20191203 萨省推出新的省提名项目-国际毕业生企业家类别 SINP International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream (IGE)

2019年12月3日,萨斯喀彻温省引入新的省提名项目-萨省国际毕业生企业家类别 SINP International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream (IGE),该类别面向完成萨省两年全日制高等教育的毕业生。在持有毕业后工签阶段居住在萨省并通过创建或购买企业,积极参与和领导日常管理运营,带来有效的经济贡献,即可通过萨省省提名申请加拿大永居签证。


一、SINP IGE申请条件-飞出国


  1. 年龄21周岁以上;
  2. 在萨省认可的学校完成2年全日制高等教育,并获得学位证或者毕业证;
  3. 持有效毕业后工签,剩余有效期不低于24个月;
  4. 学习期间居住在萨省;.
  5. 英语/法语最低CLB7;

a. Be at least 21 years of age.
b. Have completed a full-time Saskatchewan post-secondary degree or diploma of at least two years in length from a recognized and eligible Saskatchewan institution.
c. Have a valid Post-Graduation Work Permit with no less than 24 months of eligibility remaining.
d. Have resided in Saskatchewan during their academic program (no distance-learning programs or accelerated academic program are eligible).
e. Have a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level of 7.


  1. 居住在萨省;
  2. 在递交提名申请前,在萨省已积极拥有和运营企业至少1年;
  3. 持有公司至少 (33 1/3%)所有权并积极和持续的参与日常管理和领导;
  4. 运营一年后满足基本最低收益,最低收益根据企业职员数量有不同要求;
  5. 创业计划通过后,与省政府签署企业经营绩效协议BPA(business performance agreement)
  1. Reside in Saskatchewan.
  2. Actively own and operate an eligible business in Saskatchewan for at least one (1) year prior to applying for nomination.
  3. Own at least one third (33 1/3%) of the equity of the business and provide active and on-going participation in the day to day management and direction of the business. Ownership must be the result of a verifiable investment made directly by the applicant, either from their own equity or from an eligible source.
  4. Demonstrate that the business is generating the minimum required revenue amount after one year of operation. The minimum required revenue amount is dependent on the number of employees. If there is one employee (the applicant), the applicant’s salary or a dividend, at minimum, must be above Saskatchewan’s low income cut-off (LICO) threshold for the primary applicant (i.e., above $21,487 for one-person in Regina or Saskatoon. See definitions for thresholds by family size). If there are employees, the revenue must also cover the costs of paying employees prevailing wages (median wage for that occupation in the applicable location, as posted on the National Job Bank).
    1.Please refer to the “Eligible Sources of Investments/Revenue” section of the Application Guide or information on eligible investments.
    2.To prove this, applicants must submit the documentation and supporting information outlined in the document checklist.
    3.Applicants are required to use the services of a professional third party financial service provider when providing documents that demonstrate they have met minimum compensation requirements.
  5. Sign a business performance agreement with the Government of Saskatchewan, which will be provided to you by the SINP after your application is approved.

二、SINP IGE申请步骤-飞出国

步骤一:提交EOI (Submitting an EOI to the SINP)


步骤二:收到省提名邀请,初审 (Invitation to Submit an Application)

高分邀请制;收到邀请30天内提交包括创业计划BEP (Business Establishment Plan)在内的所有申请文件;萨省初审,审核EOI分数正确性以及选择创业项目是否有效并会带来经济贡献;通过审核的申请人会进行面试,阐述创业调研,整体创业计划及细节,以及如何满足BEP要求;面试通过,20天内签署企业经营绩效协议BPA (Business Performance Agreement)并签发Approval Letter 开始执行创业计划。

步骤三:创业 (Business Establishment)

在企业经营绩效协议BPA 规定时间和PGWP毕业后工签有效期内创建企业,积极参与日常运营和管理一年,并完成协议绩效要求。



步骤五:联邦签证申请 (Application for Permanent Residence)
