

  • NOC 0,A,B类职业申请人在递交申请前24个月中需要有12个月的工作经验;
  • NOC C,D类职业申请人在递交申请前24个月中需要有18个月的工作经验。

魁省紧缺职业列表(NOC 0,A,B)-飞出国-20191030

NOC Level 中文名称 英文名称
0121 0 保险,房地产和金融经纪经理 Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers
0131 0 电信运营经理 Telecommunication carriers managers
0211 0 工程师经理 Engineering managers
0212 0 建筑师和科学家经理 Architecture and science managers
0213 0 计算机和信息系统经理 Computer and information systems managers
0412 0 政府管理人员-经济分析,政策制定和计划管理 Government managers-economic analysis, policy development and program administration
0513 0 娱乐,体育和健身计划和服务董事 Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
0621 0 零售和批发贸易经理 Retail and wholesale trade managers
0712 0 家居建材和装修经理 Home building and renovation managers
0821 0 农业经理 Managers in agriculture
0911 0 制造业经理 Manufacturing managers
1111 A 财务审计师和会计师 Financial auditors and accountants
1114 A 其他财务人员 Other financial officers
1121 A 人力资源专业人士 Human resources professionals
1122 A 企业管理咨询的专业职业 Professional occupations in business management consulting
1123 A 广告,市场营销和公共关系专业职业 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations
1211 B 主管,总经理办公室和行政支持人员 Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
1212 B 主管,金融保险业职业 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers
1214 B 主管,邮政和信息分发职业 Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations
1215 B 主管,供应链,跟踪和调度协调职业 Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations
1221 B 行政人员 Administrative officers
1222 B 行政助理 Executive assistants
1223 B 人力资源和招聘顾问 Human resources and recruitment officers
1225 B 采购代理人员 Purchasing agents and officers
1226 B 会议和活动策划 Conference and event planners
1242 B 法律行政助理 Legal administrative assistants
1254 B 统计官员和相关研究支持职业 Statistical officers and related research support occupations
1311 B 会计技师和会计员 Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
1312 B 保险理算和索赔审查员 Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
1313 B 保险承销商 Insurance underwriters
1315 B 海关,船舶和其他经纪人 Customs, ship and other brokers
2111 A 物理学家和天文学家 Physicists and astronomers
2112 A 化学家 Chemists
2113 A 地质学家和海洋学家 Geoscientists and oceanographers
2123 A 农业代表,顾问和专家 Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists
2131 A 土木工程师 Civil engineers
2132 A 机械工程师 Mechanical engineers
2133 A 电气和电子工程师 Electrical and electronics engineers
2141 A 工业和制造工程师 Industrial and manufacturing engineers
2143 A 矿业工程师 Mining engineers
2146 A 航天工程师 Aerospace engineers
2147 A 计算机工程师(软件工程师和设计师除外) Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
2154 A 土地测量师 Land surveyors
2161 A 数学家,统计学家和精算师 Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries
2171 A 信息系统分析师和顾问 Information systems analysts and consultants
2172 A 数据库分析师和数据管理员 Database analysts and data administrators
2173 A 软件工程师和设计师 Software engineers and designers
2174 A 计算机程序员和互动媒体开发 Computer programmers and interactive media developers
2175 A 网页设计师和开发人员 Web designers and developers
2211 B 化学技师和技术员 Chemical technologists and technicians
2212 B 地质和矿产技师和技术员 Geological and mineral technologists and technicians
2223 B 林业技师和技术员 Forestry technologists and technicians
2225 B 园林和园艺技术人员和专家 Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists
2231 B 民用工程技师和技术员 Civil engineering technologists and technicians
2232 B 机械工程技术人员和技术人员 Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
2233 B 工业工程与制造技师和技术员 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians
2241 B 电气和电子工程技术人员和技术人员 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
2243 B 工业仪器仪表的技术人员和机械师 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
2252 B 工业设计师 Industrial designers
2253 B 起草技师和技术员 Drafting technologists and technicians
2263 B 公众和环境健康及职业健康安全检查员 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety
2271 B 航空飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官 Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
2281 B 计算机网络技术 Computer network technicians
2283 B 信息系统测试技术员 Information systems testing technicians
3012 A 注册护士及注册精神科护士 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
3111 A 专科医师 Specialist physicians
3112 A 全科医生和家庭医生 General practitioners and family physicians
3114 A 兽医 Veterinarians
3121 A 视光师 Optometrists
3131 A 药剂师 Pharmacists
3141 A 听觉病矫治专家和语音语言病理学家 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
3142 A 物理治疗师 Physiotherapists
3143 A 职业治疗师 Occupational therapists
3211 B 医学实验室化验师 Medical laboratory technologists
3212 B 医学实验室技术人员和病理学家助理 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants
3213 B 动物健康技术人员和兽医技术人员 Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians
3214 B 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
3215 B 医疗放射技师 Medical radiation technologists
3217 B 心脏病学技师和电生理诊断技师,制造业 Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c.
3219 B 其他医疗技师和技术员(除牙齿健康) Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)
3222 B 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗 Dental hygienists and dental therapists
3223 B 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理 Dental technologists, technicians and laboratory assistants
3234 B 医疗辅助职业 Paramedical occupations
4021 A 学院和其他职业教师 College and other vocational instructors
4031 A 中学教师 Secondary school teachers
4032 A 小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
4151 A 心理学家 Psychologists
4166 A 教育政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers
4214 B 幼儿教育工作者和助理 Early childhood educators and assistants
5223 B 图形艺术技术员的 Graphic arts technicians
5241 B 平面设计师和插画画家 Graphic designers and illustrators
6231 B 保险代理人和经纪人 Insurance agents and brokers
6235 B 金融销售代表 Financial sales representatives
6311 B 餐饮服务主管 Food service supervisors
6321 B 厨师 Chefs
6322 B 厨师 Cooks
6331 B 屠宰,切肉和鱼贩-零售及批发 Butchers, meat cutters and fishmongers-retail and wholesale
6342 B 裁缝,裁缝,皮货和女帽 Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners
7201 B 机械加工,金属成型,塑造和树立行业及相关行业,承包商和监督员 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations
7204 B 木工行业,承包商和监督员 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades
7205 B 建设行业,安装,维修和服务商,承包商和监督员 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
7231 B 机械师和加工和模具督察 Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors
7232 B 的工具和模具制造商 Tool and die makers
7233 B 钣金工人 Sheet metal workers
7237 B 焊工和相关机器操作员 Welders and related machine operators
7242 B 工业电工 Industrial electricians
7246 B 电信安装和维修工人 Telecommunications installation and repair workers
7301 B 承包商和主管,机械行业 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
7305 B 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营 Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators
7311 B 的建设millwrights和工业机械 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
7312 B 重型设备技师 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
7318 B 电梯的构造和力学 Elevator constructors and mechanics
7321 B 汽车维修技师,卡车和公共汽车力学和机械维修 Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers
7333 B 电气力学 Electrical mechanics
7371 B 起重机操作员 Crane operators
8221 B 主管,采矿和采石 Supervisors, mining and quarrying
8252 B 农业服务承包商,农场主管和专门的牲畜工人 Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers
9211 B 主管,矿产和金属加工 Supervisors, mineral and metal processing
9212 B 主管,石油,天然气和化工处理和公用事业 Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities
9213 B 主管,食品,饮料及相关产品的加工 Supervisors, food, beverage and associated products processing
9215 B 主管,林产品加工 Supervisors, forest products processing
9224 B 主管,家具及固定装置制造业 Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
9241 B 电源工程师和电力系统运营商 Power engineers and power systems operators
9243 B 水及废物处理厂运营 Water and waste treatment plant operators

魁省紧缺职业列表(NOC C,D)-飞出国-20191030

NOC Level 中文名称 英文名称
1522 C 仓库保管员 Storekeepers and partspersons
1525 C 调度员 Dispatchers
1526 C 交通路线和船员调度 Transportation route and crew schedulers
3411 C 牙科助理 Dental assistants
3413 C 护士助手,看护员和病人服务合作员 Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
4412 C 家庭支持工人,管家和相关职业 Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
4421 C 警长和法警 Sheriffs and bailiffs
4422 C 惩教服务人员 Correctional service officers
6421 C 零售售货员 Retail salespersons
6513 C 食品和饮料服务员 Food and beverage servers
6611 D 收银员 Cashiers
6622 D 商店货架储存器,管理员和订单取货 Store shelf stockers, clerks and order fillers
6623 D 其他销售相关职业 Other sales related occupations
6711 D 食品柜台服务员,厨房助手和相关支持职业 Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
7511 C 运输卡车司机 Transport truck drivers
7514 C 交货和快递服务司机 Delivery and courier service drivers
7521 C 重型设备操作员(除了起重机) Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
8431 C 一般农场工人 General farm workers
8432 C 苗圃和温室工人 Nursery and greenhouse workers
8611 D 收割工人 Harvesting labourers
8612 D 园林绿化和场地维护工人 Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers
8614 D 煤矿工人 Mine labourers
9411 C 机床操作员,矿产和金属加工 Machine operators, mineral and metal processing
9412 C 铸造工人 Foundry workers
9416 C 金属加工和锻造机运营商 Metalworking and forging machine operators
9421 C 化学厂机器经营者 Chemical plant machine operators
9446 C 工业缝纫机经营 Industrial sewing machine operators
9461 C 过程控制和机器操作员,食品,饮料及相关产品加工 Process control and machine operators, food, beverage and associated products processing
9462 C 工业屠夫和切肉工,家禽肉类处理工及有关人员 Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers
9463 C 鱼和海鲜工厂工人 Fish and seafood plant workers
9524 C 汇编和督察,电器,仪器和设备的制造 Assemblers and inspectors, electrical appliance, apparatus and equipment manufacturing
9526 C 机械装配和检验员 Mechanical assemblers and inspectors
9532 C 家具和灯具装配和检查员 Furniture and fixture assemblers and inspectors
9533 C 其他木制品的装配和检查员 Other wood products assemblers and inspectors
9535 C 塑料产品装配,选手和检查员 Plastic products assemblers, finishers and inspectors
9614 D 劳动力在木材,纸浆和纸加工工人 Labourers in wood, pulp and paper processing
9617 D 食品,饮料及相关产品的加工工人 Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing
9618 D 鱼类和海产品加工工人 Labourers in fish and seafood processing