73101 瓷砖工 Tilesetters-FLYabroad NOC
飞出国 NOC2021:73101 瓷砖铺贴工用陶瓷、大理石和采石瓷砖、马赛克或水磨石覆盖内墙和外墙、地板和天花板。他们受雇于建筑公司和砖石承包商,或者他们可能是自雇人士。学徒也包括在这个单元组中。Tilesetters cover interior and exterior walls, floors and ceilings with ceramic, marble and quarry tile, mosaics or terrazzo. They are employed by construction companies and masonry contractors, or they may be self-employed. Apprentices are also included in this unit group.
73101 瓷砖工示例职业名称 - 飞出国 Example titles-FLYabroad NOC
- 学徒制图师 / Apprentice tilesetter
- 瓷砖安装工 / Ceramic tile installer
- 大理石切割工 / Marble setter
- 水磨石抛光工 / Terrazzo polisher
- 水磨石工人 / Terrazzo worker
- 瓷砖安装工 / Tile installer
- 排版员 / Tilesetter
73101 瓷砖工主要职责 Main duties-FLYabroad NOC
73101 该小组执行以下部分或全部职责 This group performs some or all of the following duties:
- 准备、测量和标记要覆盖的表面 / Prepare, measure and mark surface to be covered
- 建造床下并安装地脚螺栓、电线和支架 / Build underbeds and install anchor bolts, wires and brackets
- 使用手抹子混合、涂抹和涂抹砂浆、水泥、乳香、胶水或其他粘合剂 / Mix, apply and spread mortar, cement, mastic, glue or other adhesives using hand trowel
- 将瓷砖放置到位并施加压力以将瓷砖固定在底座上 / Set tiles in position and apply pressure to affix tiles to base
- 使用水平、正方形和直尺对齐和拉直瓷砖 / Align and straighten tile using levels, squares and straightedges
- 使用手动和电动切割工具在障碍物和开口周围切割和安装瓷砖 / Cut and fit tiles around obstacles and openings using hand and power cutting tools
- 将水泥浆装入瓷砖之间的接缝中并去除多余的水泥浆 / Pack grout into joints between tiles and remove excess grout
- 安装瓷砖条 / Install tile strips
- 铺设和镶嵌马赛克瓷砖以创建装饰性墙壁、壁画和地板设计 / Lay and set mosaic tiles to create decorative wall, mural and floor designs
- 混合,铺设和抛光terra表面 / Mix, lay and polish terra surfaces
- 切割、抛光和安装大理石和花岗岩 / Cut, polish and install marble and granite
- 拆除并更换破裂或损坏的瓷砖 / Remove and replace cracked or damaged tiles
- 可准备成本估算和订单 / May prepare cost estimates and orders.
73101 瓷砖工就业要求 Employment requirements-FLYabroad NOC
- 通常需要完成中学学业 / Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 通常需要完成三年或四年的学徒计划或结合三年以上的行业工作经验和一些高中、大学或行业瓷砖铺贴课程,才有资格获得行业认证 / Completion of a three- or four-year apprenticeship program or a combination of over three years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in tilesetting is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
- 砌砖工的贸易认证在魁北克是强制性的,但在纽芬兰和拉布拉多、新斯科舍、爱德华王子岛、新不伦瑞克、安大略、萨斯喀彻温、阿尔伯塔和不列颠哥伦比亚是自愿的 / Trade certification for tilesetters is compulsory in Quebec and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
- 成功完成跨省红印章考试后,合格的排砖师也可以获得红印章背书 / Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified tilesetters upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
73101 附加信息 Additional information
- 根据经验可以晋升到主管职位 / Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
73101 排除 Exclusions
- 瓦工 (72320) / Bricklayers (72320)
- 抹灰工、石膏板安装工、修整工和泡沫工 (73102) / Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers (73102)
- 瓦工主管(在 72014 承包商和主管、其他建筑行业、安装人员、维修人员和服务人员) / Tilesetters supervisor (in 72014 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers)
73101 瓷砖工职业名称 - 飞出国 All titles-FLYabroad NOC
- 学徒制图师 / Apprentice tilesetter
- 人造大理石切割工 / Artificial marble setter
- 瓷砖安装工 / Ceramic tile installer
- 瓷砖镶嵌师 / Ceramic tilesetter
- 花岗岩切割工 / Granite setter
- 熟练工/女排布师 / Journeyman/woman tilesetter
- 大理石铺工 / Marble layer
- 大理石石匠 / Marble mason
- 大理石技工 / Marble mechanic
- 大理石切割工 / Marble setter
- 大理石平铺机 / Marble tilesetter
- 马赛克拼贴工 / Mosaic tilesetter
- 水磨石修整工 / Terrazzo finisher
- 水磨石地板层 / Terrazzo floor layer
- 水磨石层 / Terrazzo layer
- 水磨石泥瓦匠 / Terrazzo mason
- 水磨石技工 / Terrazzo mechanic
- 水磨石抛光工 / Terrazzo polisher
- 水磨石切割工 / Terrazzo setter
- 水磨石工人 / Terrazzo worker
- 水磨石、瓷砖和大理石镶嵌工 / Terrazzo, tile and marble setter
- 瓷砖钳工 / Tile fitter
- 瓷砖地板层 / Tile floor layer
- 瓷砖安装工 / Tile installer
- 平铺工 / Tile layer
- 瓷砖匠 / Tile mason
- 瓷砖技工 / Tile mechanic
- 排版员 / Tilesetter
- 瓦工熟练工 / Tilesetters lead hand