41301 咨询和相关疗法治疗师 Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies-FLYabroad NOC
飞出国 NOC2021:41301 咨询和相关疗法治疗师帮助个人和客户群体识别、理解和克服个人问题并实现个人目标。他们可以专门处理特定问题,并且可以进行心理治疗。他们受雇于咨询中心、社会服务机构、集体之家、政府机构、家庭治疗中心以及教育、保健和康复设施,或者他们可能在私人诊所工作。Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies assist individuals and groups of clients to identify, understand and overcome personal problems and achieve personal objectives. They can be specialized to work on specific problems and they may practice psychotherapy. They are employed by counselling centres, social service agencies, group homes, government agencies, family therapy centres, and educational, health care and rehabilitation facilities, or they may work in private practice.
41301 咨询和相关疗法治疗师示例职业名称 - 飞出国 Example titles-FLYabroad NOC
- 矫治顾问 \ Addictions counsellor
- 艺术治疗师 \ Art therapist
- 丧亲辅导员 \ Bereavement counsellor
- 儿童和青少年顾问 \ Child and youth counsellor
- 戏剧治疗师 \ Drama therapist
- 家庭顾问 \ Family counsellor
- 婚姻顾问 \ Marriage counsellor
- 运动治疗师 \ Movement therapist
- 音乐治疗师 \ Music therapist
- 心理治疗师 \ Psychotherapist
- 注册临床顾问 \ Registered clinical counsellor
- 注册舞蹈治疗师 \ Registered dance therapist
- 注册婚姻家庭治疗师 \ Registered marriage and family therapist
- 性学家 \ Sexologist
41301 包含 Inclusions
- 行为顾问 \ Behavioural consultant
- 残疾顾问 \ Disability consultant
- 游戏治疗师 \ Play therapist
- 心理教育顾问 \ Psychoeducational consultant
- 心理教育者 \ Psychoeducator
41301 咨询和相关疗法治疗师主要职责 Main duties-FLYabroad NOC
41301 该小组执行以下部分或全部职责 This group performs some or all of the following duties:
- 采访客户,准备案例历史并评估问题 / Interview clients, prepare case histories and assess problems
- 制定和实施咨询和干预计划,以帮助客户确定目标和实现目标的方法 / Develop and implement counselling and intervention programs to assist clients in determining goals and means of attaining them
- 为客户提供咨询,提供治疗和调解服务,并促进小组会议 / Counsel clients, provide therapy and mediation services, and facilitate group sessions
- 与社区机构或合作伙伴联络,确定额外或替代服务并提供转介 / Liaise with community agencies or partners, and identify additional or alternative services and provide referrals
- 评估咨询计划和干预措施的有效性,以及客户在解决已识别问题和朝着既定目标迈进的过程中的进展 / Evaluate the effectiveness of counselling programs and interventions, and clients’ progress in resolving identified problems and movement toward defined objectives
- 跟进辅导计划的结果和客户的调整 / Follow up on results of counselling programs and clients’ adjustments
- 准备评估、进展、跟进和法庭报告 / Prepare assessment, progress, follow-up and court reports
- 可能监督其他辅导员、社会服务人员和助理 / May supervise other counsellors, social service staff and assistants
- 可以向其他专业人士或团体提供有关咨询服务、问题和方法的公共教育和咨询 / May provide public education and consultation to other professionals or groups regarding counselling services, issues and methods
- 可在法庭诉讼中提供证人证词 / May provide witness testimony in court proceedings
- 可能进行研究、发表研究论文、教育文本和文章,并在会议上发表演讲 / May conduct research, publish research papers, educational texts and articles and deliver presentations at conferences
- 可能与员工援助计划或政府组织在健康和安全方面或与犯罪受害者合作 / May collaborate with employee assistance programs or with government organizations in health and safety or with victims of crime
- 可参与筹款活动 / May participate in fundraising activities.
41301 咨询和相关疗法治疗师就业要求 Employment requirements-FLYabroad NOC
- 需要具有咨询、治疗、心理健康、心理学或相关社会服务学科领域的学士或硕士学位,并且可能需要与客户进行一段时间的监督临床工作 / A bachelor’s or a master’s degree in the field of counselling, therapy, mental health, psychology or a related social service discipline is required and a period of supervised clinical work with clients may be required.
- 艺术治疗师、音乐治疗师和舞蹈治疗师需要治疗领域的硕士学位 / A master’s degree in the field of therapy is required for art therapist, music therapist, and dance therapists.
- 雇主通常要求成为省或联邦协会的会员 / Membership with a provincial or federal association is usually required by employers.
- 在新斯科舍省和新不伦瑞克省,咨询治疗师需要在监管机构注册 / Registration with a regulatory body is required in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick for counselling therapists.
- 要进行心理治疗,魁北克需要获得许可,安大略需要在适当的监管机构注册 / To practise psychotherapy, a permit is required in Quebec and registration with the appropriate regulatory body is required in Ontario.
- 在魁北克,婚姻和家庭治疗师、心理教育师、性学家和犯罪学家需要在监管机构注册 / In Quebec, registration with a regulatory body is required for marriage and family therapists, psychoeducators and sexologists and criminologists.
41301 附加信息 Additional information
- 咨询治疗师通常通过不断的培训和经验成为特定领域的专业人士 / Counselling therapists usually become specialized in a particular area through continual training and experience.
- 通过额外的培训和经验,可以晋升到社会服务管理职位 / Progression to social service management positions is possible with additional training and experience.
41301 排除 Exclusions
- 教育顾问 (41320) / Educational counsellors (41320)
- 职业发展从业者和职业顾问(教育除外)(41321) / Career development practitioners and career counsellors (except education) (41321)
- 运动学家和其他治疗和评估方面的专业职业 (31204) / Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment (31204)
- 社会、社区和惩教服务经理 (40030) / Managers in social, community and correctional services (40030)
- 社会和社区服务工作者 (42201) / Social and community service workers (42201)
- 社会工作者 (41300) / Social workers (41300)
41301 咨询和相关疗法治疗师职业名称 - 飞出国 All titles-FLYabroad NOC
- 矫治顾问 / Addictions counsellor
- 酒瘾矫治顾问 / Alcohol addiction counsellor
- 艺术治疗师 / Art therapist
- 艺术治疗师的主管 / Art therapists’ supervisor
- 艺术治疗顾问 / Art therapy consultant
- 艺术治疗师(教育除外) / Art therapy teacher (except education)
- 行为顾问 / Behavioural consultant
- 行为治疗师 / Behavioural therapist
- 行为主义者 / Behaviourist
- 丧亲辅导员 / Bereavement counsellor
- 儿童和家庭顾问 / Child and family counsellor
- 儿童和青少年顾问 / Child and youth counsellor
- 儿童辅导员 / Children’s counsellor
- 临床顾问 / Clinical counsellor
- 社区心理健康顾问 / Community mental health counsellor
- 辅导计划主管 / Counselling program supervisor
- 咨询治疗师 / Counselling therapist
- 智障人士辅导员 / Counsellor for persons who are intellectually impaired
- 夫妻治疗师 / Couples therapist
- 危机顾问 / Crisis counsellor
- 舞蹈治疗师 / Dance therapist
- 舞蹈治疗师的主管 / Dance therapists’ supervisor
- 舞蹈治疗研究员 / Dance therapy researcher
- 舞蹈动作治疗师 / Dance-movement therapist
- 舞蹈运动疗法研究员 / Dance-movement therapy researcher
- 残疾顾问 / Disability consultant
- 戏剧治疗师 / Drama therapist
- 戏剧治疗师的主管 / Drama therapists’ supervisor
- 毒瘾矫治辅导员 / Drug addiction counsellor
- 饮食失调治疗师 / Eating disorder therapist
- 家庭顾问 / Family counsellor
- 计划生育顾问 / Family planning counsellor
- 家庭治疗师 / Family therapist
- 赌博成瘾矫治顾问 / Gambling addictions counsellor
- 赌博成瘾矫治治疗师 / Gambling addictions therapist
- 悲伤辅导员 / Grief counsellor
- 团体家庭顾问 / Group home counsellor
- 人际关系官 - 家庭和儿童服务 / Human relations officer - family and children’s services
- 人际关系专员 - 家庭治疗 / Human relations officer - family therapy
- 婚姻顾问 / Marital counsellor
- 婚姻家庭治疗师 / Marriage and family therapist
- 婚姻顾问 / Marriage consultant
- 婚姻顾问 / Marriage counsellor
- 婚姻治疗师 / Marriage therapist
- 心理健康顾问 / Mental health counsellor
- 运动治疗师 / Movement therapist
- 音乐治疗师 / Music therapist
- 音乐治疗师的主管 / Music therapists’ supervisor
- 音乐治疗研究员 / Music therapy researcher
- 游戏治疗师 / Play therapist
- 退休前辅导员 / Preretirement counsellor
- 心理教育顾问 / Psychoeducational consultant
- 心理教育者 / Psychoeducator
- 心理治疗师 / Psychotherapist
- 注册临床顾问 / Registered clinical counsellor
- 注册舞蹈治疗师 / Registered dance therapist
- 注册家庭治疗师 / Registered family therapist
- 注册婚姻家庭治疗师 / Registered marriage and family therapist
- 注册婚姻治疗师 / Registered marriage therapist
- 性治疗师 / Sex therapist
- 性学家 / Sexologist
- 特殊需要顾问 / Special needs counsellor
- 自发的艺术老师-治疗 / Spontaneous art teacher - therapy
- 福利组织顾问 / Welfare organization counsellor
- 动物治疗师 / Zootherapist