translators and

The questions for both Sections 1 and 2 are in English and must be answered in writing in either English
or the Language Other Than English (LOTE), provided that each question is responded to in the same
language in both sections (for example, if you choose to answer Section 1 in English, you must also
answer each question in Section 2 in English).

Part Two: Dialogue Interpreting - (2 X 45 = 90 marks)

There will be two dialogues, of approximately 300 words each, between an English speaker and the
Language Other Than English (LOTE) speaker. The dialogues will be divided into suitable segments,
which will not normally exceed 35 words in length. Testing for the dialogues will occur independently of
the written testing.

To achieve a pass in this test, candidates must score a minimum of:

  • 2.5/5 for Social/Cultural Awareness questions
  • 2.5/5 for Ethics of the Profession questions
  • 29/45 for each consecutive interpreting dialogue
  • 63/90 for the two consecutive interpreting dialogues
  • 70/100 Overall

Conduct of Tests

It is not possible to simulate perfectly in a test the conditions under which an interpreter would normally
work. Nevertheless, NAATI conducts its tests in a way that is fair and equitable to all candidates.
Accordingly, all interpreting tests are conducted from a master recording of the test which is played to
the candidate in the presence of a supervisor only, and the candidate’s responses are recorded for later
marking. Interpreting tests are therefore conducted individually.

The use of dictionaries and other reference aides is not permitted in Paraprofessional Interpreter tests.

7. 准专业笔译考试


  • 学历等同于至少4年的澳洲中学学历(10年级),并且
  • 精通2种语言。



Section 1: 将英语翻译为其他语种 - 45分


Section 2: 将其他语种翻译为英语 - 45分


Section 3: 职业道德问题 - 10分



  • 职业道德考试最少5分;
  • 每篇短文翻译最少29分;
  • 2篇短文翻译加起来最少63分;
  • 总成绩至少达到70分。

Section 1: Translation from English into Language Other Than English (LOTE) - (45 marks)
This section consists of two passages of between 120 and 140 words each. Each passage is in English
and of contrasting subject areas. Candidates are required to translate one passage into LOTE. The
passages will represent very simple translation work which does not require technical or specialised
information or terminology.

Candidates who translate more than the one required passage will only have the first passage in their
answer booklet marked.

Section 2: Translation from Language Other Than English (LOTE) into English - (45 marks)

This section consists of two passages of between 120 and 140 words each. Each passage is in the
LOTE, in different subject areas. Candidates are required to translate one passage into English. The
passages will represent very simple translation work which does not require technical or specialised
information or terminology.

Candidates who translate more than the one required passage will only have the first passage in their
answer booklet marked.

Section 3: Ethics of the Profession questions - (10 marks)

This section consists of three questions on Ethics of the Profession issues. Candidates MUST answer
two of the questions. Answers should be clear and concise. Answers may be written in either English or
the Language Other Than English (LOTE).

Candidates who answer more than the two required Ethics of the Profession questions will only have
the first two answers marked.

To obtain a pass in the test candidates must score a minimum of:

  • 5/10 for Ethics of the Profession questions
  • 29/45 for each translation passage
  • 63/90 for both translation passages
  • 70/100 Overall

8. 专业口译考试


  • 任何专业的学位或文凭级别普通教育;或者;
  • 当前认证语言的NAATI准专业口译认证。

To be eligible to sit the Professional Interpreter test candidates must have:

  • General education to degree or diploma level in any field; OR
  • NAATI Accreditation as a Paraprofessional Interpreter in the language in which they are seeking Professional Interpreter accreditation.



Section 1: 对话口译 - 2 X 25=50分


社会和文化意识问题 - 10分


职业道德问题 - 10分


视译 - 2 X 10=20分


Section 2: 文章交替传译 - 2 X 15=30分



  • 2篇对话口译总分至少35分;
  • 2篇文章口译总分至少21分;
  • 2篇视译总分至少14分;
  • 以上三部分口译的总成绩至少达到70分;
  • 社会/文化意识问题至少5分;
  • 职业道德问题至少5分。

Section 1: Dialogue Interpreting - (2 X 25 marks=50 marks)

There will be two dialogues in different subject areas between an English speaker and the Language
Other Than English (LOTE) speaker. Each dialogue will be approximately 400 words in length and will
be divided into segments, which will not normally exceed 60 words. The two Social and Cultural
Awareness questions, two Ethics of the Profession questions and a Sight Translation task (described
below) will relate to and follow each of the two dialogues.

Social and Cultural Awareness questions - (10 marks)

There will be two questions relating to each of the dialogues. The first question is asked in English and
is to be answered in English. The second question is asked in the Language Other Than English (LOTE)
and is to be answered in the LOTE.

Ethics of the Profession - (10 marks)

There will be two questions relating to each of the dialogues. The first question is asked in English and
is to be answered in English. The second question is asked in the Language Other Than English (LOTE)
and is to be answered in the Language Other Than English (LOTE).

Sight Translation - (2 X 10 marks = 20 marks)

There will be two sight translation passages in different subject areas, each of approximately 200 words.
One will be in the Language Other Than English (LOTE) and is to be sight translated into English and
one will be in English and is to be sight translated into the LOTE. Each passage will be related to the
preceding dialogue.

Section 2: Consecutive Interpreting of Passages - (2 X 15 marks = 30 marks)

There will be two passages of approximately 300 words each. The first passage will be in the Language
Other Than English (LOTE) and the second passage in English. Each passage will be divided into two
sections of between 130 and 170 words. Each section will be played and after listening to the section,
the candidate is required to interpret into the other language almost immediately, providing a structured
and accurate rendering of the original. The passage will be read only once and no repeats of any parts
are allowed. Note-taking is encouraged. The candidate will be advised of the topics for each of the two
passages two weeks prior to the test.

9. 专业笔译考试


  • 任何专业的学位或文凭级别普通教育;或者
  • 当前认证语言的NAATI准专业笔译认证;或者
  • 笔译工作经验,需要雇主证明;或者
  • 相关的(语言,笔译或口译)中学后教育。

To be eligible to sit the Professional Translator test candidates must have:

  • General education to degree or diploma level in any field; OR
  • NAATI Accreditation as a Paraprofessional Translator in the language in which they are seeking accreditation; OR
  • Work experience in translation to which an employer has attested; OR
  • Evidence of relevant (language, translating or interpreting related) post-secondary studies.




Section 1: 短文翻译 - 2 X 45=90分


Section 2: 职业道德问题 - 10分



Section 1: 短文翻译 - 2 X 45=90分


Section 2: 职业道德问题 -10分



Section 1: 短文翻译 - 2 X 45=90分

现代标准汉语(普通话)考生: 需要分别从2篇繁体字文章和2篇简体字文章中各选一篇来翻译。


Section 2: 职业道德问题 -10分



  • 职业道德问题至少5分;
  • 每个短文翻译至少得分29分;
  • 2篇短文翻译总分至少63分;
  • 总分不低于70分。

Translation from English into the Language Other Than English (LOTE)

Section 1: Translation passages - (2 X 45 marks = 90 marks)

This section of the test consists of three passages of approximately 250 words. Each passage is of a different style and subject area. Candidates must translate two of these three passages into the Language Other Than English (LOTE). The passages may be drawn from subject areas including culture,
science, technology, health, law, commerce and related fields, all aimed at the non-specialist reader.

Candidates who translate more than the two required passages will only have the first two passages in their answer booklet marked.

Section 2: Ethics of the Profession questions - (10 marks)

This section of the test is made up of three questions on the Ethics of the Profession. Two of the questions MUST be answered by candidates. Answers should be clear and concise. Answers may be written either in English or the Language Other Than English (LOTE), no matter which language
direction the candidate is taking the test.

Candidates who answer more than the two required Ethics of the Profession questions will only have the first two answers marked.

Translation from Language Other Than English (LOTE) into English (Except for Chinese and Greek)

Section 1 Translation Passages - (2 X 45 marks = 90 marks)

This section of the test is made up of three passages of approximately 250 words. Each passage is of a different style and subject area. Candidates must translate two of these passages into English. The passages may be drawn from subject areas including culture, science, technology, health, law,
commerce and related fields all aimed at the non-specialist reader.
Candidates who translate more than the two required passages will only have the first two passages in their answer booklet marked.

Section 2: Ethics of the Profession - (10 marks)

This section of the test is made up of three questions on the Ethics of the Profession. Two of the questions MUST be answered by candidates. Answers should be clear and concise. Answers may be
written either in English or the Language Other Than English (LOTE), no matter which language direction the candidate is taking the test.
Candidates who answer more than the two required Ethics of the Profession questions will only have the first two answers marked.

Translation from Language Other Than English (LOTE) into English (Chinese and Greek)

Section 1: Translation Passages – (2 X 45 marks = 90 marks)

Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) candidates will translate one passage from a choice of two passages printed in traditional full-form characters and one passage from a choice of two printed in simplified form characters.
Greek candidates will translate one passage from a choice of two in Standard Modern Greek and one passage from a choice of two in Katharevousa.
Candidates who translate more than the two required passages will only have the first two passages in their answer booklet marked.

Section 2: Ethics of the Profession – (10 marks)

This section of the test is made up of three questions on the Ethics of the Profession. Two of the questions MUST be answered by candidates. Answers should be clear and concise. Answers may be written either in English or the Language Other Than English (LOTE), no matter which language direction the candidate is taking the test.

Candidates who answer more than the two required Ethics of the Profession questions will only have the first two answers marked.

To obtain a pass mark in any Professional Translator test candidates must score a minimum of:

  • 5/10 for the Ethics of the Profession questions
  • 29/45 for each translation passage
  • 63/90 for both translation passages
  • 70/100 Overall

10. 高级笔译考试


  • 由认可的高等教育机构颁发的任何专业的学位证。证明自己有多等同的专业知识和经验的申请人可以免除此要求;并且
  • 持有当前认证语言的NAATI专业笔译认证。证明自己有多等同的专业知识和经验的申请人可以免除此要求;并且
  • 提供雇主推荐信,证明他们至少从事笔译工作2年。自雇申请人需要提供宣誓书。

Candidates must:

  1. Hold a degree (or higher) - in any field - from a recognised higher education institution. The requirement may be waived for those who can demonstrate equivalent professional knowledgeand experience in the appropriate skill relevant to their application; AND
  2. Be accredited by NAATI at the Professional Translator level in the language and direction relevantto their application. The requirement may be waived for those who can demonstrate equivalent
    professional knowledge and experience in the appropriate skill relevant to their application; AND
  3. Provide an employer reference as proof that they have been practising regularly as a translator for a minimum of two years. Those practitioners who are self-employed will be required to provide a statutory declaration as proof.



考试共包含3篇文章,每篇文章大约400个单词。section 1中有1篇文章,section 2中有2篇。

section 1: 必选文章,纯粹考察考试的语言能力的,主要涉及政治、外交或文化相关的非技术性问题。

section 2: 公有4篇高级技术和知识类型的文章,涉及的领域有法律,经济,医学和科学领域。考生需要从中选择2篇来翻译。考试涉及的专业学科领域和一般学科领域会在考试开始之前的1周通知申请人。

考试时间: 从上午9点到下午5点,考生共有8个小时的时间来完成考试。考生可以随意安排时间,并且允许外出吃饭,喝咖啡等,但是要遵守考试纪律。

参考材料: 考生可以使用词典和任何类型的参考材料,如百科全书、手册、技术和科学期刊、术语列表和私人笔记等。考生可以使用自己携带的电脑。但是不允许申请人和其他人员联系。

翻译标准: 翻译必须正确,读起来流利,准确的反映源语言的语气和风格。完成后的翻译必须是经过修订的,并且清晰,只需要小的调整就可以排版。


  • 每个短文翻译得分至少35分;
  • 总分不低于120分。

Test Format

Number and Length of Passages: Candidate will be required to translate three passages, one in Section 1 and two in Section 2. Each passage will be approximately 400 words long.

Section 1: One passage of an intellectually demanding, non-technical nature on a political, diplomatic or cultural theme. There is no choice of passage in this section.

Section 2: Four passages of a highly technical and intellectual nature, drawn from legal, economic,medical or scientific subject areas. Candidates will be required to translate two of the four passages given. Candidates will be advised of the specialist subject area and the topic and general source area of all passages one week before the test date.

Time: Candidates will be allowed a total of eight hours from 9am to 5pm to produce their three translations. Candidates will be free to organise their time as they wish and will be allowed meal/coffee breaks, etc. However, examination conditions will apply throughout the entire eight hours.

Reference Material and Aids: Candidates are allowed to use dictionaries and all types of reference materials, such as encyclopaedias, handbooks, technical and scientific journals, terminology lists and private notes. Candidates are permitted to use computers or laptops for this test but must bring their own. Candidates should specify on the acceptance form whether or not they intend to do so. Consultation with other persons by any means, including the use of mobile phones, e-mail or the internet,is not permitted during the eight-hour period of the test.

Translation standard: The finished translation must be accurate, with no margin for error. It must read fluently, and should accurately reflect the register, tone and style of the original. The finished translation
is expected to be a fair copy and clearly legible. It must be capable of being type set with only minimal editing.

To obtain a pass mark in the Advanced Translator test candidates must score a minimum of:

  • 35/50 for each translation
  • 120/150 (80%) Overall




A. 考试安排

B. 认证考试方式没有变化。

C. 考试需要10周才能出结果。


A. 考试安排

B. 认证考试方式的变化:


Part One: 社会文化意识问题和职业道德问题


Part Two: 口译对话

  • 所有的考生必须在同一时间达到;
  • 所有的考生在单独的备考室等候,直到考试;
  • 考试被确认前,考生不能离开考场,如果考生中途离开,则不能返回考场继续完成考试。考试从上午九点到下午4点进行,因此有些考生等待的时间会比较长;
  • 考生需要带上水和食物;
  • 备考室有座位和厕所;
  • 考生不能携带电子通信设备,一旦发现有人携带,考试被取消;
  • 备考时,允许考生之间讨论;
  • 可以携带笔试准备材料或书本等;
  • 各个考场可能还有自己的要求;
  • 考试成绩也在备考室通知。

Part One: Social and Cultural Awareness and Ethics of the Profession Questions
These sections will be completed based on written questions and written answers, (instead of the oral questions and answers previously conducted). The written test for these questions will take 1½ hours to complete. All questions will be asked in English and candidates will be able to choose the language (English or Hazaragi/Chinese/Vietnamese) in which they write their responses. Candidates will be notified of the date and time of their written test, which will occur on the same day or the day before the oral testing session.

Part Two: Dialogue Interpreting

This part will be conducted under similar conditions as previously, with recorded materials being played back to candidates to interpret. All responses will be recorded. However, due to issues that have arisen with unauthorised publication of accreditation test materials on the internet the following additional conditions will be applied:

a) all candidates will be required to arrive for the test at the same time
b) all candidates will be asked to wait in a separate waiting room, until they are required for their test
c) candidates will not be able to leave the venue until their test has been conducted: if they do leave they will not be permitted to return to complete their test. Some candidates may have to wait an extended period of time, with testing being conducted from 9am until 4pm in some locations
d) all candidates should be prepared with food and drink as they may have to wait extended periods of time until their test can be conducted. NAATI will ensure that candidates are able to have a place to eat during the day
e) the waiting room will have seating and access to toilet facilities
f) no access to electronic communication devices (including cell phones, laptops, PDA’s,Tablets) will be allowed. Any candidate found with such a device will have their test cancelled.
g) candidates will be allowed to talk amongst themselves
h) access to written preparation or other materials including books will be allowed
i) there may be other restrictions that have to be put in place due to the nature of the venues used in different states. All candidates will be advised of these conditions on the day
j) the individual(s) appointed by NAATI to supervise the waiting room will have the final say in relation to acceptable conduct within the room. If any candidate is unsure if a behaviour is acceptable, they should discuss this with the supervising
officer or a NAATI staff member. If candidates cannot comply with the conditions stated above, NAATI will be unable to test them.

C. 考试需要10周才能出结果。


A. 考试安排: 考次会根据需求来安排。

B. 认证方式考试没有变化。

C. 考试需要10周才能出结果。

参考指南: https://www.naati.com.au/PDF/Booklets/Accreditation_by_Testing_booklet.pdf
