300 澳洲未婚妻签证,未婚夫妇结婚签证,未来婚姻签证(9个月临时) Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300)
澳大利亚 300 签证为有效期为九个月的境外临时签证,签证申请人申请或获签该签证时必须在澳洲境外。获批此签证的申请人可以去澳大利亚结婚并申请移民,婚礼不一定必须在澳大利亚举行。
The Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300) is for people who want to come to Australia to marry their prospective spouse.
It is a temporary visa for nine months. You must be outside Australia when you lodge your application and when the visa is granted. You can have the wedding in any country: the wedding does not need to be in Australia.
1. 300 签证针对人群(Who could get this visa)
异性未婚夫/妻,打算到澳大利亚与其准配偶结婚的至少满18岁的人群(intend to marry and live as husband or wife with your prospective spouse)。结婚后可以申请 801 Partner visa, i
2. 300 签证申请条件(Application Requirement)
打算申请 300 未婚夫/妻签证,申请人必须:
- 打算与准配偶结婚并且一同居住
- 有准配偶做担保人
- 了解并且与准配偶见过面(交换照片不属于见过面)
- 申请人是其准配偶的异性伴侣(同性伴侣可依据其同居关系申请配偶移民签证)
- 满足年龄、健康与无犯罪要求
You must:
- intend to marry and live as husband or wife with your prospective spouse
- be sponsored by your prospective spouse
- know your prospective spouse and have met in person
- be the opposite sex to your prospective spouse (same-sex couples can apply for a Partner visa based on their de facto relationship)
- meet age, health and character requirements.
300 签证担保人条件:
- 澳大利亚公民
- 澳大利亚永久居住者
- 新西兰合法公民
- 受抚养子女
- 其他供养亲属
3. 300 签证申请流程(Application Process)
- Form 47SP Application for migration to Australia by a partner
- Form 40SP Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia
- Form 47SP Application for migration to Australia by a partner
- Form 40SP Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia
- Two copies of Form 888Statutory declaration by a supporting witness in relation to a Partner or a Prospective Marriage visa application(由两名能够证明申请人与其准配偶关系的澳大利亚公民或澳大利亚永久居民完成)
- Form 47aDetails of child or other dependent family member aged 18 years or over(18周岁及以上随行成员填写)
- Form 80 - Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment (16周岁及以上随行成员填写)
- Form 1229Consent to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years(有18周岁以下子女,父母另一方不随行成员填写)
4. 300 签证申请费用(Cost)
Base application charge($6865)+Addirtional applicant charge 18 and over($3435)+Addirtional applicant charge under 18($1720)
5. 300 签证其他信息
准婚姻签证有效期为9个月,且不可续签。申请人需在婚后且准婚姻签证到期前提交配偶移民签证申请(subclasses 820 and 801)。