新西兰连读留学签证 Pathway Student Visa
Pathway Student Visa,新西兰连读学生签证,一站式留学签证,也有人直译为新西兰通路学生签证,官方译作 “学生签证-进阶课程直通车”,持该留学签证留学生在新西兰连续就读最多3个课程,5年不用换签证。读书期间同样允许20小时临时工作(假期可以全职工作)。
- Up to 5 years
- Study up to 3 courses, one after the other, on a single student visa.
- Work part-time up to 20 hours a week while studying and full-time in the holidays, depending on your course of study.
飞出国:Pathway Student Visa 是新西兰2015年底推出的连读留学签证,该连读签证有效期5年,允许申请人在新西兰移民部认可的教育机构连续就读3个课程项目,例如“本硕博”连读,或读 “本硕硕”,对有打算在新西兰读多个课程的学生减轻了签证申请负担,新西兰留学签证只针对主申,副申和子女需要申请单独签证,例如配偶工作签证。新西兰移民部认可的可以申请 Pathway Student Visa 的教育机构包括绝大多数公立学校及优质私立学校,申请人可以在一所教育机构完成所有课程也可以在多个教育机构完成。十分灵活。申请 pathway student visa 时学习计划很重要,同时在进入下一阶段课程学习时需要满足入学要求。
You can apply to study up to 3 consecutive courses on a single student visa in New Zealand. You’ll need to have an offer of place with a Pathway education provider and be able to pay your tuition fees. While you’re here, you can enjoy New Zealand’s high-quality teaching standards and gain internationally recognised qualifications.
- You can’t include your partner or dependent children in a student visa application, but they can apply for their own visas based on their relationship to you.
- Pathway Student visas are long enough to complete your qualification plan.
- You’ll need to meet the pre-requisites for any second and third courses on your study pathway to stay in New Zealand on a Pathway Student Visa.
Pathway Student Visa 申请里的核心是学校 offer,申请多所学校时需要 joint letter 和不同学校单独的入学 offer(a separate offer of place from each)。当前连读签证可以在线申请也可以制作申请。新西兰留学签证申请费 1,445 人民币(2017年费用)通过签证中心递交申请还有其他费用,具体请以签证申请中心收费标准为准,需要了解细节的可以咨询飞出国。
认可的一站式留学服务机构 - 飞出国
2017 年新西兰移民部认可的 Pathway education providers 。
Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics | |
Private Training Establishments | |
Schools | |
Universities | |
新西兰一站式留学签证,进阶课程直通车(试行)申请材料清单,中英文版: NZ-StudentVisa_PathwayPilot_20160216-flyabroad.pdf (915.3 KB)
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact。