满足移民局内政部和南澳州担保申请要求的技术移民申请人,可自 2021年7月20日(下周二)上午8点 起直接递交州担保申请。
1. 人才和创新计划Talent and Innovators program
这个类别主要针对有望对南澳关键优先行业做出贡献的高技能申请人。可申请州担保的所有职业都适用。新增南澳偏远地区劳动力类别Outer Regional South Australia Workforce Stream。
2. 当前在南澳工作和生活(包括长期居住者)Currently working in South Australia
3. 南澳国际毕业生 International Graduate of South Australia
南澳毕业生,当前必须已在南澳从事提名职业相关或相近的工作至少3个月且这些工作经验必须是毕业后的。参考occupation list上对具体职业的要求。
4. 拥有关键技能的境外申请人Offshore Registration of Interest - Critical Skills
一些技工类和医疗类职业(比如医用放射诊断技师、职业治疗师、物理治疗师、汽车电工、汽车技工、钣金行业工人等等),满足occupation list上对具体职业的要求后,可递交ROI(Registration of Interest)申请。
Skilled Migrants meeting the South Australian state nomination requirements will be able to directly apply for nomination from 8am, Tuesday 20 July 2021.
Full details of state nomination requirements can be viewed here.
Important: In order for South Australia to approve your nomination you will be required to meet both the Department of Home Affairs criteria and South Australia’s requirements .
Our skilled migration program will focus on the following:
Talent and Innovators Program
Providing opportunities and pathways for those who can contribute to South Australia’s priority growth industry sectors. Learn more here.Currently working in South Australia (including long-term residents in SA)
If you are living and working in outer regional South Australia, or a long-term resident living and working in SA, you may be eligible for concessions to the skilled work experience requirements. Learn more hereInternational Graduate of South Australia
SA graduates must be currently working in their nominated or closely related occupation for the last 3 months in South Australia (post-course completion), unless specified differently for your occupation. Learn more here.Offshore Registration of Interest - Critical Skills
Specific trade and health occupations are now available to offshore applicants. You can submit a Registration of Interest application if you meet the published requirements for your occupation. Learn more here.In addition, South Australia offers a range of programs available to skilled migrants, view our website for employer sponsored pathways.
The Skilled Occupation List will allow you the opportunity to review specific occupation requirements. The online application system for new submissions will be available from 8am Tuesday 20 July 2021.