
加拿大时间2022年1月19日安省移民局官网显示,2021年安省已经成功发放了9000份省提名函,其中包含了400份额外的省提名项目申请以及250份 NOC C 类职业的申请。


January 19, 2022

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has reached its 2021 nomination allocation and continues to notify successful applicants. The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program issued a total of 9,000 nominations to successful applicants across all streams in 2021, including 400 additional nominations received through an in-year reallocation and 250 NOC skill level C nominations.

New applications, and applications already submitted to the OINP, will continue to be accepted and considered under the program’s 2022 nomination allocation.

You can check the status of your application at any time through the OINP e-Filing portal.

Please monitor this page for news, announcements and program developments.
2021年11月份,安省劳工部长蒙特·麦克诺顿(Monte McNaughton)在新闻发布会上表示,安省正面临着严重的劳动力短缺,这种短缺由于新冠疫情的影响而变得更加严重。



安省拿到的移民配额越多,对申请人来说意味着省提名项目的筛选分越低 ,也就意味着越来越多的人会有机会申请安省的项目!我们知道,随着安省的雇主担保类项目和硕博留学生项目改成EOI高分筛选之后,很多申请人无法达到邀请分!



Average application processing times as of January 13, 2022

Processing times vary depending on the stream. Applications that require clarification or more information take longer to process.

If your application is taking longer than the estimated processing time, there is no need to contact the program. We will contact you if more information is required.

OINP stream Estimated processing time
Ontario’s Express Entry French-Speaking Skilled Worker 60 – 90 days
Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities 60 – 90 days
Ontario’s Express Entry Skilled Trades 30 – 60 days
Masters Graduate 30 – 60 days
PhD Graduate 30 – 60 days
Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker 30 – 60 days
Employer Job Offer: International Student 30 – 60 days
Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills 30 – 60 days
Entrepreneur Expression of Interest (EOI) Assessment: Less than 30 daysApplications: Depends on application complexity

安省省提名法语类别 Ontario’s Express Entry French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream :适合年轻、学历高、法语和英语均比较优秀的申请人!

安省省提名EE技能优先类别(Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities Stream) :适合年轻、学历高、英语非常好的IT职业申请人或管理层的申请人!

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