2020年1月1日,IRCC提高定居资金(settlement funds)要求

2020年1月1日,加拿大移民局提高联邦技术移民(FSW)和加拿大技工类移民(FST)两个项目的定居资金(settlement funds)要求。CEC经验类别和持有有效job offer的申请人,无需提供定居资金证明。


家庭成员数 资金要求-加币 约合人民币
1 $12,960 70,000
2 $16,135 87,000
3 $19,836 107,000
4 $24,083 130,000
5 $27,315 147,000
6 $30,806 166,000
7 $34,299 185,000
每增加一位 $3,492 19,000


  1. 在移民申请中, 可以算作家庭成员的有主申请人,配偶/伴侣,主申请人子女,配偶/伴侣子女;家庭成员数量包含以上所有成员, 即使该成员不随行,或已经是加拿大PR/公民;
  2. 递交申请时金额需要在官网再次查看是否有更新, 根据最新汇率折算,考虑到汇率变动,资金准备尽量充裕,多多益善;
  3. 定居资金证明的形式多样,但需要证明是自己,而非转借他人的,不能是不动产的资产证明;
  4. 具体资金证明要求

For proof, you must get official letters from any banks or financial institutions where you’re keeping money.

Letter(s) must

  • be printed on the financial institution’s letterhead
  • include their contact information (address, telephone number and email address)
  • include your name
  • list outstanding debts such as credit card debts and loans
  • include, for each current bank and investment account, the
  • account numbers
  • date each account was opened
  • current balance of each account
  • average balance for the past 6 months