- 巴西
- 哥伦比亚
- 秘鲁
- 安提瓜和巴布达
- 哥斯达黎加
- 特立尼达和多巴哥
- 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
2019加拿大移民局上线了 “学习直入计划”(Student Direct Stream,简称 “SDS”),截止目前,除了以上新增的7个国家外, 印度、中国、越南、巴西、哥伦比亚和摩洛哥这几个国家也是加拿大SDS的生源国。通过此次加拿大移民局再次扩大SDS生源国的范围,可以看出加拿大政府对接收国际留学生的支持力度。
- 提供指定学习机构(DLI)的录取LOA(录取通知书)
- 递交申请时在加拿大境外
- 提供全额支付第一年学费的证明
- 提供加拿大SDS指定银行出具的10,000.00加元的担保投资证书 "GIC "证明
- 计划在魁北克学习的申请人需递交CAQ
- 在申请之前进行体检(如适用)
- 在您申请之前获得无犯罪证明(如适用)
- 最近获得的初中或高中以上学历的成绩单
- 提供2年内有效的语言成绩单,需要雅思成绩每项达到6.0分或以上,或CLB 7分的TEF成绩
- have an acceptance letter from a post-secondary designated learning institution
- live outside of Canada when you apply
- have proof you have paid your tuition for your first year of study
- have a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of CAN$10,000
- have a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ) from the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration
- This is only if you’re planning to study in Quebec
- get a medical exam before you apply (if you need one)
- get a police certificate before you apply (if you need one)
- have your most recent secondary or post-secondary school transcript(s)
- have a language test result that shows either:
- an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) academic or general training score of 6.0 or higher in each skill (reading, writing, speaking and listening), or
- a Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) score that is equal to a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) score of at least 7 in each skill (reading, writing, speaking and listening)
Depending on where you’re applying from, you may also need to provide other documents. Make sure you include all the documents required by the visa office that processes your application.
SDS申请必须网上提交。SDS申请将在加拿大境内的办公室集中审理。SDS的审理速度是自生物采集完成后20个calendar days。