
继加拿大移民局官网更新了EE快速通道定居资金settlement funds要求后,加拿大更新 2021 年快速通道资金证明要求,EE池中的申请人也收到了邮件提示:


Action required by July 15, 2021: Changes to requirements for proof of settlement funds for Express Entry

Dear Candidate,

This is to notify you that the requirements for proof of settlement funds have changed for 2021. Proof of funds is how you show us that you have enough money to settle in Canada. If we invite you to apply, you must give written proof that you have this money. Settlement funds are only required for certain candidates depending on the program(s) you qualify for.

We update the minimum amount you need every year, based on 50% of the low income cut-off totals. The changes are small, but there is a chance they could affect your eligibility. Be sure to check the new numbers once they’re posted.

Please check the Express Entry Proof of Funds webpage to see the minimum amount you need to immigrate to Canada . If you have more money, you should list the full amount in your profile or application.

To stay eligible , you may need to update your settlement fund numbers in your Express Entry profile no later than July 15, 2021 .

If you do not have sufficient funds, your profile will be removed from the Express Entry pool.

Please review the changes and update your Express Entry profile if these changes affect you.

Thank you,
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada