
4月19日,新西兰正式开放和澳大利亚之间的旅行泡沫,双向互通旅行免隔离。然而仅仅4天之后的23日,因数名民众在酒店隔离期间感染新冠病毒,西澳珀斯(Perth)和皮尔(Peel)地区封城3天(24日0时起),新西兰政府紧急宣布与西澳洲(Western Australia)的免隔离旅行暂停。后续政策将等待西澳洲政府的进一步建议。已预定近期新西兰往/返西澳航班的人士需进一步与航空公司确认注意事项。

Western Australia — quarantine-free travel

Information about quarantine-free travel between Western Australia and New Zealand.

Quarantine-free travel status

Quarantine-free travel between Western Australia and New Zealand has been paused.

This decision will be reviewed following further advice from the Western Australia Government.

Check with your airline

If you’re booked to travel between New Zealand and Western Australia in the next few days, check what you need to do with your airline.

Locations of interest

Western Australia’s Department of Health is contacting all confirmed cases to identify and inform close contacts.

Learn more about the locations visited by confirmed COVID-19 cases(external link)

Advice for those who have recently been in Western Australia

For people who have been in the Perth or Peel areas of Western Australia since 17 April, check the Western Australia locations of interests.

If you have been at one of these locations of interest at the times indicated you are a Casual Plus category contact and should:

  • stay at home
  • get a test five days after your exposure
  • contact Healthline.

All other people who have been in these locations should monitor for COVID-19 symptoms for 14 days after last being in the locations and, if symptoms develop, you should:

  • stay at home
  • get a test

More information

The decision follows the announcement of a 3 day lockdown in Perth, Western Australia. The lockdown begins at 12:01am on Saturday 24 April (Australia time).

Response to Perth 3-day lockdown — media release(external link)

Information if you’re in Western Australia(external link)

Quarantine-free travel between New Zealand and Western Australia — WA Government