飞出国:SINP EOI 20180821第一捞,466人,68分
因为 SINP 非紧缺职业有配额限制,且根据职业限制配额,SINP EOI 第一捞后大量热门职业包括工程师,计算机职业满额,这类职业2018年不再发出邀请,这些职业打算尽快移民成功的唯有雇主担保,821后被删除的职业包括:
August 21, 2018
466 Express Entry EOI candidates invited to apply
Score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 68 points
All EOI’s had Educational Credential Assessments (required document for applications).
Please note that the SINP limits the selection of EOIs by occupation by fiscal year so that nominees with positive employment prospects in Saskatchewan are selected and nominations do not exceed employment demand. As a result, in 2018-19 the following occupations have been removed from the SINP In-Demand Occupation List: Engineering Managers; Manufacturing Managers; Utilities Managers; Civil Engineers; Computer Engineers; Software Engineers and Designers; Web Designers and Developers; Landscape and Horticulture Technicians and Specialists; Electronic Service Technicians (household and business equipment); Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts.
The size and frequency of EOI Selections will be determined by the needs of the SINP application inventory. To begin with, selections will take place on a monthly basis, at minimum. The dates of the selections will not be posted.
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/。